Low Histamine Foods List for MCAS and Histamine Intolerance
Low and High Histamine Foods Lists
Hi! Welcome to the Low and High Histamine Foods List.
This list is to give you a place to start in working on eating low histamine. There are many different histamine lists online. Some were created by listing every food someone reacted to. But those reactions may not have been due to histamines. Some lists include a lot of processed, packaged foods. But processed foods can make Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance worse over time.
I wanted this list to be as reliable as possible. So I took the best research available about histamine foods to make this list. I recommend including lots of high nutrient foods from this list. Foods like cauliflower, onions, and blueberries have anti-histamine properties. So load up on the anti-histamine foods!
Remember that histamine levels work like a bucket. You might be ok with 1 strawberry or 1 bite of pineapple. But if you combine a few bites here and there of high histamine foods, your bucket might overflow.
Your histamine bucket can be more full due to exposure to seasonal allergens, mold, fluctuating hormones, dehydration, stress, etc. So keep this in mind when making food choices.
There are other types of foods that people with MCAS or Histamine Intolerance may react to. These include lectins and oxalates. So try new foods slowly and cautiously until you know how your body will respond. This list is meant to be a starting place for you to make your own personal list. If you seem to be reacting to a lot of foods that are low histamine, you may have additional food sensitivities. If this is the case, you can reach out to me for help. I can help you customize this list to your own list.
The long term goal is to support histamine pathways to work correctly and reduce mast cell over-reactivity so that we can include more foods over time. Many higher histamine foods have great nutrients. So we want to try to bring many of those back on board at some point when it is safe. I was once down to a very small number of safe foods. It has taken a lot of work to get foods back in my diet. But it isn’t healthy to be on a very restricted diet long term. I can now eat everything on the low histamine list below. I can also eat small amounts of firm avocado and dried cranberries. I want this for you too!
Just let me know if you need my help by emailing us.
Sending the best for your health!
Beth O’Hara, Functional Naturopath
Key to the Mast Cell 360 Low Histamine Diet Foods List:
* = Has been noted as higher histamine, but contains high amounts of histamine lowering nutrients that can balance
Italics = particularly high in histamine lowering nutrients, Emphasize these
![Food Name] = High in pesticide residue – buy organic
-L = Lectin: may trigger those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
-O = High Oxalate: may trigger those with Oxalate issues, quantities given after the O are for those watching oxalates. DO NOT go low oxalate cold turkey – this can make you very ill. If you have oxalate issues, be sure to work with a qualified Heath Care Practitioner who is very experienced in this area to guide you.
>>> Click here for a printable pdf – Low Histamine Shopping List
Important Notes for Mast Cell 360 Low Histamine Diet
Phase I: Elimination – usually 6 months
Think of this phase as going back to basics. You’ll take out all High Histamine foods, Histamine Liberating foods, and Diamine Oxidase (DAO) blocking foods.
- Start with the Phase I tips in the blog post The Low Histamine Diet Plan I recommend at this phase you avoid all dairy (except ghee), eggs, fish (even frozen Wild Alaskan salmon) and all high histamine foods.
- Avoid packaged and processed foods.
- Freeze all leftovers after cooking. Bring your own properly prepared meat to restaurants during Phase I Elimination
- Be sure to follow the Meat Handling tips here.
- Emphasize nutrient dense herbs and vegetables that are histamine lowering.
- Follow this phase for 6 months
- Keep a food diary of foods and symptoms so you can track if you may have other food sensitivities or intolerances beyond Histamine. This is common to have.
- Follow the other Low Histamine Diet Tips in these 2 posts: How to do a Low Histamine Diet Part 1: Identifying High Histamine Foods and How to Do a Low Histamine Diet Part 2: What to Eat
- Once your Histamine symptoms are significantly improved, you can go on to Phase II. If you HAVE NOT significantly improved within 6 months, there are other factors you need to address.
- I always want to encourage you to work with a provider who understands these different kinds of food issues and can help you make sure you get the nutrients you need. And remember, you never want to give up foods unnecessarily. Getting a wide variety of nutrients is important for good health.
Supporting blog posts for the Mast Cell 360 Low Histamine Diet:
- The Low Histamine Diet Plan
- All Low Histamine Recipes
- 14 Healthy Low Histamine Meal Ideas + Dessert Options!
- Are you Raising your Histamine Levels with these
Meat Handling Mistakes?
It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. If you have any medical condition, it is critical you work under the care and guidance of a licensed medical provider.
Grains & Carbs – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
Any Gluten free grains:
- Amaranth – O
- Arrowroot flour – O
- Buckwheat – O, L
- Buckwheat flour – O, L
- Buckwheat noodles – O, L
- ![Corn] – L (If tolerated)
- ![Corn] – L – Popped (fresh if tolerated)
- Crackers – Gluten-free- likely O, L
- Millet, grain soaked overnight, rinsed and boiled
- Millet – O
- Oats– O, L
- Pasta – Gluten-free- likely O, L
- Potato Starch – L
- Quinoa– O, L
- Rice, black – O, L
- Rice, brown – O, L
- Rice, white – O, L
- Sorghum, Black – O
- Sorghum, Popped– O (limit to 1/2 cup popped for lower oxalate)
- Sorghum, White – O
- Tapioca Starch or Flour
- Teff – O
Resistant Starches to feed good gut bacteria
- Almond Flour – Blanched – O (very high oxalate)
- Cassava flour – O (Otto’s* see note)
- Flax meal
- Green Banana Flour
- Hazelnut Flour – O
- Hi-Maize resistant starch Fresh Coconut Meat
- Millet, grain soaked overnight, rinsed and boiled
- Millet – O
- Miracle Noodles
- Miracle Rice
- Parsnips
- ![Potatoes] – O, L
- Rutabagas
- Sorghum
- Sweet Potatoes – O (very high oxalate)
- Sweet Potato Starch and Sweet Potato Starch Noodles – O (high oxalate)
- Tiger Nuts
- Tiger Nut flour (Gemini Organics)
- Turnips, greens or root*Otto’s Cassava Flour was tested as 17mg soluble oxalates per 1/4 cup. That is considered a high oxalate level. But with oxalates, the amount you eat can also be a determining factor when considering if it is high, medium, or low. So when using cassava flour, if one portion of a recipe comes out to 1/4 cup of flour per serving, that recipe would be considered high oxalate. If it came out to 1/8 cup or less, that could be considered moderate.But if someone is on a kidney stone diet and counting total oxalates, then the total oxalates at 53.8mg per 1/4 cup would be too high. It depends on how you are counting and what your limit is.
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
Foods made with:
- Baking mixes
- Bleached flour
- Coconut Flour
- Dessert mixes
- Gluten
- Pasta meals – packaged
- Pie, pastry, and fillings – Commercial
- Rice meals – packaged
Vegetables – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
All pure fresh and frozen vegetables and juices except those listed to the right
- Artichokes – O
- Arugula
- Asparagus
- Basil
- Bean Sprouts – L
- Beets – O (very high oxalate)
- Bok choy
- Broccoli
- Broccolini
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage – Chinese
- Cabbage – Green and Red
- Cabbage – Napa
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- ![Celery]
- Celeriac or Celery Root
- Chives
- Cilantro
- Collards
- ![Corn] – L (If tolerated)
- Cucumber – L
- Daikon radishes
- Dandelion greens
- Dill
- Escarole
- Fennel
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Green Split Peas – L
- Jicama
- ![Kale] – Curly – O
- ![Kale] – Lacinato or Dinosaur
- Kohlrabi
- Leafy greens
- Leeks
- Lettuce – Butter
- Lettuce – Endive
- Lettuce – Leaf Green & Red
- Lettuce – Iceberg
- Lettuce – Radicchio – O
- Lettuce – Romaine
- Mesclun
- Mint
- Mizuna
- Mustard greens
- Nopales cactus – O
- Okra – O
- Onions – any kind
- Parsley, curly – O
- Parsley, flat or Italian
- Parsley Root
- Parsnips
- ![Peppers, bell or hot] – L
- Perilla
- Purslane – O (very high oxalate)
- ![Potatoes] – O, L
- Radishes
- Rhubarb – O (very high oxalate)
- Rutabaga / Swede
- Sage
- Saffron
- Scallions / Green Onions
- Shallots
- Squash, Butternut– L
- Squash, Spaghetti– L
- ![Squash, Summer]– L
- Squash, Winter – L
- Squash: Yellow – L
- Sweet Potatoes – O (very high oxalate)
- Swiss Chard – O (very high oxalate)
- Turnip
- Watercress
- Yellow Split Peas -L
- ![Zucchini]– L
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- All vegetables prepared with restricted ingredients
- Eggplant – L, O
- Green Beans, String Beans – L
- Mushrooms
- Peas – L
- Squash, Pumpkin – O
- Sauerkraut
- ![Spinach] – O (very high oxalate)
- Soybeans / edamame
- ![Tomato] and all tomato products – L
Fruits – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- ![Apple]
- Apricot – fresh
- ![Blackberry] – O
- ![Blueberry]
- Cantaloupe (rock melon) -L
- ![Cherries]
- ![Cranberry], fresh
- Currant, fresh
- Dragon Fruit
- Figs, fresh
- Fruit dishes made with allowed
ingredients - ![Grapes] (low histamine, but often have mold)
- Guava – Ripe- VERY high oxalate
- Honeydew – L
- Kiwi – O
- Lemon – 1/2 tsp (not always
tolerated in elimination) - Lime – 1/2 tsp (not always
tolerated in elimination) - Loquat
- Mango
- ![Nectarine]
- Passion Fruit
- ![Peach]
- ![Pear], Bartlett or Bosc
- ![Pear], other variety
- Persimmons / Kaki – O
- Plantain – O
- Pomegranate – O
- *![Raspberries] (limit to 1/4 cup – not always tolerated in elimination)
- Watermelon – L
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Avocado
- Banana
- Dates
- Dried fruit
- Fruit dishes, made with restricted
ingredients - Grapefruit
- Jams, jellies, preservatives, juices made with restricted ingredients
- Loganberry
- Orange and other citrus
- ![Papaya] – O
- Pawpaw- O
- Pineapple
- Plums
- Prunes
- Raisins
- ![Strawberries]
- ![Tomato] and all tomato products – L
Meat, Poultry, & Fish – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
Be sure to follow the meat handling tips in this post.
All pure, freshly cooked, un-aged meat or poultry (not ground):
- Beef (only if unaged and not ground))
- Bison (only if unaged and not ground)
- Chicken
- Duck
- Eggs, if tolerated
- Goose
- Lamb
- Liver
- Ostrich
- Pork
- Quail
- Rabbit
- Salmon (frozen) – gutted and frozen within 30 minutes of catch (like Vital Choice’s King Salmon*)
- Turkey
**Try your local farmer’s market or Northstar Bison* or White Oak Pastures for pastured meats that are frozen right after slaughter
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Beef – Aged
(99% of all beef is aged) - Bison – Aged
(99% of all bison is aged) - Cured meats: bacon, salami, pepperoni, luncheon meats and hot dogs
- Fish – All other
- Ground Meats
- Leftover cooked meats
- Processed meats
- Shellfish
Eggs – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
***Many people don’t tolerate eggs. Unless you have run an Egg Zoomer test, you should avoid them in the Elimination phase.
Lower Histamine Foods
- Eggs – All plain, cooked eggs (if tolerated)
Pasture Raised is best
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Eggs prepared with restricted ingredients
- Raw egg white (as in some eggnog, hollandaise sauce, milkshake)
Legumes – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- Beans – Dried – Soak overnight in water and pressure cook. Freshly cooked (kidney, black, navy, garbanzo/chickpeas, etc.)
(pressure cooked is best) – L, O
Garbanzo/chickpeas are medium oxalate - Lentils (legumes are higher lectin, use in moderation) – soak overnight in water and pressure cook – L, O
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Beans – Canned – L, O
- Lentils – Canned -L, O
- Peanuts – L, O
- Soybeans / Edamame
- Tofu
Nuts & Seeds – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- Almonds – Blanched – O (very high oxalate)
- Almonds – with Skins – L, O (very high oxalate)
- Brazil Nuts (only 3-4 nuts/day max) – O
- Chia Seeds – O
- Chestnuts – Fresh – O
- Coconut Cream
- Coconut Meat, Fresh
- Coconut Milk, 100% Pure Coconut Milk only (no additives)
- Flax Seeds
- Hazelnuts – O
- Hemp Protein Powder – O
- Hemp Seeds – O
- Macadamias – O (if over 1/4 cup)
- Pecans – O (if over 1/4 cup)
- Pine Nuts – O
- Pistachios – O (if over 1/4 cup)
- Poppy Seeds – O
- Pumpkin Seeds – L
- Sesame Seeds – O
- Sunflower Seeds- L
- Tiger Nuts (not an actual nut, but a tuber)
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Cashews – L, O
- Coconut – Dried
- Coconut Butter
- Peanuts– L, O
- Walnuts – O
Fats & Oils – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- Avocado Oil – Cold Pressed (use cautiously if DAO levels are very low)
- Butter – Grass Fed
- Coconut Oil – Extra Virgin
- Flax Oil – Cold Pressed
- Ghee – from Grass Fed Cows
- Lard – (If kept frozen, and thawed for individual use)
- Macadamia Oil
- MCT Oil
- Meat drippings – Fresh
- Olive Oil – Extra Virgin (use cautiously if DAO levels are very low)
- Palm Oil – Extra Virgin (unprocessed)
- Rice bran oil
- Salad dressings – Homemade with allowed ingredients
- Sesame Oil
- Sunflower Oil – Cold Pressed – use sparingly can be inflammatory
- Tallow – (If kept frozen, and thawed for individual use)
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Fats and oils with color and/or preservatives
- Hydrolyzed lecithin
- Margarine
- Salad dressings – Prepared with restricted ingredients
- If DAO levels are very low: Olive Oil and Avocado Oil
Spices & Herbs – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- Basil
- Bay Leaves
- Cardamom
- Caraway
- Chives
- Cilantro
- Coriander
- Cumin – O
- Curcumin powder can replace turmeric if oxalates are a concern
- Curry Leaves
- Dill
- Fennel
- Fenugreek
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Lemongrass
- Mint
- Oregano
- Parsley – Flat Leaf- (curly is high oxalate)
- Peppercorns, Pink – O
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Saffron
- Sage
- Salt – only unrefined like Real Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, Himalayan Sea Salt
- Shallots
- Spirulina – O
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Turmeric – O
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Allspice
- Anise
- Cinnamon
- Chili Powder
- Cloves
- Curry powder
- Cayenne
- Foods labeled “with spices”
- Foods labeled “natural flavors” or “artificial flavors”
- Mace
- Mustard
- Nutmeg
- Paprika
- Peppercorns – Black, Green, White – may need to limit to small amounts – O
- Seasoning packets with
restricted ingredients
Sweeteners – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Stevia, Monk fruit, and Inulin are your best choices. Anything that raises your blood sugar will increase histamine levels. So sugar and related items will raise histamine levels. Limit your sugar intake.
Lower Histamine Foods
These don’t affect blood sugar:
- Coconut Sugar – Use sparingly, avoid in elimination
- Homemade sweets with allowed ingredients
- Inulin
- Maple Syrup – Use sparingly
- Monk Fruit – 100% no fillers
- Stevia
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
Anything that raises your blood sugar will increase histamine levels:
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Cake decorations
- Candies
- Confectionary
- Corn syrup
- Desert fillings- Prepared
- Flavored syrups
- Honey
- Icing sugar
- Icing & Frosting – Prepared
- Molasses
- Jams, jellies, marmalades, preserves made with restricted ingredients
- Spreads with restricted ingredients
- Sugar
Miscellaneous & Additives Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- Arrowroot – O, (medium to high oxalate)
- Baking powder
- Baking soda
- Brown Rice Flour – L, O (much higher oxalate)
- Cassava Flour – Otto’s – O, (medium oxalate)
- Cocoa butter (white chocolate with no additives)
- Cream of tartar
- Homemade relishes with allowed ingredients
- Leftovers – freeze right after cooking
- Potato Starch – L
- Sweet Potato Starch
- Tapioca Starch
- White Rice Flour – L, O (medium oxalate)
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
- Bone Broth
- Carob – L, O
- Chocolate and cocoa – O
- Coconut Aminos
- Collagen
- Gelatin
- Gherkin pickles
- Ketchup
- Leftovers not frozen immediately after cooking
- Mincemeat
- Miso
- Nutritional Yeast / Nooch
- Relishes and olives – prepared
- Soy sauce / Tamari
- Vinegars, including white, champagne, and balsamic; apple cider vinegar is lowest and tolerated by some at 1tsp
- Artificial colors
- Artificial flavors
- Calcium Chloride
- Carrageenan
- Citric Acid
- Food colorings
- Hydrolyzed Lecithin / BHA, BHT – Any food made with or cooked in these oils
- Lecithin
- Maltodextrin
- Potassium Sorbate
- Potassium Triphosphate
- Smoke Flavoring
- Sodium Benzoate
- Sodium Nitrite
- Sodium Triphosphate
- Xanthan Gum
- Yeast and Yeast Extract
Beverages – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
- Coconut Water – Fresh
- Coffee – preferably avoid caffeine. If you must drink coffee, then only lower histamine, mold free brands like Purity Coffee*
- Dandelion Root Tea
- Herbal teas, except those listed to the right
- Juice – Pure freshly squeezed juices of allowed fruits and vegetables – limit fruit juice due to sugar
- Mineral Water – Plain and carbonated
- Water – with fresh squeezed lemon or lime (if tolerated)
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- Beer
- Carbonated drinks
- Cider
- Cocoa
- Coconut Water – packaged
- Drinks with “flavor” or “spices”
- Flavored milks
- Fruit juices and cocktails made with restricted
ingredients - Kombucha
- Tea – All black, green, white, rooibos tea
- Wine
**All other alcoholic beverages.
Best tolerated alcohol: top shelf plain vodka, gin, white rum, silver tequila – avoid until Phase II due to blocking of histamine degrading enzymes
Milk & Dairy – Lower Histamine and Higher Histamine
Lower Histamine Foods
***These dairy products are technically low histamine. But many people have casein and lactose issues. Start with only ghee in Phase I: Elimination. If you test negative for dairy sensitivities on a Dairy Zoomer, then you can try adding the others.
- A2 milk – plain
- Butter – grass fed
- Cream (from grass fed cows)
- Cream cheese (from grass fed cows)
- Ghee from grass fed cows
- Goat milk
- Ricotta cheese (from grass fed cows)
- Sheep milk
Higher Histamine Foods – Limit These!
- All prepared dairy products made with restricted
ingredients - Buttermilk
- Cheese
- Kefir
- Yogurt
de Wild-Scholten, Mariska. Understanding Histamine Intolerance & Mast Cell Activation
Environmental Working Group. 2019 Clean 15, Dirty Dozen List
Gibb, James L. Is Food Making You Sick?
Kullman, Pamela. Privately Compiled Notes
Joneja, Janice. Histamine Intolerance The Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals
Ykelenstam, Yasmina. www.Healinghistamine.com
Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support!
Yes, please make a printable low histamine food list for ease of use. Thank you.
Hi Terry, Thanks for letting us know! Please stay tuned!
Please add polydextrose to the additives to avoid section?
Yes please make a list. Also if my histamine is high I should avoid all italicized food including in brackets?
Hi Tiffany! Thank’s for letting us know you’re interested in a printable list. There is a key above in the article that explains what the italicized and bracketed foods mean I’d like to refer you to the italics are foods that actually help lower histamine and the brackets indicate foods that are high in pesticides so we recommend purchasing organic. Since we aren’t familiar with your individual case, we cannot say what foods will or will not work for you.
Yes! Please make a printable list =) Just starting my journey with MCAS, but have been celiac for over 20 years.
Hi Ruth! Thanks for letting us know you’re interested in a printable list! Stay tuned! I too am Celiac and the low histamine diet has definitely helped me on my overall health journey! Best of luck on your healing.
Please make a printable list. I have been low histamine for a year or so, but I am recently discovering the evils of oxalates.
Thanks for letting us know you’re interested in a printable list! Stay tuned! In the meantime, have you seen our blog on oxalates: https://mastcell360.com/What-Are-Oxalates/
Hi! Can you please help me understand which types of squash count as winter (low histamine and which count as pumpkin (high histamine)? Which category do each of these fall into: delicata, kabocha, acorn, red kuri, buttercup? Thanks so much!
Hi Christine, the category of squash has to do what season they are harvested. For example zucchini, yellow squash, pattypan are considered summer squash. Those grown in fall and winter months like acorn, delicata, red kuri, butternut are winter squash.
Thanks Jaime! This might be a stupid question, but what’s the difference between winter squash and pumpkin? I’m just curious because winter squash is listed as low histamine and pumpkin as high histamine, so I want to make sure I’m avoiding the right thing.
Please make a printable list for ease of use. Been sick for many years, and this helped me tremendously
Thanks so much for letting us know your interest in a printable list! Please stay tuned!
Yes! Please make a printable low/high histamines food list!
Oh yes, a printable would be fantastic! Thank you in advance!
yes please
When will the printable list be available? Please can you expand on “stay tuned” … ?!
Hi Matt, we are working hard at getting these completed! We are a small but passionate team and appreciate your patience!
Yes please make a printable list! Your hard work is greatly appreciated!
Please send list of low histamine foods. Thanks.
Regarding artichokes. There is one called Jerusalem artichoke also. Is that also high in oxalates?
And tiger nuts, I found tiger nut butter, do you think that is higher in histamines? Than flour and just eating the nuts as they are.
I appreciate this list! Lots to keep in mind. It has really changed how I view food. Most people havent heard about/have no clue about this type of stuff. So when I mention this they think im crazy lol.
A list would be really helpful:). Currently looking into celiac/ wheat and gluten sensitivity, and histamine intolerance. A little terrified to be honest, I have chronic fatigue syndrome and I’m currently under eating due to struggles with even simple meal prep taking it out of me! So I’m not too sure how I’ll go with food restrictions and probably needing to put more effort into meals. Really hoping I’ll be approved for home assistance. Also very likely dealing with POTS and hEDS. Still probably happier than I’ve been in my life though as I think this has all forced me to rethink what is important to me and prioritise things I enjoy :))
Hi Ella, thanks for letting us know your interest in a printable shopping list! We are sorry to hear that you are dealing with possible food sensitivities. It can be hard to change your diet, but it can also be a great step towards healing. We highly recommend working with a knowledgable professional when changing your diet to help guide the process and make it less daunting. Wishing you all the best on your healing journey.
Odd question but would dehydrated food be high histamine? The only macadamia nuts I can find are dehydrated ones. Thanks
Hi Peg, dehydrated and dried fruits and vegetables/foods fall more under the “aged” category, and can be higher histamine. The longer something is dried and how it was stored will determine the increase in the histamine levels of a particular food.
Curious about stevia being on low histamine list given it’s relationship to ragweed (they’re in the same family)
Hello, our resources state that stevia is low histamine despite its relationship to ragweed. With that said, stevia may or may not be right for everyone. While it’s status itself is low histamine, it is also a sweetener of choice because it doesn’t have the same affect on blood sugar that other sweeteners do which can cause mast cell activation.
A printable of low-histamine foods would be wonderful!
Yes please, a printable list would be brilliant. Your list above and advice has been really useful for me as I navigate histamine overload at the moment. The whole Mast Cell 360 site has been very informative and an invaluable resource – thank you!
Hi Sarah! We appreciate hearing how much the site has been helpful on your journey!
Yes, Please, a printable list would be very helpful. Have you heard of decreased histamine tolerance brought on by certain drugs used in cancer treatment? Or an increase in histamine in the body due to use of certain cancer drugs? We are currently trying to determine if this is the case with me. Any information you might have will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Carol! Thank you for letting us know you’re interested in a printable list. So sorry to hear you are going through cancer treatment. Unfortunately due to the complications that can occur during cancer treatment, our clinic cannot work with anyone currently undergoing treatment for cancer. For this reason, I’m unable to comment at this time whether certain cancer drugs can cause an increase or decrease in histamine in the body, and we definitely recommend discussing your concerns with your licensed medical provider who is familiar with your case.
Hi! First of all, thank you for the hard work you put into this post. Definitely most informative of all I stumbled upon yet.
But, I have a question – what is your source on rooibos being high in histamine? As I understand it, it’s not really a tea per se, rather a herb. And all the other sources state that rooibos is, in fact, very low in histamine.
Hi Mary, our lists have been created with the most sensitive people in mind and marks items as higher histamine in case they are histamine liberators or block the production of DAO (the enzyme the breaks down histamine). Rooibos while technically lower histamine, when made as rooibos tea is often fermented and is often added to tea blends and other incompatible ingredients such as orange zest and sold as “rooibos” so we caution our audience for choosing it for these reasons.
Thank you! Do you think that maybe green, unfermented rooibos would be a safe option?
Do the concerns about histamines and leftovers apply to vegetables, white rice and hard boiled eggs as well or just to meat? Thank you so much for all your help!
Hi Kelly! This is a great question. The concerns about histamines applies to ALL leftovers, not just meat.
I would like a printable low histamine food list. Thanks.
Hi Lori! Thanks so much for your interest in a printable list! Stay tuned our team is working on it!
A printable food list would be amazing! Thank you for all of your resources <3 this website has been so helpful and informative
Does asparagus have low histamine? Or is it low histamine, but can cause a histamine reaction in some way. I was feeling a little less itchy before lunch and chose to purchase asparagus and have some for lunch. I immediately started feeling itchy. I have been making EVERY effort to adhere to the diet without starving to death. I have been extremely itchy for about 2 or 3 weeks now and have chosen to strip back to the bare minimum diet but I keep making little mistakes and am having trouble getting out of this horrible itching phase. Please advise. Thanks.
Hi Sheena, asparagus is low histamine and actually has histamine lowering properties. With that said, histamines exist on a spectrum. Fresh produce is always going to be lower histamine than produce that has been sitting on a grocery store shelf for a week, and it is typically hard to predict how old certain foods are at the grocery store. It may also have been sprayed with something that could have activated your mast cells, so purchasing organic when possible can be helpful. We can’t say for certain what caused your immediate reaction. Our resources are for educational purposes only, when changing your diet, we highly recommend working with a knowledgable practitioner to help you navigate complex dietary changes to avoid restrictive diets and nutrient deficiencies. You may be interested in reading our blog on DAO and how this can help with the breakdown of histamine in the digestive tract: https://mastcell360.com/diamine-oxidase-new-cleaner-formula-must-read-if-you-have-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-or-histamine-intolerance/
A printable list would be awesome!
Would love a printable list. Thank you!
I would like to receive a printable list, please. Thank you!
Hi Sara! Thanks so much for letting us know your interest in a printable list! Our team is working on these and hope to have them ready soon!
Hi, thank for all your hard work. Please send me a printable list. Thx
Hi John. We are working on these resources and should have them ready soon. We appreciate your patience.
A printable would be very helpful, especially for those who are new to this.
Hi Kate,
Our team is working hard on getting these lists ready! Thank you for sharing your interest!
– Kam
Please send me a printable food list! Thank you!
Hi Carol,
You can find all of our printable food lists here, towards the bottom of the page: https://mastcell360.com/summmit-resources-low-histamine-foods/
Can you please send me a printable food list? Thanks.
Hello Oneida,
You can find all our printable food lists on this page, towards the bottom: https://mastcell360.com/summmit-resources-low-histamine-foods/
Hi, do you consider matcha and hojicha high histamine? The “internet” says it isn’t but green tea is high on your list. Thank you!
Hi Nicole,
While some teas can be higher histamine because they are produced through methods that may include fermentation. Green teas including match and hojicha are on our list because they interfere with your body’s natural balance DAO enzymes. If lots of high histamine foods and DAO blocking foods or drinks are consumed your DAO enzymes may not be able to keep your histamine intolerance symptoms in check. With that said, since we are unfamiliar with your individual case, we cannot say what your personal level of sensitivity is to these specific teas and it may be something you choose to play around with to see what you tolerate. Since our general audience is hypersensitive, we’ve opted to make our list as comprehensive as possible, but understand that everyone is and individual and needs to find what works best for them.
Yes, please make a printable low histamine foods list. Thank you!
would love a printable list
I would overmuch like a printable page! This is so helpful. Thank you for this extensive list.
SO much useful information. A printable list would be wonderful. Thanks in advance for all your doing for healing, health, and happiness!
Wow, what an incredible website! Thank you for all the research and effort to put this together for us and all the resources and food lists! WELL DONE, EXCELLENT! Can you please tell me why Chicken is ok low histamine but bones broth is not recommended? Does it have to do with the idea that bone broth would be a “leftover”?
Thank you, Mary. We’re so happy these resources are helpful for you! The short answer is that bones raise histamine, and especially if they are cooked for long periods. But there are other considerations. We have a post that could have been written just to answer this question for you. You can find it here: https://mastcell360.com/meat-broth-the-gut-healing-bone-broth-alternative-for-people-with-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-or-histamine-intolerance-low-histamine-low-lectin-low-oxalate-low-fodmap-low-salicylate/
What tests are needed to know if one has MCAS, Histamine, Oxalates, or Lectins problems? And will healing Leaky Gut and Candida address all these issues?
Hi Mary,
Those are all excellent questions. We have resources on all of the on the blog to read!
Testing can be a bit tricky, it’s often based more on how an individual feels and responds to things. For MCAS and Histamine Intolerance, you can read more about testing in this post (it’s myth #6): https://mastcell360.com/mcas-symptoms/
Healing the gut goes a long way to helping many things. There’s an order for all of it that is generally helpful. You can watch the video on the Mast Cell 360 Method here: https://www.facebook.com/MastCell360/videos/443600077620035
You can search any info you want by using the ‘search’ function in the upper right bar of our website to find more information on Candida and Leaky Gut (both things we commonly see with MCAS).
They’ll also be discussing a lot of your questions at the summit! If you haven’t already registered for the free summit now taking place, you can do that here: mastcell360.com/register
Hi hi, thank you 🙏
I like a print also.
What is the alternative for the Meat when here is no frozen Meat without e nummers at all. I bought it so fresh as posible from butcher? Is that ok? My reaction was ok.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Hello Patricia,
It is very individual. Think of histamine like a sink, and everybody has a different sized sink or things filling that sink daily. As long as your sink doesn’t overflow, you’re fine. You might find this post on ways to keep meat low histamine helpful: https://mastcell360.com/are-you-raising-your-histamine-levels-with-these-meat-handling-mistakes/
I’ve seen that peanuts should be avoided, but I have seen in other lists out there that peanut butter is ok (I believe it was not high histamine, but could act as a liberator, so caution is warranted I suppose). I would like to get your opinion on that, and also if it turns out that peanut butter is acceptable, would the powdered peanut butter also be ok? I’ve seen my last question come up before but no one seems to be able to find anything out. Thnaks.
Hello. Peanuts are typically not compatible for those with histamine intolerance due the the high probability of mold contamination. Our comprehensive list above was created with our highly sensitive population in mind, but since everyone has a different level of sensitivity it may be a food you choose to experiment with to understand your own tolerance. We cannot say what will or will not work for you. The other thing to keep in mind is that histamine exists on a spectrum. Fresh nuts will be lower histamine than nut products that have been processed to become shelf stable.
Low histamine printable list please. Submitted a comment before and never got, thank you.
Hi Sara! We are glad you’re excited for the lists! We are working on them!
Hello, I’ve been following your work for a while and planning on trying low histamine eating … again, a printable list would be amazing , thanks in advance !
Yes please – printable form of a table
Is a sourdough bread high in histamines?
Would you recommend an acceptable bread brand to buy?
Hi Adriana! Sourdough bread would be considered higher histamine due to the fermentation. We also find many in the community do not do well with gluten. Here is a low histamine bread recipe from our site: https://mastcell360.com/low-histamine-everything-bagel-bread-recipe-low-lectin-low-fodmap-moderate-oxalate-for-people-with-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-and-histamine-intolerance/
Please make printable version of histamine food
Hi hi, thank you 🙏
I like a print also.
What is the alternative for the Meat when here is no frozen Meat without e nummers at all. I bought it so fresh as posible from butcher? Is that ok? My reaction was ok.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Hi Patricia! Fresh meat right from a butcher can be a great option if that is available to you. Since everyone is so individual we can’t say what is or isn’t right for you, but since you have experimented and aren’t having a reaction, that’s a good sign you can tolerate fresh meat.
Can I please get a low histamine list? Please and thank you.
Hi Nicole, Thanks so much for your interest in the printable food list! We are working hard to get this out and appreciate your patience.
This is fantastic! Yes please to a printable list though.
Hi Allison, Thanks so much for your interest in the printable food list! We are working hard to get this out and appreciate your patience.
Thank you Jamie, 🍀
Can you send me the list in print version also?
Wish you a nice evening.
Hi Patricia, Thanks so much for your interest in the printable food list! We are working hard to get this out and appreciate your patience.
Yes to a printable list. Thanks so very much for all the info on this site!
Hi Elaine, Thanks so much for your interest in the printable food list! We are working hard to get this out and appreciate your patience.
Do you have a list with histamines, salicylates, oxalates and lectins? (plus thiols/sulfur would be great!)
I am not sure what’s left to eat. It’s been quite the challenge. Even during an elimination phase… Help! Thanks. 🙏🏻
Hello Rica, at this time the most comprehensive list is the Low Histamine List in this blog, but it only indicates oxalates and lectins and not salicylates at this time. Here are all the list that we currently have: https://mastcell360.com/food-lists/
What about seeds, pumpkin, sunflower, watermelon with or without sea salt.
Pumpkin, sunflower and watermelon seeds are lower histamine but high in lectins so tolerance will depend on the individual. There are things that can help make them more digestible like soaking. You might find the following blog helpful to learn more about lectins: https://mastcell360.com/lectins-low-lectin-foods-and-the-mast-cell-connection-for-those-with-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-or-histamine-intolerance/
What about onion?
Onion is a low histamine vegetable that is particularly high in histamine lowering nutrients!
What herbs and teas can be taken? Nettle?
I’d it possible to get a list of histamine lowering foods? Thank you for all the fantastic information.
Hi Alcina, the list above does contain a section on herbs and spices! Foods in italics are particularly high in histamine lowering nutrients so emphasize these in your diet may be beneficial! Herbal teas except rooibus are generally well tolerated. For more on tea you might find this blog of interest: https://mastcell360.com/tulsi-rose-magic-calming-tea-for-those-with-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-and-histamine-intolerance-low-histamine-low-oxalate-low-lectin-low-fodmap/
I am new to this site and starting to learn. I had a test for allergic foods a few years ago and garlic was the highest. I had always noticed after eating it. This new test last year did not mention garlic. Maybe because i wasn’t eating it. But, the things that are on the list as histamine were not on mine. I had asked the first doctor about a histamine test. He said it wouldn’t be that good of a test or something like that. I have noticed that going to the chiropractor, acupuncture, massage makes me get this rash that is on mostly my right side. No one has heard of such a thing. So I did not eat any avocado yesterday, or any avocado oil, no goat cheese, nothing to cause this rash to flare up. I had to go to the chiropractor because I am having nerve pain in my neck. I have stiff muscles and had to cancel two massage therapists because the rash is so painful and itchy. I can’t put anything on it or it gets worse with pain. I cancelled my dermatologist for this Sat., because she gave me steroid cream and I don’t want to get any other problems from that. I have scoliosis so I am having to go to the chiropractor a lot lately. My first sign of this probably was at 21 when I had wine. Deadly allergic to it, balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar. I would get little rashes thinking it was emotional dealing with my mom. I do think it is emotional dealings also. Just getting to be with my son’s family after 4 years. Also 4 years ago I had a bad bout of this when getting back together with them after 6 years. I could only wear dresses then at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Which makes it very cold. I am there again. Is this part of it. I think onion did it also. I eat a lot of Avocados. Now the family wants to get together for spring break somewhere and I don’t feel I could handle the food.
Hi Cheryl, We are so sorry to hear what you are dealing with. Without knowing your individual case we cannot say for certain what you are going through but the reactions you are describing are often seen by those who have MCAS and/or histamine intolerance. A low histamine diet can help reduce that load, there are also supplements that can help stabilize the mast cells, and as you eluded to there is often an emotional component where people see improvement with nervous system supports. Nervous system supports are often where we recommend beginning especially for those with food and supplement sensitivity. You may find the following article helpful: https://mastcell360.com/nervous-system-balance-is-essential-in-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-and-histamine-intolerance/
Wild Alaskan Fish Oil Wileys?
Fish oil is often high histamine, so we often recommend something called SPMs instead which are a lower histamine option: https://store.mastcell360.com/spm-activer-120-softgels.html Since we are not familiar with your individual case we cannot say whether this supplement is right for you, always discuss any new supplements with your licensed medical provider.
They above link did not go anywhere.
Sorry about that. Certain products require an account on our web store to view. The product is SPMs, a low histamine Omega-3 option.
Thank you so much for this list! I’d never considered lectins and oxalates before, but that would likely explain some reactions I’ve had.
Would you answer something for me, please? Does rice protein powder / other protein powders and meal replacement shakes (such as Huel) count as low histamine or not? I really can’t make heads or tails of ’em based on other things in the list. Any insight would be much appreciated, thanks again!
That is a great question and a hard one to answer. Most powdered foods will be higher in histamines than their fresh alternatives. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to find a protein powder that works across the board for everyone’s needs. Most of these powders will be high in salicylates. Whey and collagen usually aren’t well tolerated because they are higher in histamines. Rice and pea protein are lectins. Hemp protein is high oxalate. Some can tolerate one, others aren’t able to tolerate any. So, you may have to experiment. Here is a blog post that goes into more detail that you might find helpful: https://mastcell360.com/low-histamine-smoothie-recipe/
Sorry if this is an odd question.. I know canned foods are high in histamine (so evaporated milk is a no go) but do you know if powered milk is high in histamine? (Where you mix it with water and then let it chill in the fridge). Thank you for your advice
Hi Peg, yes powdered milk will be higher histamine than fresh A2 milk because anytime something sits on a shelf for any length of time the histamines will rise.
Hello, I am so grateful to find this website and all the information! I have so much problems with histamine and mastcells for such a long time, this website is helping me so much to understand and what to do. I have a question about supplements, I have also a fatty liver (non-alcoholic) what is your advice on beef liver organ supplements?
Hi Conny. Beef liver organ supplement isn’t typically a supplement that our practitioners use in the clinic. Since we aren’t familiar with your individual case, we cannot say if that supplement is or isn’t right for you. For more on supplements that support histamine intolerance and calming the mast cells, you may be interested in the Top 8 Supplement course, which you can learn more about here: https://mastcell360.com/master-class/
Beth, I just wanted to tell you I recommend this page to anyone I know going through POTS & MCAS. You were my BIBLE while healing and getting on the right treatment and I have learned so much about what I can and can’t have too much of because of the strict diet I went on with these recommendations. You made living with this bearable while I figured it all out and healed. With the right docs, diet, lifestyle, and the right meds and supplements, I feel back to normal for the most part. Thank you than you thank you for your good work.
Hi Lauren! Thank you so much for sharing!
The list is great but I sure wish there were more recipes with low oxalate and low histamine food options because there are not many options when avoiding it all in the beginning. Also, a list with only low oxalate, histamine and Lechtins would be nice too. Sad part is, the options with none of these things are so expensive I feel that I have to go hungry or use my credit card to afford the foods 🙁 Now I have lost weight and can not afford to have enough food to eat.
Hi Sarah. We understand how hard this journey can be and do recommend working with a knowledgable practitioner to help make sure to not over restrict foods. This list is our most comprehensive because all the low histamine foods that also have Lectins or Oxalates are noted with an L or O, but we also have various food lists and recipe categories you can explore here that you may find helpful: https://mastcell360.com/food-lists/
Hello, I am so grateful for this info that is hard to place anywhere else online!! Thank you!
Can you please advise me on mung beans? Are they high or medium oxalate?
Hi Olga, According to our resources a single 1/4 cup serving of mung beans is low oxalate, but keep in mind oxalate levels aren’t black or white. It is about quantity and whether you are affected by soluble or total oxalates. You might find this blog helpful for more information on oxalates: https://mastcell360.com/low-oxalate-diet/ And for additional resources you could also ask to join the Trying Low Oxalate facebook group:
Hi, really appreciate this site 🙂 just wondering about updates for a printable version 😀
also, just a suggestion..it would be easier to have all of the low histamine foods listed together, and the high histamine foods listed together.
Hi Sam, we appreciate your feedback. If you’d like to email support@mastcell360.com we can assist you with some resources.
Just realized I have a histamine intolerance & this site has been very helpful. For those asking for ‘printable’ lists of foods, I just highlighted/copied the list from the website, pasted into a new MS Word document (or any other word processor platform), then saved & printed my new document. Took <1 minute!
I have a question about low histamine dairy. Most of the fresh unaged cheese I can find either have “vinegar” (high histamine) or “cheese cultures” (again told to avoid do to high histamine). Do you know any brands that don’t have these ingredients in their unaged cheese. Thank you! Besides ghee & mascarpone cheese it’s really hard to find safe low histamine dairy 🙁
Hi Peg, off the top of my head, I do not know of any specific brands that are low histamine. This is also a product that varies widely from region to region. In general, cream cheese, goat, and sheep’s milk cheese could be further options if you tolerate dairy.
Thanks Kam – I thought those cheese were out because they had “cheese cultures” (the fresh sheeps feta, cream cheese, & cheese curds all have it in the ingredients list sigh)
Hi Peg, yes many cheeses will be higher histamine and you will need to check the ingredient list. Remember everyone is individual so if you tolerate dairy you may need to experiment to find what does and doesn’t work for you.
Thanks Jamie but am I right in thinking vinegar and cheese cultures are higher histamine ingredients and are meant to be avoided? Sorry peoples reply’s have not touched on this or been clear.
If struggling with histamine intolerance, yes avoiding vinegar and foods that have been fermented or contain certain probiotics, can be beneficial to calm the mast cells. Overall though since we are not familiar with your individual case, we cannot say what foods you should or should not avoid.
“If you HAVE NOT significantly improved within 6 months, there are other factors you may need to
consider, like supplements (such as a DAO enzymes)……”
Hi Beth, when possible is it preferable to first test if diet changes alone are sufficient, or do you recommend beginning the healing protocol with supplements?
Hi Peter. This will vary from case to case. Some people are supplement sensitive and may find that they cannot onboard supplements right away while others might find that adding in digestive support and mast cell stabilizing supplement help them tolerate more foods. But if you are just starting out, trialing a low histamine diet first before adding any supplements is a great place to see if food changes alone will make a difference. It’s always best to start slow! After 6 months if you have seen no improvement on the diet, you may be interested in our Top 8 mast cell support course: mastcell360.com/master-class/
i’ve read many sources pointing out that kiwis are histamine liberators. Do you confirm they are not?
Hi Behj. The importnant thing to remember is that histamine is on a sliding scale. Our functional mast cell coach’s understanding is that while kiwi may be slight histamine liberator it’s offset by anti inflammatory antioxidants which makes it pretty much histamine neutral. Most people do not react. Overall kiwi isn’t going to add to total histamine load. There may be other reasons someone reacts to kiwi like salicylate intolerance.
You have peas listed as high histamine. Just trying to think of a protein I can add to my smoothie. I read that pea protein might be ok for some people with MCAS or wanting low histamine diet. Any thoughts on pea protein?
Hi Sheila. Unfortunately, we haven’t found a protein powder that is tolerated by everyone in this population. Pea Protein Isolate contains moderate histamine levels. Brown rice protein contains lectins. Hemp protein is high oxalate. You may need to experiment to see what works best for you.You may find the following blog helpful for informational and educational purposes: https://mastcell360.com/low-histamine-smoothie-recipe/
Thank you for these lists. They’re a great starting place for figuring out what might be impacting my partner’s apparent histamine intolerance. (Eating blueberries has helped reduce itchiness, for instance.) I agree with you that the importance of freshness and individual experimentation cannot be overstated. I read a study out of Spain looking at histamine levels in foods conventionally thought to be high in histamine. The only consistently high-histamine food (among those tested) was sauerkraut. But many others on most lists of high-histamine foods were tested to be quite low in histamine. I suspect this has to do with the European markets used as sources. I mention this because it highlights how complex the food-histamine relation is. Unless you’re getting all your produce from farmers, it’s practically impossible to track the consistency of food sources. The “same” ingredient may be low in histamine one week and high the next.
Note that there are some discrepancies in italics for foods in multiple lists. Ginger is not italicized under vegetables, but it is italicized under spices & herbs. Mint is the reverse: italicized under vegetables but not under spices & herbs.
Thanks David. I’ve shared this with the team and they were able to update the italics for the foods you’ve identified discrepancies for. We appreciate you brining this to our attention.
Great post! Organic extra virgin olive oil is truly a game-changer. Its superior taste and health benefits make it worth the investment. I love using it in salads and for finishing dishes to enhance flavor. Any tips for selecting the best brands?
Yes! Our favorite olive oil is Kasandrino with coupon code MASTCELL360 get 10% off any bottle or 50% off any olive oil subscription: https://mastcell360.com/evoo
You can learn more here: https://mastcell360.com/olive-oil-avoiding-the-frauds-what-to-know-when-youre-dealing-with-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-or-histamine-intolerance/
Would home canned beans be high or low. They were soaked then pressure cooked.
Hi Marie, the most important thing to remember is that histamine exists on a spectrum. Fresh foods are going to always be lower histamine than foods that sit on a shelf for a long time. Dried beans soaked and pressure cooked then eaten immediately will be lower histamine than canned beans, even if canned at home, but home canned beans will most likely be lower histamine than store bought canned beans since you don’t know how long they’ve been sitting on the grocery store shelf or even longer in a warehouse.
Hi do you have any information on whether matcha or almond milk are low or high histamine ?
Hi Lisa. Green tea, including matcha, is on our list as high histamine because it can interfere with your body’s natural balance of DAO enzymes. If lots of high histamine foods and DAO blocking foods or drinks are consumed your DAO enzymes may not be able to keep your histamine intolerance symptoms in check. With that said, since we are unfamiliar with your individual case, we cannot say what your personal level of sensitivity is to these specific teas and it may be something you choose to play around with to see what you tolerate. Since our general audience is hypersensitive, we’ve opted to make our list as comprehensive as possible, but understand that everyone is and individual and needs to find what works best for them.
Almonds are listed as low histamine, so fresh homemade almond milk has the potential to be lower histamine. With that said, histamines exist on a spectrum. Fresh foods will be lower in histamines than foods that sit on the grocery store shelves for longer periods of time. Most almond milks contain other additives that are not often tolerated by those experiencing MCAS, such as the thickeners like carrageenan and xanthan gum. Almonds are also high oxalate so almond milk is not something that we typically recommend. Again, everyones sensitivities are highly individual so we recommend working with a knowledgable practitioner in regards to changing your diet.
Hi, don’t know if this was answered yet: Pumpkin is listed as high histamine, but are other winter squash allowed? Acorn, Kuri, Kabocha? Thank you!
Winter squashes such as acorn, kombocha, butternut are considered low histamine!
Hello, Is this list printable yet? Please and thank you. Really need this list for reference. No ability to view this at home where we do not have service. Thank you.
Hi Wendi, You can get a copy of the printable PDF Here: https://mastcell360.com/printable-low-histamine-food-list/
What an incredible resource, thank you for sharing!