Welcome to our Mast Cell 360 Community!

We’re looking forward to supporting you on your healing journey! We’re really happy to have you in our community.

Most questions people email us can be answered right here on either this page or elsewhere on our website. 

This FAQ page empowers you to find those answers quickly. This way you don’t have to wait! You may also find additional topics which interest you!

Please use this FAQ and the Search Tool on our website before emailing. 

We are a small team and really appreciate your support by checking this FAQ and our website before emailing. We also really appreciate your understanding!

Thank you for helping us out by starting with these frequently asked questions before sending an email.

As a reminder, the resources we offer on the website, in classes, and on Facebook are meant for educational and informational purposes. They are not meant to diagnose or treat. Please be sure to always work with your health care practitioner and medical team.

Sending you our best,

The Mast Cell 360 Team

I'm having difficulty accessing the online courses!

Mobile devices – which a lot of us use – can be tricky in this case. Often, a mobile device tries to “save” your bandwidth by not downloading everything at once, or, keeping a copy of something you’ve viewed previously, rather than always getting a new copy.

We recommend that, to access our online courses, you do the following:

  1. Use a desktop or laptop computer. Mobile devices sometimes work, but a computer will almost always be better.
  2. Make sure you’re using an up-to-date internet browser. We’ve seen a lot of issues with the Safari browser – if you’re using a Mac? We suggest you use Chrome or Edge as a browser.
  3. If you’re seeing the same page after you click buttons or links, please clear your cache and cookies, and try again.

These aren’t guaranteed to fix whatever your issue might be, but they’re the top things that have addressed the problems people have contacted us about.

How do I get the latest information, blog posts, recipes, etc...?

Do you want to get the latest low histamine, low oxalate, low lectin recipes in your inbox? Want to stay up to date with all the new articles plus info only available to subscribers?

Just click here and fill out the form that opens in a new window, to join our community.

I would like to invite a Mast Cell 360 Practitioner to be on my podcast, summit, or to another type of speaking engagement. Or I would like to send you my Mast Cell friendly product, book, food item, or service to try.

Speaking requests: If you’d like to request one of our practitioners be a speaker for your podcast, summit, conference, or university students, please fill out the form at the end (“FOR MEDIA REQUESTS AND AFFILIATE OFFERS ONLY”)

Affiliate Partners: We only promote products that are a perfect fit for our audience. The products we recommend we have first tried and used ourselves. Please be sure to read the resources above to understand our audience and make sure what you offer is a good fit as well as this post. If you believe your product or service would serve our audience and Mast Cell 360’s mission, please fill out the form below with details about your offerings and affiliate program.

Guest Bloggers: We’re not taking guest blog posts at this time due to the very specific nature of the content we provide for a very unique audience.

How do I find resources using the Mast Cell 360 blog?

You can view the blog here.

The blog covers a variety of topics. Many of the articles have additional supplement recommendations.

Use the search feature with simple terms like, “skincare” or “insomnia” or “oxalates” for best results.

The search feature can be found at the top right of the page when on a computer, and at the bottom of the page on a mobile phone or tablet.

How can I apply to the Mast Cell 360 program to work 1:1 with a practitioner?

The Mast Cell 360 program is a remote consulting practice. Our practitioners do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. You will still need to be under the care and supervision of your local medical provider.

At this time, we are only able to serve clients who reside in the United States.

There is an application process to ensure Mast Cell 360 is the right fit. We reserve the right to refer out any potential client who has aspects of their case that aren’t the best fit for the practice.

Apply to the Mast Cell 360 program here.

How do I access the Mast Cell 360 Master Classes?

Once you have purchased a Master Class, you should receive an email confirmation with instructions. Please search your email for “Mast Cell 360.” You will need to check your spam or junk folder separately. You can add us to your email contacts so future emails from us won’t land there.

If you use Gmail, you should also check your promotions folder. If you find the email there, drag it to your inbox so that future emails will land there.

If you already have an account with Mast Cell 360, log in using your username or email and password. This gives you access to all the Master Classes you have purchased.

If you still can’t find it, please use the form below to send us a note. We will be happy to assist you.

How do I reset my password for the courses?

You can reset your password by going to the log in page and then scrolling down to, “Lost Your Password?”

Click on that link and then enter your username or email address and click on “Reset Password.”

You will receive an email with a link to create a new password.

How can I get the 7 Root Causes of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Free Report?
  1. Click here to get the report: Get Your Free 7 Root Causes of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Report
  2. If you’ve already requested the free report, please note it can take up to 10 minutes to show up in your email. Some email providers may take longer.  If you still aren’t seeing it, search your email for “Root Causes.” Please check your spam and all other folders, too. Spam usually has to be searched and checked separately.
  3. Still can’t find it? Go to “I’ve checked everything above and I still need help!” and use the form to reach out to us for more assistance.
I have questions about medical issues.

We can’t answer any medical questions, general or specific. This includes anything related to prescription medicines or health conditions. We legally cannot troubleshoot health issues of any kind through email. Please be sure to talk with your doctor or practitioner about any concerns you are having.

That said, if you are struggling with sensitivities of any kind (supplements, medications, mold, EMFs, stress, chemicals, etc.) the Mast Cell Nervous System Reboot Master Class can be a great starting point.

And, if you are looking for general recommendations for supplements, you will likely find the The Top 8 Mast Cell Supporting Supplements Master Class helpful.

If you need one-on-one help, please look under the “How do I apply to the Mast Cell 360 program to work 1:1 with a practitioner” question, above.

What symptoms are associated with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

You can learn more about many of the symptoms associated with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and check how many you may have by taking the symptoms survey.

How can I get tested for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

We get a lot of questions about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome testing. Unfortunately, the testing for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome may not be very reliable. This is because mast cell mediators are up and down in the blood stream and urine within minutes. So you have to collect a sample in that window or it will be missed. Many of our medical colleagues have shared with us that it seems about 90% of people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome are missed by the testing.

One other note is that tryptase is not a reliable marker for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. This marker is supposed to be used in testing for Mastocytosis and Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia Syndrome (HATS).

Unfortunately, this means that many people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome are being missed by the current diagnostic criteria.

Studies have show that between 9-17% of the population have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It is estimated that well over 50% of people with chronic health issues have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Some good clues can be found looking at health history, symptoms, and root triggers. The Mast Cell 360 Symptom Survey was developed from the research literature of associated symptoms with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. The more your score (from the symptoms survey) is above 50, the more likely it is you may have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

The Mast Cell 360 approach is a root trigger approach and often helps with a variety of issues. Here are some useful articles to learn more:

I have questions about mold toxicity.

There are several blog posts addressing how to test for mold, how to detox mold, how to address environmental mold, and more.

You can also watch our Facebook Live presentations on these topics.

I’m reacting to everything. What can I do?

For those who are dealing with a lot of sensitivities, working to support the nervous system is an important first step. This type of work will help to start calming the mast cells and allow your other work with diet and supplements to advance.

This blog post offers suggestions for sensitivities to foods, supplements, scents and flares.

If you are interested in learning even more, check out the Nervous System Master Class.

What about supplements?

The Top 8 Mast Cell Supporting Supplements Master Class can get you started. This class goes over these top eight supplements in-depth and talks about how to onboard them. Find out more about the class by clicking here.

You can also search the blog for supplements.

For example, you can use the search bar to search for “probiotics” or “leaky gut.” All related articles — with supplement recommendations — will come up.

If you aren’t tolerating any supplements, you might want to start with the Master Class: Nervous System Reboot.

The description of the Master Class gives more insight into why this can help. You can purchase the Master Class using at that link, as well.

What can I eat? Where can I learn more about eating for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance?

You can read about the low histamine diet.

And for easy reference, check out the foods list.

The foods list indicates lower and higher histamine foods, oxalates and lectins.

We also have a blog post you can read for more information about FODMAP and salicylates.

I'm feeling overwhelmed!

Most people go through a grief process when they first start looking at making changes to their diet. It usually passes and gets easier with time. Beth eats low histamine, low oxalate, low glutamate, and low lectin and finds plenty of variety and options.

It has required changing patterns and perspectives, though. For example, she used to eat a lot of packaged foods. Now she eats fresh foods. She’s also been open to trying new, histamine-friendly foods she hadn’t tried before. Hang in there! You’ll find what works for you.

Here is the foods list for easy reference.

You can also view all of the recipes on our website —  including desserts!

And remember, you aren’t alone! We have a large, caring community.

Check out some of the encouraging words our community shared in our Hugs with Words Project.

There is a Facebook presentation, as well!

We really do have a great community of caring people, just like you! 

How can I find Mast Cell safe toothpaste, skin care, cleaning products, etc?

You can find many of the products and services from the blog posts and Facebook Live presentations at our MCAS Resources Page.

How do I join the Mast Cell 360 community and accessing the free Facebook presentations?

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our Facebook community!

The Facebook Page is a great place to connect with others who are facing similar challenges and who offer kind support.

It’s also another good resource for getting updates as well as special content delivered just to our Facebook community.

AND most Mondays at 2pm Eastern, we do a Facebook Live presentation on different topics relating to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. Toward the end of each presentation, there is a Live Q&A. You can ask us your questions, in real time, relating to that day’s topic. All the presentations are recorded and available to watch any time after the live broadcast, too! 

How can I share how Mast Cell 360 helped me get better?

Thank you so much for sharing your story! We hear from people every week who are feeling badly, in a lot of pain, and don’t believe they can get better.

When Beth was severely ill with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Histamine Intolerance, Mold Toxicity, and Lyme, hearing others’ stories about getting better kept her going.

We’ve heard over and over from others that this helps them keep going, too! We share these stories from time to time to give people light and hope. If you would like to share a part of your story about how Mast Cell 360 helped you, these stories can help others know that it is possible to feel better.

Here is a quick form you can use. You can write anything you want. If you give us permission, we may share it with others who are struggling, just like you were. Thank you so much!


I've checked everything above and I still need help!

If you do need to email us and you are not a current client, you can use the form below. (Clients, please email us directly at the clinic for faster response time.) Please allow 4-7 business days for a reply. We’re a small team, but we work hard to provide the answers we can.



This is for media requests and affiliate offers only.  If you send any other type of email through this contact form, the message will be discarded without any reply.

For anything that isn’t a speaking or partnership inquiry, use the contact form in the entry above.