Which of the 7 Root Causes of
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Do You Have?

Which of the 7 Root Causes of
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Do You Have?

Sign Up Below To Get Your Free Report!

Find out the underlying issues that commonly cause Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and get a better understanding which ones are affecting you.

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Enter your email above to receive your free report:
“7 Most Common Root Causes in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome”
written just for you!

Hi, I’m Beth O’Hara, Functional Naturopath and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome survivor.  I’ve created this free guide for anyone who’s wondering if their health issues are related to Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cells.  Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How those with chronic Lyme disease who aren’t getting better (and other sick people) might actually have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Why “healthy” foods for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome can easily cause you to feel worse
  • Little known Genetic factors that can determine whether you heal or not
  • The secret hormone linchpin for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome recovery success
  • Connecting mold, mycotoxins and histamine problems (simplified for you)

Not to mention you’ll learn all of the 7 most common root causes I see in my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome clients.

When you sign up for the Free Report, you will also get my best Mast Cell Activation Syndrome tips and low histamine recipes each week. I promise to never share your email address. You can unsubscribe anytime. Some email providers are automatically blocking the Free Report email. Please wait 5 minutes and check your Spam and other folders. If you don’t see our email, simply click Contact Us and ask us to send your Root Causes Free Report.

Before I met Beth, I could not get rid of chronic Lyme symptoms and I was having so many reactions to foods and environmental insults. I felt like I’d never get better. I didn’t understand Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Histamine Intolerance so I was mainly going after Lyme and heavy metal toxicity symptoms using herbs, homeopathics and supplements. Turns out I was taking and eating a lot of things (like ferments) that kept me from getting better. I believe now that the Lyme had no longer been an issue for years, and it was actually undiagnosed MCAS as well as underlying issues caused my metals, molds and genetic mutations.

I really wanted to work with someone who understood genetic analysis and how that related to the symptoms I was having. After serendipitously speaking with one of Beth’s other clients I suspected I could have MCAS and wanted to address it.

Through working with Beth, I now understand my genetic issues. I know how to take care of myself around food and environmental triggers. And I now know that I still have heavy metal and mold toxicity to work on to feel 100%.

Working with Beth’s Mast Cell 360 program has helped me understand MCAS and how oxalates and lectins cause flares for me. I also understand what works and doesn’t work for my body, given my genetics. I am now a new person. I can imagine my future again and I’m taking steps to rebuild my life.

The first thing I noticed were less mast cell reactions. I had been having constant burning mouth and red neck. I even broke into hives when I showered. This went away after about 8 months. My brain fog is nonexistent most of the time (that was a huge issue I was dealing with). My neurological inflammation improved, joint pain improved, and my energy has massively improved. My anxiety and agoraphobia are gone too. My life has changed to nearly normal. I still have improvements to continue to make, but I think I mostly need to increase my stamina which has been on hold for 8 years.

When I had my Initial Appointment with Beth, she believed it would take me about 18 months to really feel better. She was right on target! It’s been 16 months and the relief from my symptoms has exponentially grown in the last few months. I will be forever grateful to Beth for putting me on the road to wellness.

Joy headshot2017 Mast Cell 360 – Joy E.

Metamorphosis. This word best describes my experience with Beth O’Hara. In the two years we have been working together, she has made a tremendous impact on my life. When I first came to Beth, I was struggling every day with MCAS and the accompanying excruciating fibromyalgia pain, migraines, joint pain, severe fatigue, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and sinus problems. I also have Type 2 diabetes. Just getting the dishwasher loaded was impossible and I wasn’t able to drive myself. I had seen dozens of doctors and been on every medication imaginable, but I seemed to continue to get worse.

Beth recognized the food triggers that were causing my symptoms and helped me make changes to how I was eating. She also reviewed my genetics and explained in clear language that I could easily understand how my genes might be affecting my health and helped me with action steps on how to address genetic variants. With these changes, my fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis have decreased tremendously and my sinusitis has almost ceased to exist. My A1C is even down!

My Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is much better managed, and I’m able to drive and even enjoy life again. Life-changing. . .

Kathy H. Testimonial – Kathy H.

Beth has a keen ability to know when introduce the next level or process and she has a wealth of knowledge and the tools to fit my individual needs, she knew exactly when to bring them on board. With her guidance, we incorporated supplements and food changes based on my DNA, along with changes I needed to make in my life to support my health, both body and mind. My histamine issues and inflammation are significantly better, and I am enjoying life in a whole new way.

Beulah H. Testimonial -Beulah H.

When I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, I knew I had to make some changes in my life. After going through radiation, chemo, and surgery, I decided it was time to take charge of my health. I knew I had histamine sensitivity, however, the information available was overwhelming and I was not sure how to figure out what was right for me. I turned to Beth O’Hara to see how genetic testing and personalized supplementation could help. Beth was able to analyze the DNA test results and help me to figure out the best foods and supplements for a healthy lifestyle for me.

Beth has been a wonderful help in navigating through the healing process. I feel so much better! Her vast knowledge, empathy, and calming demeanor have been such a blessing!

Tricia B. Testimonial -Tricia B.

I highly recommend Beth. She is a true health detective. She combines genetic analysis, symptoms and medical test interpretation and figures out what foods, supplements and mind/body approaches are best. She understands how things work in the body and that everyone is different. She offers a very personalized approached at a very reasonable cost. There are many people out there doing genetics, but Beth’s approach makes her far better than the rest. She has succeeded where other doctors have failed.

-Vicki Y.

I went to see Beth when I was having several areas of health concerns and wanted more holistic answers. She asked really great questions and listened with an open mind and an open heart, which helped her get to the bottom of what was causing my health issues. Beth can integrate information from DNA reports, lab results, discussions, observations, her knowledge of how the body works, nutrition, and lifestyle to provide individualized solutions that work for me. My histamine levels are way down, and I’m feeling much better after working with Beth. I recommend her for anyone who is experiencing health concerns and would like a holistic approach that addresses the whole person!

Liz J. Testimonial -Liz J.

My experience has been that her knowledge of individual genetic tendencies allows her to pinpoint contributing factors in many complex health issues, particularly those in which histamine issues and inflammation were a contributing factor. Beth has also been an invaluable resource for me due to her extensive network of competent and skilled practitioners who, like her, are on the cutting edge of new ways to be healthy and whole in mind and body. I have seen significant improvements in my energy, neurotransmitter balance, and sleep and have even been able to come off some of my medications.

Alan H. Testimonial -Alan H.

I came to Beth in chronic pain and fatigue that began with a shoulder injury that was not healing. I was barely sleeping at night and my body was full of inflammation. I’d been through a round of traditional PT and believed I was eating healthily, but I was just not getting better no matter what I tried. With Beth’s guidance, I began to recognize and understand MCAS and other underlying hyper mobility issues that I had. I began the MC360TM protocol, got the right testing and began taking supplements that were gradually bringing me back into balance.

The supplement recommendations were also a game-changer for me, and I was finally able to break out of my long cycle of pain and inflammation. Beth truly is on the cutting edge of this field, and I am so grateful to her for it. I’m still healing, but it’s been such a huge transformation that I can barely even remember those days of chronic pain, sleep deprivation and hopelessness now.

Gail T. -Gail T.

Our journey began before we knew it. You think your daughter just has a bad case of allergies, or has just thrown her back out, requiring chiropractic care. However, as her symptoms began to multiply, we could look back in the rear view mirror and see that all of these little things (even ones you didn’t think much about) were more than just “noise in the background,” but were pointing us to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. 
We dealt with constant ear infections with our baby, steroid creams were given to her as a toddler for skin so dry it was flaking off and bleeding from scratching, as a young girl there wasn’t a pair of earrings she could wear without pain/swelling in her lobes. At the age of nine we had added more “things” to the allergy list. Cats and pollen made her itch and swell even through consistent doses of Benadryl. It was three years ago when food became the next issue. Throat swelling after meals. This was followed by such severe back pain she was not able to walk for a week. We went to a chiropractor, but at this time did not realize that the intensity of symptoms was due to the fact that we were getting close to degranulation. The neck manipulations put her body over the edge. Pollen season came and the allergies became life-threatening. We were now battling anaphylaxis. This was the peak of our health concern before coming to Beth. 
We had done steroids (in cream and pill prescribed by doctors) and all sorts of medications the doctors prescribed. We saw no results. In fact, our daughter was getting worse. 
We decided to try supplements and low-histamine diets we found online. We saw some improvement, but not with all the major concerns. At this point we knew we didn’t have the experience to test so that we would even know what natural supports to use. 
We found Beth’s site. Her story sounded familiar. We decided to try a few things on her site just to see what happened. We got the recommended shower filter. That night our daughter took a shower for the first time without having a rash after! We decided to reach out for an initial appointment. The questions she asked alone brought up things that we thought were “just something to deal with” that we never equated to MCAS. 
Within two months we saw change! No more anaphylaxis! We knew we weren’t out of the woods yet. It was summer and we weren’t in the throes of pollen season that send our daughter’s body in a tail spin. We needed healing and preparation for her body before spring. The testing showed things we never thought about. We are seeing healing! Our daughter is healing! As I type this it’s hard to hold back the tears as I reflect on the journal I was keeping through her hardest moments. Each day with aches, pains, and fear of not being able to breathe. We are able to increase her foods. Her diet had to be extremely limited, but we are slowly building back as we heal. 
Our daughter is a teen-ager with hormones that drive a lot of emotion through this trial. Beth met with her online, but also allowed us to be the mediators because she knows how overwhelming this whole thing can be. Beth has been a break-through for our daughter’s fear to even attempt physical therapy that she needed. After severe pain from a chiropractor visit, our daughter was in tears to go anywhere else to have someone help. 
In the end, it is truly the fact that Beth has lived with this condition long enough to have full knowledge of things we don’t understand. She has educated us and gone above and beyond to help. She has come to know that when Beth tells her what shampoos won’t make her itch, what supplements will detox her and even what shower filters to use to help with rashes are coming from someone with experience. 
We don’t ever plan to use another practitioner. How could we? Our daughter was passing out with anaphylaxis and flat on her back from pain at one point in our journey, and today she is active and managing well with her family and friends. 
We are blessed to have Beth on our health care team. 

Carol W. -Carol W.

Sign Up Below To Get Your Free Report!

Find out the underlying issues that commonly cause Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and get a better understanding which ones are affecting you.

* indicates required

Enter your email above to receive your free report:
"7 Most Common Root Causes in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome"
written just for you!

Hi, I’m Beth O’Hara, Functional Naturopath and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome survivor.  I’ve created this free guide for anyone who’s wondering if their health issues are related to Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cells.  Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How those with chronic Lyme disease who aren’t getting better (and other sick people) might actually have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Why “healthy” foods for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome can easily cause you to feel worse
  • Little known Genetic factors that can determine whether you heal or not
  • The secret hormone linchpin for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome recovery success
  • Connecting mold, mycotoxins and histamine problems (simplified for you)

Not to mention you’ll learn all of the 7 most common root causes I see in my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome clients.

When you sign up for the Free Report, you will also get my best Mast Cell Activation Syndrome tips and low histamine recipes each week. I promise to never share your email address. You can unsubscribe anytime. Some email providers are automatically blocking the Free Report email. Please wait 5 minutes and check your Spam and other folders. If you don’t see our email, simply click Contact Us and ask us to send your Root Causes Free Report.

Before I met Beth, I could not get rid of chronic Lyme symptoms and I was having so many reactions to foods and environmental insults. I felt like I’d never get better. I didn’t understand Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Histamine Intolerance so I was mainly going after Lyme and heavy metal toxicity symptoms using herbs, homeopathics and supplements. Turns out I was taking and eating a lot of things (like ferments) that kept me from getting better. I believe now that the Lyme had no longer been an issue for years, and it was actually undiagnosed MCAS as well as underlying issues caused my metals, molds and genetic mutations.

I really wanted to work with someone who understood genetic analysis and how that related to the symptoms I was having. After serendipitously speaking with one of Beth’s other clients I suspected I could have MCAS and wanted to address it.

Through working with Beth, I now understand my genetic issues. I know how to take care of myself around food and environmental triggers. And I now know that I still have heavy metal and mold toxicity to work on to feel 100%.

Working with Beth’s Mast Cell 360 program has helped me understand MCAS and how oxalates and lectins cause flares for me. I also understand what works and doesn’t work for my body, given my genetics. I am now a new person. I can imagine my future again and I’m taking steps to rebuild my life.

The first thing I noticed were less mast cell reactions. I had been having constant burning mouth and red neck. I even broke into hives when I showered. This went away after about 8 months. My brain fog is nonexistent most of the time (that was a huge issue I was dealing with). My neurological inflammation improved, joint pain improved, and my energy has massively improved. My anxiety and agoraphobia are gone too. My life has changed to nearly normal. I still have improvements to continue to make, but I think I mostly need to increase my stamina which has been on hold for 8 years.

When I had my Initial Appointment with Beth, she believed it would take me about 18 months to really feel better. She was right on target! It’s been 16 months and the relief from my symptoms has exponentially grown in the last few months. I will be forever grateful to Beth for putting me on the road to wellness.

Joy headshot2017 Mast Cell 360
- Joy E.

Metamorphosis. This word best describes my experience with Beth O’Hara. In the two years we have been working together, she has made a tremendous impact on my life. When I first came to Beth, I was struggling every day with MCAS and the accompanying excruciating fibromyalgia pain, migraines, joint pain, severe fatigue, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and sinus problems. I also have Type 2 diabetes. Just getting the dishwasher loaded was impossible and I wasn’t able to drive myself. I had seen dozens of doctors and been on every medication imaginable, but I seemed to continue to get worse.

Beth recognized the food triggers that were causing my symptoms and helped me make changes to how I was eating. She also reviewed my genetics and explained in clear language that I could easily understand how my genes might be affecting my health and helped me with action steps on how to address genetic variants. With these changes, my fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis have decreased tremendously and my sinusitis has almost ceased to exist. My A1C is even down!

My Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is much better managed, and I’m able to drive and even enjoy life again. Life-changing. . .

Kathy H. Testimonial
- Kathy H.

Beth has a keen ability to know when introduce the next level or process and she has a wealth of knowledge and the tools to fit my individual needs, she knew exactly when to bring them on board. With her guidance, we incorporated supplements and food changes based on my DNA, along with changes I needed to make in my life to support my health, both body and mind. My histamine issues and inflammation are significantly better, and I am enjoying life in a whole new way.

Beulah H. Testimonial
-Beulah H.

When I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, I knew I had to make some changes in my life. After going through radiation, chemo, and surgery, I decided it was time to take charge of my health. I knew I had histamine sensitivity, however, the information available was overwhelming and I was not sure how to figure out what was right for me. I turned to Beth O’Hara to see how genetic testing and personalized supplementation could help. Beth was able to analyze the DNA test results and help me to figure out the best foods and supplements for a healthy lifestyle for me.

Beth has been a wonderful help in navigating through the healing process. I feel so much better! Her vast knowledge, empathy, and calming demeanor have been such a blessing!

Tricia B. Testimonial
-Tricia B.

I highly recommend Beth. She is a true health detective. She combines genetic analysis, symptoms and medical test interpretation and figures out what foods, supplements and mind/body approaches are best. She understands how things work in the body and that everyone is different. She offers a very personalized approached at a very reasonable cost. There are many people out there doing genetics, but Beth’s approach makes her far better than the rest. She has succeeded where other doctors have failed.

-Vicki Y.

I went to see Beth when I was having several areas of health concerns and wanted more holistic answers. She asked really great questions and listened with an open mind and an open heart, which helped her get to the bottom of what was causing my health issues. Beth can integrate information from DNA reports, lab results, discussions, observations, her knowledge of how the body works, nutrition, and lifestyle to provide individualized solutions that work for me. My histamine levels are way down, and I’m feeling much better after working with Beth. I recommend her for anyone who is experiencing health concerns and would like a holistic approach that addresses the whole person!

Liz J. Testimonial
-Liz J.

My experience has been that her knowledge of individual genetic tendencies allows her to pinpoint contributing factors in many complex health issues, particularly those in which histamine issues and inflammation were a contributing factor. Beth has also been an invaluable resource for me due to her extensive network of competent and skilled practitioners who, like her, are on the cutting edge of new ways to be healthy and whole in mind and body. I have seen significant improvements in my energy, neurotransmitter balance, and sleep and have even been able to come off some of my medications.

Alan H. Testimonial
-Alan H.

I came to Beth in chronic pain and fatigue that began with a shoulder injury that was not healing. I was barely sleeping at night and my body was full of inflammation. I’d been through a round of traditional PT and believed I was eating healthily, but I was just not getting better no matter what I tried. With Beth’s guidance, I began to recognize and understand MCAS and other underlying hyper mobility issues that I had. I began the MC360TM protocol, got the right testing and began taking supplements that were gradually bringing me back into balance.

The supplement recommendations were also a game-changer for me, and I was finally able to break out of my long cycle of pain and inflammation. Beth truly is on the cutting edge of this field, and I am so grateful to her for it. I’m still healing, but it’s been such a huge transformation that I can barely even remember those days of chronic pain, sleep deprivation and hopelessness now.

Gail T.
-Gail T.

Our journey began before we knew it. You think your daughter just has a bad case of allergies, or has just thrown her back out, requiring chiropractic care. However, as her symptoms began to multiply, we could look back in the rear view mirror and see that all of these little things (even ones you didn’t think much about) were more than just “noise in the background,” but were pointing us to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. 
We dealt with constant ear infections with our baby, steroid creams were given to her as a toddler for skin so dry it was flaking off and bleeding from scratching, as a young girl there wasn’t a pair of earrings she could wear without pain/swelling in her lobes. At the age of nine we had added more “things” to the allergy list. Cats and pollen made her itch and swell even through consistent doses of Benadryl. It was three years ago when food became the next issue. Throat swelling after meals. This was followed by such severe back pain she was not able to walk for a week. We went to a chiropractor, but at this time did not realize that the intensity of symptoms was due to the fact that we were getting close to degranulation. The neck manipulations put her body over the edge. Pollen season came and the allergies became life-threatening. We were now battling anaphylaxis. This was the peak of our health concern before coming to Beth. 
We had done steroids (in cream and pill prescribed by doctors) and all sorts of medications the doctors prescribed. We saw no results. In fact, our daughter was getting worse. 
We decided to try supplements and low-histamine diets we found online. We saw some improvement, but not with all the major concerns. At this point we knew we didn’t have the experience to test so that we would even know what natural supports to use. 
We found Beth’s site. Her story sounded familiar. We decided to try a few things on her site just to see what happened. We got the recommended shower filter. That night our daughter took a shower for the first time without having a rash after! We decided to reach out for an initial appointment. The questions she asked alone brought up things that we thought were “just something to deal with” that we never equated to MCAS. 
Within two months we saw change! No more anaphylaxis! We knew we weren’t out of the woods yet. It was summer and we weren’t in the throes of pollen season that send our daughter’s body in a tail spin. We needed healing and preparation for her body before spring. The testing showed things we never thought about. We are seeing healing! Our daughter is healing! As I type this it’s hard to hold back the tears as I reflect on the journal I was keeping through her hardest moments. Each day with aches, pains, and fear of not being able to breathe. We are able to increase her foods. Her diet had to be extremely limited, but we are slowly building back as we heal. 
Our daughter is a teen-ager with hormones that drive a lot of emotion through this trial. Beth met with her online, but also allowed us to be the mediators because she knows how overwhelming this whole thing can be. Beth has been a break-through for our daughter’s fear to even attempt physical therapy that she needed. After severe pain from a chiropractor visit, our daughter was in tears to go anywhere else to have someone help. 
In the end, it is truly the fact that Beth has lived with this condition long enough to have full knowledge of things we don’t understand. She has educated us and gone above and beyond to help. She has come to know that when Beth tells her what shampoos won’t make her itch, what supplements will detox her and even what shower filters to use to help with rashes are coming from someone with experience. 
We don’t ever plan to use another practitioner. How could we? Our daughter was passing out with anaphylaxis and flat on her back from pain at one point in our journey, and today she is active and managing well with her family and friends. 
We are blessed to have Beth on our health care team. 

Carol W.
-Carol W.