Beth insider Sunlighten Sauna

Is Sauna Safe in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance?

I’d heard about sauna benefits from several practitioners who were trying to help me when I was so sick. 

I hadn’t yet figured out I had Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and I was desperate to try anything that would help.

But I had no idea how dry sauna, steam sauna, low emf infrared sauna, and other types could have such different effects on my body. 

So, I randomly picked one in hopes sauna bathing would help with my chronic pain and inflammation.  

Practitioners suggested that sauna might help with my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and aid in detoxification, too. 

I didn’t know the extent I needed to detox (especially from mycotoxins). But I had an idea that detoxing my body might help.  

And I was glad to try something that wasn’t just another pill. 

So, I tried sauna bathing.  

I got itchy hives after just one use of the dry sauna. 

And my sleep was worse that night than it had been (and it had already been terrible.)   

I tried a steam sauna a little while later. But it didn’t work out either.   

It seemed like sauna wasn’t for me.  

That was a letdown since I wanted all the benefits sauna provides. 

But something happened that made me start looking at sauna for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome again.  

Keep reading to learn what changed for me. 

How I Found a Safe Low EMF Infrared Sauna  

During a session with one of my clients, she mentioned she had been sauna bathing for a few months. And she felt great.  

I was intrigued. 

I was doing better with my health at that point. But I’m always looking for ways to support my health even more.  

And if I find something that works, I want to share that information so that other people with MCAS can get some relief, too.  

My client told me she had been using a specific type of low emf infrared sauna. 

She said she’d done well and had no reactions after an infrared sauna session!   

One week later I had another client tell me that she had used the exact same sauna and felt great afterwards, too.    

Now that really caught my attention.    

Then, when a third client told me about the exact same infrared sauna working for her, I decided I had to give this particular sauna a try.   

I found a local spa that had the infrared Sunlighten sauna. This was the type of sauna my clients had used.  

Normally, I’d want to start anything new by going low and slow. 

In the case of sauna, ideally, I would have been able to start with just a few minutes. Then if I didn’t have any reactions, add more time the next visit. 

But my sensitive clients were doing well with this Sunlighten sauna. 

So, I thought I’d be my own test subject and use the sauna for the full amount of time the session included. 

It was way longer than I would normally start with something like this. But if I didn’t have any mast cell flares, I’d know I was on to something good. 

The first thing I noticed was how relaxed I felt in the sauna.  

And I didn’t have any mast cell flaring at all after my time using it. Plus, I slept great that night!    

I was so excited to finally find a sauna I could tolerate!     

What You Need to Know  

So, I started digging into the research and details of why this sauna worked for my clients and me.  

And I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with you!   

Keep reading to learn more about: 

  • Types of Saunas  
  • Why Infrared Sauna Therapy for MCAS? 
  • Infrared Sauna Benefits 
  • Why Low EMF Far Infrared Saunas are Better  
  • The Best Sauna for MCAS and Histamine Intolerance  

Let’s start by learning about some of the different types of saunas. 

Types of Saunas 

You are probably familiar with some types of saunas already. You may have seen or used one of these three popular types of heat therapy:   

  • heated rock sauna   
  • dry sauna   
  • steam sauna   

Let’s look at each one of these…   

Heated Rock Sauna   

In a heated rock sauna, you pour water over hot rocks to produce steam. You might have seen these traditional saunas in a spa.  

Heated rock saunas require high heat. 

High heat can be a problem since many of us with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance don’t do well with really high temperatures.    

And steam also creates another issue…humidity. 

Let’s look more at that next. 

Steam Sauna   

Like the heated rock sauna, steam saunas also have the same problem of high temperatures. 

The other factor the two saunas have in common is the use of steam. 

With a steam sauna, steam is typically generated electronically rather than with water poured over hot rocks. These saunas are common in fitness centers.    

The potential problem with steam is humidity.  

High humidity creates the perfect environment for mold growth. That is not something you want if you are dealing with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance or Mold Toxicity!     

So, what about dry sauna as an option? Let’s look at that next. 

Dry Sauna   

Unlike heated rock and steam saunas, dry saunas don’t add humidity with water.  

This takes care of the potential mold problem.  

But it still has the problem of using high temperatures. Dry sauna probably won’t work for you if you flare with dry heat. 

All three of these types of saunas can trigger flares if you have sensitivities. 

At best, they can leave you feeling unpleasant. At worst, they can send you into a massive flare!  

I don’t use any of those 3 types of saunas anymore.     

There is another type of sauna, though: Infrared Sauna.  

This is the one that’s been working for me and many of my clients. 

Infrared Sauna 

Infrared saunas are very different from the other three types.  

There is no humidity with infrared sauna. That means you don’t have to worry about mold growth.     

And unlike steam, heated rocks, and dry sauna, infrared saunas can be used effectively at lower temperatures.  

Infrared waves penetrate your skin. But without the need for high heat. 

That means you can still get the benefits at lower temps. 

This can be helpful for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. Especially for those who are sensitive to heat. 

To recap, with infrared sauna, you don’t have to worry about: 

  • Mold growth from high humidity environments 
  • High temperatures that may cause mast cell flares 

So, how does infrared sauna therapy work?  

Learn more about that next. 

It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner.   

Why Infrared Sauna Therapy for MCAS? 

Infrared light is experienced as heat.  

You know that soothing, natural warmth you feel from the sun? 

That’s infrared heat. 

But unlike the sun, the infrared light used in Sunlighten saunas doesn’t have ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause sunburn or aging.    

Infrared light has no risk of burning.      

Infrared light therapy is 100% safe and healthy for the human body. It’s even used in hospitals to warm premature babies!    

I find this gentle heat so comforting. This relaxation has been so good for my well-being. It’s just like being on the beach or by the pool on a nice summer day.    

And there are some infrared saunas that can be used effectively even at lower temperatures. That means you’ll get the health benefits without the mast cell flares caused by high heat.    

You’ll read more about the benefits of infrared sauna below.    

Infrared Sauna Benefits 

I was so interested in learning more about a sauna that could work for those of us with MCAS.  

That’s because research shows these health benefits of infrared saunas:   

  • Inflammation-lowering effects   
  • Acts similarly to antioxidant nutrients   
  • Activates the cell healing cycles – likely due to increased blood flow 
  • Reduces risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues  
  • Boosts metabolism and burns calories 
  • Helps with wound healing by increasing collagen and elastin  
  • Helps remove toxins from the body – i.e. mold toxins, chemicals, metals  
  • Can support the immune system by killing microbes (which may help in Lyme or other tick-borne illnesses)  

The best infrared saunas provide 3 different bands of infrared wavelengths:    

  • Near infrared light 
  • Mid infrared light 
  • Far infrared light  

Each of these wavelengths provides different benefits.    

Let’s look at those next. 

Benefits of Near Infrared    

Near infrared light reaches the skin’s outermost layer. It energizes and regenerates cells.

Benefits include:    

  • Cell health/immunity boost  
  • Faster wound healing   
  • Skin rejuvenation   
  • Muscle recovery   

Benefits of Mid Infrared    

Mid infrared wavelengths reach the body’s soft tissue. This is where inflammation occurs.

Benefits include:    

  • Pain relief   
  • Improved circulation   
  • Muscle recovery (fewer sore muscles!) 

Benefits of Far Infrared    

Far infrared light reaches deepest into the body. It can reach deep into the tissues where toxins are often stored.

Benefits include:    

  • Weight loss 
  • Detoxification   
  • Relaxation   
  • Immunity boost   

There are a lot of great health benefits of sauna therapy!     

But if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance, you’re probably wondering whether sauna can help mast cells or histamine levels, specifically.    

Here’s more on that.   

Sauna Benefits for Mast Cells   

Research on mast cells and sauna is minimal so far. But these 2 studies hold a lot of promise.    

A 2013 study concluded that repeated sauna use may help people with allergic rhinitis. This is a kind of nasal swelling and congestion often associated with mast cell activation.   

A case study that was published in 2014 showed that sauna was helpful for severe chronic itching that didn’t respond to antihistamines.

We know that this kind of chronic itching is often associated with mast cell activation and out-of-control histamine levels.   

Further, there are studies showing how sauna can support the nervous system and relaxation. And if you’ve been following the Mast Cell 360 blog, you know how important nervous system support is for addressing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.    

Quite a few studies have also shown that using a sauna can aid in improvements in immune system functioning.

While these studies didn’t specifically look at mast cells or autoimmunity, we know the mast cells are connected to the entire immune system.   

This means an improvement in one part of the immune system can help the mast cells as well.   

Interestingly, a 2013 study looked at the effects of just a single 15-minute sauna session. The study showed that sauna improved the white blood cell profiles.

While the study didn’t look specifically at mast cells, it did measure white blood cells which are similar to mast cells.   

Regular sauna use has also been shown in studies to help the skin for those with psoriasis and eczema. And research has shown that these skin conditions are highly correlated with Mast Cell Activation.   

Finally, you also have probably learned by now that Mold Toxicity is the #1 root trigger for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.   

There are numerous studies showing how sauna supports removal of toxins in the body. This includes mold toxins.    

Now that I’ve found a safe sauna option, it’s one of the key steps I recommend for many of my clients with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome as a part of safe, gentle, mold and mycotoxin detox support. 

You can see why sauna is one of my favorite modalities right now! 

Do you think you might be ready for an infrared sauna? 

Who Might Consider Infrared Saunas?  

So, how do you know if you should consider sauna?   

If you can say yes to all 4 of the following, read on to learn more about the Infrared Sauna that can be safer for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. 

  1. Can you tolerate being outside for 20 minutes in 75-80-degree weather without flaring? 
  2. Are you able to take at least a small amount of a couple mast cell supporting supplements?   
  3. Can you tolerate at least a little bit of binders?
  4. Do you have regular bowel movements?

If you said yes to all 4 questions above, keep reading…   

Here’s why I asked you those questions. 

If you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance, I recommend that you do some preparation steps before starting with sauna.   

For my clients, I generally recommend having some mast cell supporting supplements on board before starting with sauna – anything that works for you.    

I also often recommend they have some binders on board. For example, I suggest they be able to take at least one of these at a minimum:  

This is because sauna use will help your body move toxins out.  

Binders help to “catch” the toxins and help you eliminate them through bowel movements. This way those toxins move out of the body instead of recirculating through your blood stream.   

That’s why regular bowel movements are important, too.

It can also help if you can handle some lower-level heat. You don’t need to be able to tolerate the high temperatures needed for dry or steam sauna, though. 

The type of sauna I’m going to share with you below doesn’t need really high heat to deliver the benefits. In fact, you can start with fairly low temperatures.     

You don’t even have to sweat to be able to get the benefits from the sauna I picked. This is nice for people who are still having trouble sweating or can’t do high heat.    

So, what is the sauna I’m using now and recommending to my clients with MCAS? That’s next. 

My Recommendation for Safe Infrared Sauna  

When I recommend something, I do a lot of reading on that product. I take a lot into consideration. And I try it for myself. But it’s not enough that I do well with it.     

I also want to make sure it’s something our clients and others in our community might benefit from as well.    

I already knew this type of sauna was working for 3 of my clients. That’s what motivated me to try it at a local spa! 

And now, I’m seeing it work for others in our Mast Cell 360 community as well.   

So, which sauna was it that has worked so well for myself and many of my clients?   

The sauna I really love is from Sunlighten.   

Sunlighten sauna is an infrared sauna. I’ve already shared that infrared is the type I’m using and loving. 

With Sunlighten, I’m finally able to get all the benefits of an infrared sauna without experiencing any flares!    

I’ve been noticing my Sunlighten infrared sauna is helping me with:   

Related Article: Are Coffee Enemas Safe for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

I even discovered a great benefit I didn’t expect. If I feel like I’m getting sick, I get in the sauna. Then I get extra sleep that night. So far, I haven’t caught anything as long as I do this routine!   

I’m loving this infrared sauna. But here’s something very important you should know. 

Not all infrared saunas are equal. 

Read more on that next. 

Why I Chose Sunlighten Infrared Sauna 

If you have MCAS, it’s likely you have hypersensitivity. 

That means that you might be reacting to things that others don’t seem to be bothered by. Like heat. Or toxic chemicals. (They aren’t good for anyone, but those of us with MCAS are triggered by them more easily.) 

Unfortunately, some infrared saunas are still going to trigger flares for some people with MCAS. 

Here’s what I learned about why Sunlighten may be working better for those of us with MCAS: 

  • It has all 3 infrared wavelengths: near, mid, and far infrared light 
  • Can get the health benefits at lower temperatures for shorter times 
  • Low EMF infrared sauna (with 3rd party testing validation)   
  • No chemical off-gassing   
  • Bonus: Sustainable materials used (better for the environment)   

Keep reading to learn why these factors make a difference… 

And why Sunlighten sauna may be better tolerated if you have MCAS.  

Lower Temperature Infrared Sauna   

Most traditional saunas get hot. You might expect temperatures anywhere from 150-175 degrees F. 

This helps you sweat.  

Sweating can help move some toxins out of your body.  

But heat therapy can flare some of us with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance.  

The good news is that there is a better way to detox with sauna without high heat temperatures.   

You learned before how the best infrared saunas have all 3 infrared wavelengths: near, mid and far.    

My favorite of Sunlighten’s saunas has patented infrared technology with all 3 wavelengths.

These wavelengths deliver those gentle, warming infrared waves directly into the body.    

Delivering the infrared waves directly into your body is what can allow you to detox without high temperatures and in a shorter period of time than other saunas.    

With some saunas, only the air is heated. That means only your outer skin is getting hot which can make mast cells flare. And you still won’t get much detox happening – so what’s the point?    

But infrared therapy waves penetrate your body deeper. These waves reach those deeper tissues where toxins are stored. Particularly reaching the fat-soluble toxins like mold toxins.   

Another reason I like Sunlighten is because it is a low EMF infrared sauna.   

Low EMF Far Infrared Sauna 

One of the reasons some people with MCAS have trouble with some full spectrum infrared saunas is that they can emit a lot of EMFs.  

And there is clear, solid evidence showing how EMFs trigger mast cells. The effects of EMFs may be why you’ve had trouble with other infrared sauna brands.   

Many infrared heaters give off unsafe electromagnetic radiation (EMFs.) If you want to try a sauna, it’s important to find the lowest EMF possible. 

Look for 3rd party testing for EMFs by an independent testing company. 

You don’t want to go by the company’s own evaluation of their heating technology. It’s too easy for a company to skew their own results if it’s not 3rd party tested.   

Sunlighten Saunas were 3rd party EMF tested in 2020 and 2021.  

This testing showed EMF levels in Sunlighten Saunas were ultra low EMF. Sunlighten levels of EMFs were lower than 95 percent of common household devices!     

Of course, I still tested with my own EMF meter as well. And I found the EMF levels in my sauna to be very low.  

Now, it isn’t “zero EMF.” But if a company claims “zero EMF” that is a red flag. All electronics put out some EMFs. So, beware of false advertising! 

Non Toxic Sauna 

Are you triggered by off-gassing of toxic chemicals? I am.  

This is one reason I had bad sauna experiences in the past.   

Most sauna companies use glue that comes from toxic petroleum-based chemicals. Sunlighten uses magnets to hold their saunas together instead.  

Sunlighten doesn’t purchase saunas from a large, mass-production sauna factory. They source all raw materials from PEFC-certified and FSC-certified woods.

These are certifications for socially and environmentally responsible wood sourcing.    

They have also done extensive third-party testing to ensure their saunas are made with safe, non-toxic materials. So, no weird chemical smell, and no off-gassing!   

The sauna I picked is made with hypoallergenic basswood. This is the high quality wood I’d recommend if you have any chemical sensitivities.    

Mine did have a mild wood smell in the beginning, but that is to be expected. It didn’t bother me at all, but I wanted to see if it would go away. So, I left the door open after running the sauna to air it out.  

I ran it a few times and left the door open after each time of running the sauna. The wood smell was soon gone completely.   

And as a bonus, these infrared saunas are super easy to use.     

Let’s look at their different models.   

Different Sunlighten Sauna Model Options  

Compare Sunlighten Sauna Models

Adding an infrared sauna to your home is affordable and easier than you may think.   

When I first tried the Sunlighten Sauna at the spa, I felt so great, I knew I’d want to come back again and again. I just felt so good afterward.   

Even beyond detoxing, I already knew the research on infrared sauna use and longevity was solid.  

I wanted sauna to become part of my regular health routine for the long term.   

I looked at some numbers, next. The cost of going to this spa 2-3 times a week for the long term was going to get expensive quickly.    

When I added what it would cost me to get 3 sauna sessions per week for a year, it was going to cost me more than just buying a home sauna!    

Since I knew I’d use it frequently…and because it was a great investment in my health…it just made sense to get a personal sauna I could use at home.   

It certainly isn’t the cheapest thing I’ve done for my health. But, they had financing options, a great warranty, and a return period.  

And it was worth it for just how much it helped me through my mold detox and with my muscle and joint pain.   

Plus, I knew I also wouldn’t have all that driving time to get to a spa. And I wouldn’t have to worry about other people’s germs and sweat.   

If you are thinking about getting a home sauna for yourself, you’ll want to know about the different model options. This can save you some time.   

Sunlighten has 4 infrared sauna models:   

  • mPulse   
  • Solo   
  • Amplify   
  • Signature   

My top recommendations if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance are either the mPulse or the Solo models.   

Let’s start with the mPulse. This is the model I got.    

mPulse Sunlighten Sauna Model   

I’m always thinking about long term health.

And I knew I wanted to get all the best benefits out of sauna bathing that I could. 

The mPulse model offered by Sunlighten has all 3 infrared wavelengths: near, mid, and far.    

I was especially intrigued that it offered the near infrared because it has been shown to be very helpful for cell rejuvenation.    

And the construction has something called an emissive coating. This allows the sauna to produce more infrared per square inch than any other heater on the market.  

That translates to more health benefits with lower temperatures and shorter amounts of time in the sauna.   

I also found it really easy to use. It comes with a built-in Android tablet as a control panel. The control panel can be used in airplane mode to keep the EMFs down.   

I also liked the 6 preset Wellness Programs. Each program uses a different combination of wavelengths:   

  • Cardio   
  • Anti-Aging   
  • Relaxation   
  • Pain Relief  
  • Weight loss   
  • Detox   
  • Custom program options – this is where you can create your own programs 

The mPulse model does need a little space in your home. My husband and I put ours in the corner of the basement.

It also needs a dedicated outlet (meaning nothing else runs off that circuit).   

We happened to have a circuit in the basement that wasn’t in use, so that was easy. If you don’t have one, though, it’s usually not hard for an electrician to add a dedicated circuit for you.   

But what if you don’t have the space or budget for a walk-in unit?    

There is even a 1-person unit that doesn’t take up as much floor space. That’s one option. 

Here’s another option to consider if you have limited space and want something in a lower price range. 

Solo Sunlighten Sauna Model   

If a larger, walk-in options isn’t right for you, Sunlighten also has a portable infrared sauna called the Solo System.     

The Solo can be a great option if you don’t have space for a cabin unit or need a more budget-friendly option.     

It differs from the mPulse model because it isn’t a walk-in model.    

Instead, you recline and are cocooned in it, but your head remains outside the unit.  

This can be good for some people who are extremely heat sensitive.   

The Solo model doesn’t have all 3 infrared wavelengths. It just has far infrared. But this is still great for detoxifying.    

However, if you are using the Solo model, you can get near infrared benefits by adding the lumiNIR hand-held light therapy wand.  

The lumiNIR is small and portable. It can be used on targeted areas of your body, like the head and face.  

It has been used for improvements in skin conditions like acne. It even has a blue LED light specifically for acne. 

Together, these two options still meet your needs if space and budget are concerns.  

Here’s why you may want to consider using them together.  

With the Solo model, your head is not receiving any of the benefits of the infrared technology.  

And using this near infrared tech on your head and face may help with energizing and regenerating cells in this area of your body.  

This may help support you if you have neuroinflammation or have sustained head injuries.  

Some have reported a smell from the packaging. It is made from all non toxic materials but you may need to let it air out and run it empty a few times.

One last technical thing about the Solo model. The Solo model doesn’t need a dedicated circuit, either.    

What about the other 2 Sunlighten Sauna units?   

Amplify Sunlighten Sauna Model   

The Amplify Sauna model has 2 ceramic heaters at the front for people who like a hotter sauna. It uses far infrared only.    

But I don’t think it’s the best choice for most of our audience because of the higher temperatures.    

Signature Sunlighten Sauna Model   

The Signature Sauna model also offers far infrared only. It can be a good choice if you want a cabin unit and are only interested in the detoxification benefits.   

It doesn’t have the near and mid infrared that support all the other health benefits, though.    

Sauna Blankets 

Sunlighten doesn’t offer a sauna blanket. But I get asked about them quite a bit.  

There isn’t a ton of research on these products.  

What I can tell you is that I tried a sauna blanket without looking at 3rd party testing.  

The blanket was marketed as being lower EMF. But my own meter showed levels of EMF I wasn’t comfortable laying in. 

Additionally, some of the blankets out there are made with materials that can off-gas toxic chemicals. 

And if I’m blunt, it just wasn’t comfortable. 

If you’ve been thinking about a sauna blanket, I’d encourage you to look at the Sunlighten Solo model instead.  

It’s a great option for those with limited space in the home. 

Ready to get the benefits of sauna therapy? 

I’ve got even more good news for you. 

Keep reading to learn how to get a discount!  

I’ll also share some of my top tips on getting the most out of your Sunlighten sauna. 

Like to learn through listening or watching? Be sure to check out my interview about How to Safely Use Sauna for Gentle Detox with Sunlighten’s own Connie Zack

You don’t need Facebook to watch!

Sunlighten Sauna Coupon for Our Community  

Sunlighten saunas have good research behind them and have been proven to 95-99% effective.    

So, if you’re ready for a sauna, it can be a great investment in your health. I get in my sauna 3-4 times per week!   

I tend to feel cold a lot. And when the weather turns cooler, it feels so good to hop in there to warm up!   

While these aren’t the least expensive sauna units, they are, in my opinion, the best on the market for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance.   

I’ve tried cheaper sauna units, and like I said, I didn’t get to experience any benefits. I only got hives, bad sleep, and month-long flares!   

That’s why I wanted to make sure you knew about the quality sauna that is finally working for me and many of my clients.   

I love being able to share new products with you that I’ve found helpful. But I know cost can be a concern for those of us with so many health expenses.    

So, I reached out to Sunlighten and asked if they could help out our community with a discount.    

And they said yes!    

In fact, they gave us a great special, but they said they could only offer this much of a discount for a few weeks.   

Sunlighten is offering our Mast Cell 360 community:   

Use coupon code MASTCELL360 to get up to $600 off the cabin models and $250 off the solo unit!   

To get the discount:  

Call Sunlighten at 877.292.0020 x1   

and tell them you’d like the Mast Cell 360 Community Discount!  

You can also check out the Sunlighten Sauna deals here:  

>>> Learn more about Sunlighten Sauna

Tips for Sunlighten Sauna  

Here’s how to get the most out of your Sunlighten Sauna, especially if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance.  

Start Slow  

Remember to start small and increase your sauna use slowly.  

Here’s one idea you can consider for introducing sauna into your practice.  

Start with 5 minutes 1x/week. Then you can build up very slowly. You can add 1-2 minutes at a time. 

I now do about 20 minutes 3-5 times/week. But please don’t start with this amount.  

It takes most people in our community some time to build up to this. 

Hydrate Beforehand  

Be sure to drink plenty of water before you get in. An important part of being hydrated though is having enough minerals.  

I like to use Concentrace Mineral Drops.  

If you haven’t used them before, start with a few drops. You can even consider using just 1-2 drops in ½ gallon of water. You can slowly increase as you are able.  

Also keep water accessible inside your sauna. If you feel thirsty while you’re inside, listen to your body and take a drink!  

Keeping Your Sunlighten Sauna Clean

You want to expose your skin to the infrared waves. But you don’t want to sit on the sauna bench with bare skin. 

Use a barrier between yourself and the bench and floor of the sauna.

I like to sit on a towel. I’m not so tall that my feet reach the floor at the same time I’m sitting back on the bench. But if you are tall, consider putting a towel under your feet, too. 

Having some materials to absorb your sweat may also help prevent any bacterial or mold growth inside your sauna. 

I’ve heard reports that sauna bathing without something to sit on can make your sauna stinky. This is from bacteria.  

Here’s another tip to help prevent mold growth.  

When you use the sauna, your breath and sweat will add some humidity to it. Be sure to let your sauna air out for a few hours after each use. Simply keep the door open.  

As much as I love my sauna, you’ll want to consider these things before getting started. Sauna may not be right for you just yet. Even a good quality sauna like Sunlighten may be too much depending on where you are in your health journey. 

(And just remember, you can always explore this option again in the future if now isn’t the right time.) 

Who Shouldn’t Use Infrared Saunas  

When considering if sauna is safe for you, there are a few situations where you should definitely talk to your licensed medical provider first. 

You may be better off exploring other options to support your mast cells if any of the following apply to you: 

  • Pregnancy   
  • Metal implants   
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Central Nervous System Tumors
  • Diabetes with Neuropathy   
  • Hemophilia   
  • Recovering from surgery   
  • Pacemakers    

If none of the above describes you though, then you can do further reading and exploration on infrared sauna. 

You might consider giving Sunlighten Sauna a try! My body thanks me every time I use mine!   

Sunlighten Sauna Coupon for Mast Cell 360  

Sunlighten is offering our Mast Cell 360 community an exclusive discount.   

This deal isn’t available on Sunlighten’s website.   

Use coupon code MASTCELL360 to get up to $600 off the cabin models and $250 off the solo unit!

To get the discount:  

Call Sunlighten at 877.292.0020 x1   

and tell them you’d like the Mast Cell 360 Community Discount!  

You can also check out the Sunlighten Sauna deals here:  

>>> Learn more about Sunlighten Sauna

Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support!  


Barolet, D., & Boucher, A. (2010). Radiant near infrared light emitting Diode exposure as skin preparation to enhance photodynamic therapy inflammatory type acne treatment outcome. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 42(2), 171–178.  

Beever R. (2009). Far-infrared saunas for treatment of cardiovascular risk factors: summary of published evidence. Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 55(7), 691–696.  

Dean, M. W. C. (1981, August 7). Effect of Sweating. JAMA | JAMA Network.  

Ernst, E., Pecho, E., Wirz, P., & Saradeth, T. (1990). Regular sauna bathing and the incidence of common colds. Annals of medicine, 22(4), 225–227.  

Evans, S. S., Repasky, E. A., & Fisher, D. T. (2015). Fever and the thermal regulation of immunity: the immune system feels the heat. Nature reviews. Immunology, 15(6), 335–349. 

Gale, G. D., Rothbart, P. J., & Li, Y. (2006). Infrared therapy for chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Pain research & management, 11(3), 193–196.  

Genuis, S. J., Birkholz, D., Rodushkin, I., & Beesoon, S. (2011). Blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study: monitoring and elimination of bioaccumulated toxic elements. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 61(2), 344–357.  

Genuis, S. J. (2011a, December 27). Human Excretion of Bisphenol A: Blood, Urine, and Sweat (BUS) Study. Hindawi.  

Hohnadel, D. C. (1973). [PDF] Atomic absorption spectrometry of nickel, copper, zinc, and lead in sweat collected from healthy subjects during sauna bathing. | Semantic Scholar. Semantic Scholar. 

Imamura, M., Biro, S., Kihara, T., Yoshifuku, S., Takasaki, K., Otsuji, Y., Minagoe, S., Toyama, Y., & Tei, C. (2001). Repeated thermal therapy improves impaired vascular endothelial function in patients with coronary risk factors. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 38(4), 1083–1088.  

Ketelhut, S., & Ketelhut, R. G. (2019). The blood pressure and heart rate during sauna bath correspond to cardiac responses during submaximal dynamic exercise. Complementary therapies in medicine, 44, 218–222.  

Kunbootsri, N., Janyacharoen, T., Arrayawichanon, P., Chainansamit, S., Kanpittaya, J., Auvichayapat, P., & Sawanyawisuth, K. (2013, February 31). The effect of six-weeks of sauna on treatment autonomic nervous system, peak nasal inspiratory flow and lung functions of allergic rhinitis Thai patients. APJAI Journal. 

Laukkanen, T. (2015). Association between sauna bathing and fatal cardiovascular and all-cause mortality events. PubMed. 

Laukkanen, T. (2017, March 1). Sauna bathing is inversely associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in middle-aged Finnish men. PubMed.  

Lee, J. H., Roh, M. R., & Lee, K. H. (2006). Effects of infrared radiation on skin photo-aging and pigmentation. Yonsei medical journal, 47(4), 485–490.  

Magen E. (2014). Beneficial effect of sauna therapy on severe antihistamine-resistant chronic urticaria. The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ, 16(3), 182–183.  

Matsushita, K., Masuda, A., & Tei, C. (2008). Efficacy of Waon Therapy for Fibromyalgia. Internal Medicine, 47(16), 1473–1476.  

Mero, A., Tornberg, J., Mäntykoski, M., & Puurtinen, R. (2015). Effects of far-infrared sauna bathing on recovery from strength and endurance training sessions in men. SpringerPlus, 4, 321.   

Pilch, W., Pokora, I., Szyguła, Z., Pałka, T., Pilch, P., Cisoń, T., Malik, L., & Wiecha, S. (2013). Effect of a single Finnish sauna session on white blood cell profile and cortisol levels in athletes and non-athletes. Journal of human kinetics, 39, 127–135.  

Rea, W. J. MD, FACS, FAAEM (2018, June 1). A Large Case-series of Successful Treatment of Patients Exposed to Mold and Mycotoxin. ScienceDirect. 

Russell, B. A., Kellett, N., & Reilly, L. R. (2005). A study to determine the efficacy of combination LED light therapy (633 nm and 830 nm) in facial skin rejuvenation. Journal of cosmetic and laser therapy: official publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology, 7(3-4), 196–200.  

Scoon, G. S., Hopkins, W. G., Mayhew, S., & Cotter, J. D. (2007). Effect of post-exercise sauna bathing on the endurance performance of competitive male runners. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 10(4), 259–262.  

Sears, M. E. (2012, February 22). Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review. Hindawi. 

Sunlighten Saunas. (2021, June 29). Low EMF Infrared Sauna | Sunlighten.  

Vatansever, F., & Hamblin, M. R. (2012, November 1). Far infrared radiation (FIR): Its biological effects and medical applications. De Gruyter.   

Viatech Electromangetics. (2021). Sunlighten Sauna EMI Test Document Number VTE: 3200 (VTE:3200). Accessed on October 6, 2021. Accessed from: 

Whelan, H. T., Smits, R. L., Jr, Buchman, E. V., Whelan, N. T., Turner, S. G., Margolis, D. A., Cevenini, V., Stinson, H., Ignatius, R., Martin, T., Cwiklinski, J., Philippi, A. F., Graf, W. R., Hodgson, B., Gould, L., Kane, M., Chen, G., & Caviness, J. (2001). Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on wound healing. Journal of clinical laser medicine & surgery, 19(6), 305–314. 


  1. primroseleaf

    I have been considering purchasing a Red Light Therapy panel. I have been reading many positive reviews about it, but I’m not sure if it will benefit people like me who have HIT and/or MCAS. What is your opinion on RLT panels?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hello, Beth does not have any personal experience with Red Light Therapy so she is unable to make any recommendations on this topic at this time.

  2. primroseleaf

    Another question, what about Sun Stream saunas? It has 360 Degree Surround Infrared Saunas, ultra-low EMF, and near zero Electric fields. It sounds like a good quality sauna they sell. I would like to hear about others’ experiences with this company.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Similarly, Beth does not have any experience with Sun Stream saunas. Maybe others in our community may experiences to share!

  3. Lee

    Hello- Can you please discuss Matt Justice and his review of this brand? I’m very interested in buying it but also wonder about a couple of brands he likes. i’m having a difficult time making a decision.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Lee, we can only speak to Sunlighten at this time as this is the company that Beth has researched and trusts. If interested in the mpulse model we currently have a sale with Sunlighten for up to $800 off that model, but this deal ends on Thursday, February 16. Maybe others in our community can comment more on the other brands that Matt Justice has reviewed.

  4. Lisa

    Why can’t you use a sauna with metal implants? I have a lumbar fusion, so it’s a no?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Lisa, While most metal implants reflect infrared waves and are therefor not heated by the sauna, we do recommend consulting you physician prior to using to make sure sauna use is safe for you individually.

  5. Jess

    my functional doctor recommended ozone therapy to kill off a bunch of mold, parasites and bacteria in the body all at once. He said theres minimal die off, something about how its been done versus microbials, but im thinking ill react. If Beth doesnt know about this can it be something on the list to look into?

    1. kam

      Hi Jess,

      It’s a great question. And you’re wise to be cautious when it comes to MCAS. We haven’t seen IV ozone to make much of a different in mold colonization, but it has been shown to have applications in viruses and bacterial infections. It can be very strong. It also naturally triggers mast cells as part of the process. We, of course, can’t say with 100% certainty what your experience would be, but the clinic has had sensitive clients who were bedridden for months after IV ozone (often called 10 pass) and our practitioners don’t recommend IV ozone for sensitive people with MCAS unless there’s a very critical and acute need for it. Some sensitive people can work up to doing gentle ozone nasal insufflation after antifungal nasal sprays are on board in Stage 2.


    2. Julie

      IV Ozone has been incredible for me and never caused a flare. I was using it for Lyme + Coinfections. I felt better after doing it continually, including lifting my depression and mood. I only stopped because I have small veins and it was hard to get the needle in my veins. I was doing it for 9 months straight. I wish I could continue, I have gradually been feeling so much worse since then.

  6. Julie

    Hello! Thank you Beth for all of this info. I am wondering why these saunas haven’t worked for me. I was using the Clearlight Full-Spectrum Sauna about once every week or two. I got so itchy when I was using them and afterwards. I also read that Infrared Saunas can actually increase histamine levels in the body. So I am a bit confused. Any suggestions or should I continue to avoid completely? There is this new ozone pod that I am considering – OCI -10 / Hocatt pod. It includes some Far IR.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Julie! Not everything we share will be right for everyone. Please keep in mind that we share resources for informational and educational purposes. We always suggest discussing with your practitioner who is familiar with your case and stop anything that triggers your symptoms. Many with MCAS experience symptoms with temperature changes. Just because sauna doesn’t work for you right now doesn’t mean that it may not work in the future.

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