Mold and Mycotoxins

Mold and Mycotoxin Detox: How to Detox Your Body from Mold Gently with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Learning how to detox my body from mold and mycotoxins was a game-changer for my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Histamine Intolerance. 

Mold Toxicity is a big contributor to MCAS.

In fact, mold is the #1 root cause I see in the clinic. It affects 99% of the people I work with.

When I was really sick, I struggled to just make it through the day.

Truly, I was just barely hanging on. 

My health problems were affecting my life in so many ways. 

I couldn’t socialize because lights and sounds were painful. 

I had so many food intolerances that eating out was a no-go. 

There were years when I had to sleep 12 to 14 hours a night just to function at a low level. And I had chronic fatigue which exhausted me with even the smallest tasks. 

My brain fog made it difficult to concentrate. I didn’t know much about mold illness or how to detox from mold then.

But when I figured out how to detox my body from mold, I started being able to think more clearly again. And my energy started coming back, too.

I was able to handle talking to people again. Lights didn’t bother me so much. I started tolerating more foods. 

In short, I got my life back! 

I went from struggling just to get by to building my Mast Cell 360 practice. 

I want you to get your life back, too! To get your health back.  

I want you to enjoy your life. And be able to follow your dreams. 

But mold toxins may be holding you back.  

In this post you’ll learn about:

  • Why mold toxins (mycotoxins) are a big trigger in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
    • Including conditions mold may prevent you healing from
  • How mold triggers the cell danger response (CDR)
  • How mold detox is different for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome 
  • The 7 stages of how to detox your body from mold with MCAS, including:
    • Testing
    • Nervous system supports
    • Elimination
    • Supportive mast cell supplements
    • Targeted mold and mycotoxin binders
    • Supporting detoxification pathways
    • Antifungals

Keep reading to learn more about how to detox your body from mold!

Mold Detox: How to Know If You Are Dealing with Mold Toxicity

Start with this question – Have you had mold exposure?  

Toxic mold exposure can come from anywhere with moisture. It can come from wet basements to walls with water damage to unchecked crawlspaces. 

And even exposure from years ago can still affect you if it was never addressed! 

And Mold Toxicity often goes undiagnosed and unaddressed.

If you are wondering if Mold Toxicity is part of your health issue, you can learn more about common symptoms of mold exposure and mycotoxin exposure here: Top Signs You Have Mold Toxicity

Let’s look at why mold toxins are a trigger for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance first.

Why Mold Toxicity is Such a Big Mast Cell Trigger

Some types of mold release toxins, called mycotoxins. These mycotoxins are invisible gasses you can breathe in without even knowing it.

Once inside you, these mycotoxins can spread to all the tissues in your body.

Mycotoxins disrupt every system in your body including your nervous system and immune system. Mycotoxins also disrupt your detox systems, making it harder to get rid of them.

If you are continually being exposed to mold in your environment, you can continue to get these mycotoxins in your body. And you’ll continue to see negative effects if your body isn’t detoxing them fast enough naturally.

This buildup of mold toxins is called Mold Toxicity. If you are exposed to a lot of mold you may also breathe in mold spores.

So, mycotoxins (mold gasses) can build up in tissues. And mold spores can also get into your body!

Let’s look at what might happen with those mold spores next.

Mold Colonization in the Body

Mold spores are how mold reproduces. Think of it like a seed.

Once these spores get inside you, they can take hold, like a seed. And then start to grow if your body doesn’t attack it like it should.

When mold starts growing inside you, it is called Mold Colonization.

Related Post: Mold Allergy vs Mold Toxicity vs Mold Colonization

And remember how we said mycotoxins disrupt the immune system? This means that those mycotoxins make it harder for your body to stop mold from growing inside you.

Yes, these spores can live and grow and reproduce using your body as a food source! And the mold that grows in your body will release mycotoxins, too.

If you’ve only been exposed to mold for a short amount of time, you may have Mold Toxicity, but no mold growing in you yet.

But about 70% of adults exposed to mold have Mold Colonization.

And if you have Mold Colonization, you can be out of a moldy environment, but still have to get rid of mold growing inside you.

This is because that mold inside you will keep releasing mold toxins. And the mold growing inside you breaks down your tissues to feed on your nutrients—Yikes!

Now that you’ve read about how mold spores and mycotoxins can get into your body, you might be wondering what kinds of issues these mold toxins may cause.

Effects of Mold Toxicity on Your Health

Mold and mycotoxins are biotoxins. This means they come from a living source and are harmful to your body. They can contribute to a lot of health issues and keep you from feeling better. Especially as they build up over time.

Mold Toxicity can lead to: 

  • Mast cell activation 
  • Immune dysregulation 
  • Nervous system dysregulation
  • Methylation dysregulation 
  • Hormone dysregulation
  • Low immunity – inability to fight off infections 
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Gut disruptions and digestive tract issues

And much more.

And here’s another way Mold Toxicity may be holding your health back. 

Because mold disrupts your immune system and your body’s ability to respond, it is very hard to get the following conditions in check until you address mold: 

You’ll notice that Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance are in the list above.

You likely know that mast cells are part of your immune system. And now you know that mold is a major disruptor of the immune system!

Mold messes up how your mast cells receive and respond to different signals. And that can lead to overly responsive mast cells. 

And here’s another way mold hurts you. Mold triggers something called the cell danger response (CDR).

Keep reading to learn why this is so important to understand.

The Cell Danger Response 

Your body uses cell danger response to protect your cells and you from harm. 

The cell danger response can be triggered by: 

  • Mold 
  • Chronic infections from viruses and bacteria 
  • Other toxins (like chemicals, heavy metals) 
  • Chronic stress 

You just read that mold can trick your immune system.  

Viruses and bacteria can hijack many processes in your body, too. All invaders do this to survive (at your expense!) 

To fight back, the cell danger response starts to: 

  • Reduce or slow down methylation 
  • Lower vitamin D levels 
  • Harden the cell membrane 
  • Increase inflammatory response 
  • Increase histamine 
  • Increase mast cell activation 
  • Slow toxic metal excretion 
  • Alter the heme pathway 
  • Change the gut balance (contributing to leaky gut and SIBO) 

The result is inflammation, immune reactions, a breakdown of tissues, and an all-around state of emergency.  

This is all to prevent the mold, viruses, bacteria, and other toxins from killing you. 

Now, all of this can cause mast cell reactions, too.  Let’s take a quick look at how that works.

Cell Danger Response and MCAS

As you just read, the cell danger response can trigger mast cells.

And you might be thinking a solution is to just take a bunch of medications to knock out your mast cell and histamine response. 

It’s true that medications can be helpful for many people when used correctly.  

And I am not against the thoughtful use of medication when needed. Some low-level medications can ease challenging symptoms and allow you to finally tolerate detoxing. 

The problem comes if all you do is take medications. If you don’t handle the root causes, you can get worse in the long run.

Managing symptoms but not the root cause means you’ll knock down your mast cell defenses. All while the mold, viruses, and bacteria continue to cause issues. 

Your mast cells are a normal, helpful part of your immune system. It’s when they become hyperactive that they are a problem. This is why it’s very important to address the root causes underlying your mast cell dysregulation, like mold.

So, how should you consider addressing mold if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?  

Some of the other protocols may be too aggressive for you. 

But I’ve got a method for how to gently detox your body from mold that has worked well for me and many of my sensitive clients.

I’ll share those details after I tell you 2 important things you need to know about detox first. I want to answer a question I often get. And I want to tell you about how detoxing from mold is different with MCAS.

Let’s look at that next.

Mold and Mycotoxin Detox: How Long Does It Take?

I get asked how long the detoxification process will take a lot. Everyone’s healing journey is different.

Generally, when you’re thinking about the timeline for mold and mycotoxin detox, it’s dependent on a few things: 

  • How much you have going on – Do you have co-infections? How is your overall toxic load, etc? 
  • How much exposure there has been – How long were you exposed and how many types of mycotoxins are present in your system?
  • How sensitive you are – Can you tolerate supplements? 

Generally, you’re looking at anywhere from 6 to 12 months on the short end and 2 to 3 years on average, depending on the factors listed above. 

Most people feel better as they go along, though! 

So, just take it day by day. Each step in the right direction is one step closer to getting your life back from mold! 

I also have a course you’ll want to know about if you’re looking for more information, more help, or feel overwhelmed.

My MC360TM Precision Mold Master Class includes all the details on the method I use with clients that I can’t fit in a post.

Let’s look at how detox is different with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).

How Mold Detox or Mycotoxin Detox is Different with MCAS

If possible, the first step to addressing mold toxins is to reduce your mold exposure. 

In some cases, this may mean moving. In other cases, it may mean remediating your home or work environment.

Remediation means getting rid of harmful mold growth.  

Getting out of mold is huge. Without new exposure, you can really tackle Mold Toxicity head-on.  

However, I know that not everyone will be able to get out of mold right away.  

You may need to do some basic management like using dehumidifiers and air purifiers to help get you through. 

But even if you can’t move or remediate just yet, you can still start working on detoxing your body from mold.

When you start to detoxify, you can still make some improvements.

Keep reading for action steps to consider for how to detox your body from mold. Let’s briefly look at what usually doesn’t work and why you should avoid these mistakes. 

Aggressive Mold and Mycotoxin Detox Protocols

Practitioners will often start out by putting people with chronic illness on some type of detox and antimicrobial (like antibiotics and antifungals) protocol. 

This makes sense sometimes since chronic illness is often seen with parasites, Lyme disease, or Mold Toxicity.

But one of the major issues I see is that those protocols are often done too aggressively for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.  

Often, my clients have really bad reactions from these aggressive types of detox and antimicrobial protocols. 

These reactions can be from several different mold and mycotoxin detox mistakes. 

For instance, I often see people put on antimicrobials without any binders on board first. 

Another mistake is not addressing constipation first. 

Why would those be mistakes? Think about it like this. 

Toxins are trash.  

You have to first collect the trash (binders) and then remove the trash (bowel movements).  

If you don’t collect the trash, it stinks up your space, right? That’s not good. 

And if you just collect the trash in a bag but you don’t take it to the curb on trash day, the trash stinks up your house, too, right? 

So, first, collect the trash (binders) and then make sure the trash collector is coming (regular elimination)!

Speaking of toxins as trash. Remember we talked about colonization?

Related Post: Mold Allergy vs Mold Toxicity vs Mold Colonization

If you have Mold Colonization, when you start killing off microorganisms (like mold), they can release even more toxins as they die off.  

So, it’s often not wise to push through this with MCAS. Take a look at why.

Die-off and Herx Reactions with MCAS

Killing protocols can lead to what’s called a die-off or Herxheimer reaction (Herx for short). This is just the name for how your body responds to the toxins released when microorganisms in your body are dying off (thus called die-off).  

Die-off or Herx reactions can often result in an inflammatory mast cell response. 

And with die-off reactions, you may end up with symptoms like: 

  • Headaches 
  • Body aches 
  • Sweating 
  • Chills 
  • Nausea 
  • Bloating
  • Rashes

That’s just to name a few.  

Many times, people are told to push through a die-off or Herx reaction. But that’s a bad idea when you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. 

These die-off or Herx reactions are an indication that your body is in a toxic state. And the side-effect of pushing through this can be months of mast cell flares.  

So, let’s look at how to detox your body from mold differently if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. 

It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner.   

Mold and Mycotoxin Detox: The 7 Stages

Detoxification protocols must be done in the right order for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. 

In the paragraphs that follow, I’ll lay out steps that will help guide you in doing a mold detox protocol in the right order. 

However, these protocols need to be tailored specifically for your case, including your: 

  • Symptoms 
  • Specific mold toxins 
  • Genetics 
  • Detox pathways 
  • Ability to eliminate toxins 

You can use this information to get started. But you may find that you want the help of an experienced healthcare practitioner who specializes in how to detox your body from mold.  

Always talk with your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns. 

And you can read more about our practitioners and applying to our clinic here: The Mast Cell 360 Practice

I’ve broken down this protocol into 7 stages. Again, with MCAS and Mold Toxicity, the order you do these stages in is very important.

After working with hundreds of people with Mold Toxicity, as well as addressing it for myself, I’ve found these 7 stages to be most effective if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and corresponding issues like Histamine Intolerance. 

I want to thank Dr. Neil Nathan who’s been a huge contributor to this area of study on Mold Toxicity and his contributions to teaching practitioners how to work with those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and significant sensitivities. 

This information came from an extensive research project on the Detoxification of Mold Toxins by Neil Nathan, MD; Emily Givler, DCS; Joe Mather, MD; and me. 

Here are the 7 stages of how to detox your body from mold in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: 

1. Identify which Mycotoxins You Need to Detox

It’s important to know which specific toxins you’re dealing with. You can find this out through testing. 

In my practice, I use two urine lab tests side by side: The Mosaic (Great Plains) Mycotoxin test and the RealTime Mycotoxin test. 

The Mosaic (Great Plains) Mycotoxin testing method seems to be better at detecting ochratoxins, mycophenolic acid, and citrinin.  

The RealTime Mycotoxin test is more sensitive for trichothecenes, gliotoxins, and aflatoxins. 

The two tests complement each other. So, when they are used together, we can get a more complete picture of the molds and mycotoxins affecting the body. 

If you can only afford one, get RealTime because it has fewer false negatives.  

Let’s look at both of these tests in more detail. 

Mosaic (Great Plains) Mycotoxin Test 

Here’s a sample of a Mosaic (Great Plains) Mycotoxin test: 

If the Mosaic (Great Plains) results come back low, don’t let this fool you. You can learn about how to understand the results in the MC360TM Precision Mold Master Class.

Here is where you can get the test: 

>>> Order Mosaic (Great Plains) Mycotoxin (US) here  

>>> Order Mosaic (Great Plains) Mycotoxin (Canada) here 

This test checks for 11 different types of mycotoxins coming from 40 species of mold. The mycotoxins tested include the following: 

Mold toxins being tested: 

  • Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) 
  • Ochratoxin A (OTA) 
  • Sterigmatocystin (STG) 
  • Roridin E 
  • Verrucarin A 
  • Enniatin B1 
  • Zearalenone 
  • Gliotoxin 
  • Mycophenolic Acid 
  • Citrinin 
  • Chaetoglobosin A 

Fasting is not required and the turnaround time is usually 21 days.  

RealTime Mycotoxin Panel 

Here’s a sample of a RealTime Mycotoxin Panel: 

Not available for self-order in New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island

>>> Order the RealTime Mycotoxin Panel here 

This test checks for the following mold toxins: 

  • Ochratoxins 
  • Trichothecenes:
    • Satratoxin G
    • Satratoxin H 
    • Isosatratoxin F 
    • Roridin A 
    • Roridin E 
    • Roridin H 
    • Roridin L-2 
    • Verrucarin A 
    • Verrucarin J 
  • Aflatoxins:
    • Aflatoxin B1 
    • Aflatoxin B2 
    • Aflatoxin G1 
    • Aflatoxin G2 
  • Gliotoxin  

Fasting is not required and the turnaround time is usually 7-10 business days. 

Why is this important? Different mycotoxins require different supplements or binders. 

For example, aspergillus releases the mycotoxins called aflatoxins, citrinin, gliotoxin, ochratoxin, and sterigmatocystin.  

Another species of mold is called Fusarium. It produces the mycotoxins trichothecenes and zearalenone. 

This means there is no 1-size-fits-all mold and mycotoxin detox protocol.  

You need to know what mycotoxins you have so you can pair the right supplements to get rid of it. I call this ‘precision detox’. 

While you are waiting for your test results, you can go ahead and start with Step 2.

2. Mold Detox and Nervous System Supports

Mold toxins cause vagal nerve, parasympathetic, and limbic system disruptions.  

You may need multiple types of modalities to support your nervous system. 

This is the single most important beginning phase. If this phase is skipped, the mold detox protocol will not go as well or be as effective.  

This is because mold toxins significantly affect the nervous system. And if the nervous system is dysregulated, you will likely have trouble getting supplements on board due to overly-responsive mast cells. 

You can support your nervous system from 3 different angles: 

  • Active or Conscious support
  • Passive or Receptive support 
  • Structural support

Here are some of the modalities I use for each of these approaches to the nervous system.

Primal Trust

Primal Trust Academy

No matter which programs or tools you choose there are 3 main pieces of your nervous system you need to work on at the same time.

These are: 

  • Limbic system regulation 
  • Parasympathetic and sympathetic balance
  • Vagus nerve signaling and toning

Primal Trust, my favorite nervous system balancing program, covers all 3 of those! 
Dr. Cathleen King, DPT, developed Primal Trust after she used these principles to heal herself from years of chronic illness.  Watch the interview here:

>>> Use code 10MC360 for $10 off your first month off Primal Trust Academy

The Gupta Program

the Gupta Program logo

The focus of the Gupta program is Limbic system regulation (sometimes called Limbic System Rewiring). This Active/Conscious support program is much more effective than meditation and breathing alone.

Review: The Gupta Program

One of the great things about nervous system work is you get to choose your own tools.

And while some prefer the regimented approach of something like DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) many of my clients like that Gupta is more relaxed. 

They also have a money-back guarantee.

>>> Learn more about the Gupta Program!


This Passive/Receptive support app is another option that was introduced to me by clients. And it has become a favorite!

Now everyone is different, but one client had more success onboarding supplements with 6 weeks of using NuCalm daily than she had over the previous 6 months!

I love that it’s something you can simply turn on and relax with.

You can watch my NuCalm conversation with owner David Poole, here:

For our community, I suggest the SleepSuite subscription.

If you’re sensitive, start out with 5 to 10 minutes of the Rescue journey first. When you’re hypersensitive, you might do better with 1 to 3 minutes, or less.

You can even turn the sound off while you do it. There are still benefits.

Use the coupon code MC360 to try it out!

>>> Use code MC360 for a free 7-day trial with NuCalm and get 3 months at $9.99/each


BrainTap logo

They made Passive/Receptive support easy so you can relax and listen to their programs.

>>> Try a 14 day audio program trial for free!

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>>> Use coupon code BTPARTNER29 to get your first month for just $0.99!

>>> Use coupon code PARTNER100 to get $100 off your headset and a 1-year subscription at the same time!

Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve by Stanley Rosenberg 

There are wonderful exercises for vagal nerve supports in this book. He gives you baby steps in Part 2 to try.  

Accessing Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve Book

>>> Order your copy of Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve here

Craniosacral Therapy 

This is a form of structural support.

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that can relieve tension in the central nervous system.  

Work with a practitioner who can give you this hands-on therapy modality.

Keeping this appointment is my favorite time of the month!  

You can find out more about these and other nervous system supports in my master class. This step is so important and often overlooked.

I created the Mast Cell Nervous System Reboot course for people to access anytime.

Once you’ve gotten your nervous system supports in place, next, you want to be sure your body is prepared to get rid of toxins effectively. 

Let’s look at that next. 

3. Mold and Mycotoxin Detox: Addressing Elimination

Remember how you read that 1 mistake I’ve seen in other protocols is starting detox without addressing constipation first? That’s all about the importance of elimination. 

The body eliminates toxins through both the urine and the stool. That’s why it’s extremely important to drink enough water and to have daily bowel movements. 

There are 2 main things that help with this.

Water Consumption 

  • During detoxification you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150lbs, you’ll want to drink 75 ounces of water a day.  
  • Any drinks with caffeine won’t count toward that goal. Caffeine actually uses up water to be processed. 
  • You can count pure water or herbal teas toward your goal. 

Addressing Constipation and Motility as Needed 

Remember we talked about taking the trash out? If you struggle with constipation it needs to be addressed.

Here are 2 things that may help with constipation:

Parasym Plus™ can be helpful for constipation from vagal nerve issues.

ParasymPlus by TJ Nutrition

>>> Use coupon code MASTCELL360 for 10% off Parasym Plus!

Magnesium Oxide works as a natural laxative. It’s a good option to consider for sensitive people. 

You can get 15% off of all supplements in Fullscript when you register for an account with my supplement links, including Magnesium Oxide. No code required.

Once you are having regular bowel movements and are drinking plenty of water, you can consider adding some mast cell supporting supplements next.

4. Mold Detox and Supporting Mast Cells with Supplements 

A very important part of detoxing with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance is the concept of microdosing.

If you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, you want to start any type of supplement in very tiny quantities. I like to say, ‘Start with drops or sprinkles.

There are 2 reasons for this: 

  1. A person with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome can react to anything. So, if you are going to react, your reaction to a sprinkle likely won’t be as bad as your reaction to a whole capsule. 
  1. When mast cells get dysregulated, they will start firing at anything new. Starting small can help avoid this. 

So, if you’re adding in a new supplement, it’s often much more effective to start with tiny quantities and slowly build from there, as tolerated. 

You can watch more on onboarding supplements here:

Remember, if you aren’t tolerating supplements yet, you may need to work on your dysregulated nervous system first.

You may also need to work on reducing environmental triggers like:

But if you are ready to take supplements, here’s why they can be helpful at this stage. 

Mast cells become so dysregulated from mold toxins. This is what contributes to all the Mast Cell Activation-type symptoms in Mold Toxicity.  

So, you can support your mast cells with nervous system work and supplements to help calm and stabilize them.

You can learn more about some of these supplements in the Top 8 Mast Cell Supporting Supplements Master Class. 

This should help you with mast cell reactions, as well as help you onboard binders. Let’s look at those next!

5. Mold and Mycotoxin Detox with Targeted Binders 

Binders help remove toxins from your body.

They attach to the toxins to help prevent them from getting reabsorbed. And they can help your body eliminate these toxins better, too.  

Certain binders bind different types of mold toxins better than others.

This is why it’s really important to make sure that you test to know what mycotoxins you are dealing with.  

Below are some of the more common toxins along with their binders. Remember, when you start anything new you want to microdose!  

Saccaromyces Boulardii

Saccharomyces Boulardii is a probiotic. It helps with balancing your gut.

It also binds: 

  • Aflatoxin 
  • Gliotoxin 
  • Sterigmatocystin 
  • Zearalenone 

Bentonite Clay

 Bentonite Clay binds: 

  • Aflatoxin 
  • Enniatin B 
  • Gliotoxin 
  • Sterigmatocystin 
  • Trichothecene 
  • Zearalenone 

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal binds: 

  • Aflatoxin 
  • Enniatin B 
  • Ochratoxin 
  • Sterigmatocystin 
  • Trichothecene 


Chlorella binds: 

  • Aflatoxin 
  • Enniatin B 
  • Sterigmatocystin 
  • Trichothecene 


Propolmannan binds: 

  • Aflatoxin 
  • T2 trichothecene 
  • Bile binders that may bind others 
Optifiber Lean Propolmannan

L. Rhamnosus

L. Rhamnosus binds: 

  • Trichothecene 
  • Zearalenone 


Zeolite binds: 

  • Ochratoxin 
  • Zearalenone 
Zeolite toxin and binder

>>>Use my coupon code MASTCELL360 for 10% off Zeoboost!

It’s important to note that zeolite will also bind metals. So, you have to be careful with it. I always recommend adding zeolite after other binders are on board. 

And I recommend starting everything slowly. 

If you start feeling worse, back off. This is because if you start to have a “die-off” reaction, that’s an indication that you’re moving into a toxic state. 

Your body is overwhelmed with more toxins than it can handle and you’re having a mast cell flare. 

Those mast cell flares can turn into a cascade that goes on for several weeks or months. So, you want to go slowly. 

My motto in any type of detox in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is, “Slow is fast, but fast will be slow.”

What does that mean? If you try to go too fast, it’s going to slow down your progress because you can set yourself back several months with potential mast cell reactions. 

Another thing to keep in mind with binders is that they don’t necessarily bind strongly. Meaning that they don’t just bind these toxins and then never let them go. 

Binders have different strengths for different toxins. They may bind some toxins more strongly and others more weakly.

Those that are bound more weakly can be dropped in the body where they end up circulating again. This is one way binders can cause reactions for some people. 

Sometimes you may have to do just a little sprinkle of a binder once every other day, or every third day, and that’s okay. 

So, you want to go slow, only doing what you can tolerate. 

Next, let’s look at stage 6 of how to detox your body from mold—supporting detox pathways. 

6. Mold and Mycotoxin Detox: Supporting Necessary Pathways

Different types of mycotoxins are eliminated through different types of detox pathways. 

You might have heard of glutathione. Glutathione is a detox pathway (called the glutathione pathway). 

Glutathione is also a substance that gets made in the glutathione pathway. And it’s also a supplement. 

Here, I’m talking about the pathway. 

The glutathione pathway does work for a few mold toxins like Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin.

However, glutathione is not the primary detoxification method for most mold toxins. 

Most mold toxins are detoxed via a pathway called glucuronidation.

Glucuronidation is the detox pathway for these mold toxins: 

  • Alternariol 
  • DON 
  • Mycophenolic acid 
  • Ochratoxin 
  • Roridin E 
  • Sterigmatocystin 
  • T-2 Trichothecenes 
  • Verrucarin A 
  • Zearalenone 

And then there are some more minor detox pathways that may be involved as well. Here are some of the other detox pathways: 

  • Sulfation 
  • Methylation 
  • Conjugation 
  • Acetylation 
  • Amino acid conjugation 

There are other minor detox pathways, too. But because glucuronidation is the most common mold and mycotoxin detox pathway, I’ll just focus on that for now.  

I like to support glucuronidation with: 

Calcium D-Glucarate

Calcium D-Glucarate may help increase glucuronidation. It needs to be used cautiously in people who have low estrogen and have hot flashes.  

If you do start to have hot flashes, it’s important to lower the dose because it can also bind estrogen. 


Dandelion can increase an enzyme that’s involved in glucuronidation. It also increases antioxidants in the body to fight inflammation and other important detox pathways. 


Astaxanthin may increase an enzyme that’s involved in glucuronidation. It also increases antioxidants in the body to fight inflammation. 


Pterostilbene may help increase glucuronidation activity. It also has strong anti-inflammatory activity. 

These have all been shown in published research to be helpful with glucuronidation. 

Again, be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner on all this. 

7. Mold Detox and Antifungals 

Some people just have mold toxins. They don’t have Mold Colonization.

Mold Colonization is where mold is actually growing inside you.

If you just have mold toxins, you will likely feel dramatically different with just binders and a little detox support.  If that’s the case, then antifungals aren’t needed. 

But if you don’t feel significantly better at this point, you may need to work with your practitioner on this last phase. It’s possible you have Mold Colonization, too. 

If that’s the case, you may need to bring in antifungals.

There’s a reason you want to do this after you’ve gone through the previous stages. Once you start taking the antifungals, they will start killing off any kind of mold colonized in your body. 

You want to be sure your body is prepared to handle that die-off. 

Remember how we talked about “taking out the trash”?

First you want to be sure your body is set to collect the trash (toxins) and that the trash collector is coming (good elimination/addressing constipation). 

A great starting point to consider is Argentyn 23.  

Argentyn 23

Argentyn 23 is a form of nanoparticle silver.

It’s also been effective against molds, viruses, and bacteria.  

It’s very important to use a nano particle silver like Argentyn 23, rather than a colloidal silver.

You want smaller particle sizes, so they don’t accumulate in the body. If they accumulate in the body, you could end up with silver toxicity. 

Most people start with a single drop each day orally, and gradually work up to larger doses. 

You might try working up to 2 sprays per nostril 2 times per day by pouring the silver into these bottles.  But start slow. An example might be only a partial spray in 1 nostril every other day.

Ameo Life pH Balanced Alkaline Structured Silver is another good option to consider.

Ameo Life pH Balanced Alkaline Structured Silver Solution

I know we’ve covered a lot on how to detox your body from mold.

Just remember, take your healing one step at a time. And make sure those steps are in the right order! 

And, if you need help, find a practitioner who understands!

Mold and Mycotoxin Detox: Why You May Want to Work with a Mast Cell Specialist

You may find you need help with mold and mycotoxin detox.

Any type of detoxification is going to need to be done slowly so that your body doesn’t overreact. You want to release the stored toxins just a little bit at a time. 

Overwhelming your body with too much mycotoxin release all at once is just going to cause more mast cell activation. 

This is something that needs to be done with a personalized, precision detox plan. 

If you need help, please seek out a practitioner specialized in mold detox and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, who you trust, to guide you through the phases of detox and keep your body in balance along the way! 

If you are interested in learning more about or working with the Mast Cell 360 Clinic you can find more information here:

And remember, everyone’s healing process is different.

Have you detoxed from Mold Toxicity? Tell us in the comments: What did you try and how did it go? 

More on Mold and Detoxing

Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support!


Anyanwu, E. C., Campbell, A. W., & Ehiri, J. E. (2004). Mycotoxins and Antifungal Drug Interactions: Implications in the Treatment of Illnesses Due to Indoor Chronic Toxigenic Mold Exposures. The Scientific World JOURNAL, 4, 167–177. 

Bankova, L. G. et al. (2016). The leukotriene E4 receptor, GPR99 mediates mast cell-dependent mucosal responses to the mold allergen, alternaria alternata. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 137(2). 

Bennett, J. W., & Klich, M. (2003). Mycotoxins. Clinical microbiology reviews, 16(3), 497–516. 

Harrison, R. E., & Page, J. S. (2011). Multipractitioner Upledger CranioSacral Therapy: Descriptive Outcome Study 2007–2008. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(1), 13–17. 

Kritas, S. K., Gallenga, C. E., D Ovidio, C., Ronconi, G., Caraffa, A. l., Toniato, E., Lauritano, D., & Conti, P. (2018). Impact of mold on mast cell-cytokine immune response. Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 32(4), 763–768. 

Nathan, N. (2018). Category: Mast Cell Activation. Retrieved from: 

Nathan, N. (2020). Mold & mycotoxins: Effective testing & treatment.

Nathan, N. (2018) Evaluation & treatment of Mold Toxicity with the use of mycotoxin assays. 

Nathan, N. (2018). Toxic: Heal your body from Mold Toxicity, lyme disease, multiple chemical sensitivities, and chronic environmental illness. Victory Belt Publishing.

Naviaux, R. K. (2014). Metabolic features of the cell danger response. Mitochondrion, 16, 7–17. 

Naviaux, R. K. (2020). Perspective: Cell danger response Biology—The new science that connects environmental health with mitochondria and the rising tide of chronic illness. Mitochondrion, 51, 40–45. 


  1. Abigail

    I’ve been diagnosed with CIRS and MCAS, and I’m scheduled for my first appointment with you soon. My major scary symptom is systemic swelling, and it’s taken a sharp turn for the worst in the last week. I’m taking cholestyramine and I’m hopefully now in a mold-free environment (was exposed to mold for many many years), though I’m searching for housing guaranteed clean. I am on mast cell stabilizers— 4mg twice daily ketotifen and up to 8mg of gastrocom daily. I take pea soothe support, Low dose naltrexone, montaleucast 10mg once daily, dci, lovaza fish oil 4 daily with meals, vitamin d with k2, ortho digestzyme, magnesium l-threonate, and triple mag plus. I use compounded hydroxycobalamin transdermal cream daily. About to start a bioavailable iron supplement. Of course have a very leaky gut and am avoiding allergenic foods. I’m so worried about my swelling. I get daily professional lymphatic drainage. Yet it’s only slowing down a worsening progression. I’m extremely scared. If I’m in a safe environment now then why am I swelling more. Is my detox somehow too strong, or could my safe housing be moldy? I’m so confused and scared. I think that supporting glucoronidation would be good, but I don’t know how (I was exposed to a huge host of different mycotoxins). I’m also known to have poor glutathione detox based on genetics and available detected levels. I’m at a loss as to what to do.

    1. Beth O'Hara

      It’s very hard to say without knowing your case, but it is possible you might be detoxing too quickly. I’d really recommend having someone who specializing in mold toxicity and mast cell activation step you through this, if you don’t have someone already. It’s very difficult to DIY, and it sounds like some direct support could help a lot.
      I find most people with mast cell activation do better with SPMs rather than fish oil. I don’t know if this will be the case for you, but something to consider and look into.
      Here is a link to the SPMs I mentioned, if you want to look into it. You can also get 15% off anything at Fullscript anytime when you register with this link:
      I hope you are feeling much better soon!

  2. Brenda Schwieterman

    This was a very helpful article. I read Dr. Neil Nathan’s book, TOXIC, last summer. Immediately, I started using activated charcoal, bentonite clay and an infrared sauna. I made quite a bit of headway, but felt I needed legit support. I found a doctor on his website that was a 2 hour drive from my house. I had a mycotoxin test done prior to the COVID lockdown and have added compounded cholestyramine (1/32 tsp/day) as an additional binder and compounded Loratadine as an anti-histamine. Sadly, I can’t seem to tolerate the sauna with all of the binders. I am horribly frustrated with the overload of toxins and the mast cell activation and I often feel drunk, dizzy and depressed. I have so many food sensitivities and can only eat meat, fish, veggies and low-glycemic fruits. I can tolerate a little bit of vinegar in my salad dressing. Often I feel as though I will never get better. I need hope. Will this go away if I keep plugging away with these tools? I am 55 and was exposed to mold 3.5 years while teaching in a temporary school building for 1.5 years (total of 13 months, actually). I started having symptoms immediately and 2.5 years ago, Annie Hopper’s DNRS program helped calm down my nervous system. I want so much out of life and yet too often I just feel terrible. I also have high homocysteine and am taking B vitamins and folate to bring that down with the hope of eventually taking SAM-e for my undermethylation. Do you have any additional advice for me? I just want energy, focus, and the ability to eat eggs, chocolate, seeds, nuts and coffee. But, I’m losing my patience.

    1. Beth O'Hara

      Brenda, I’m really glad you found a practitioner close to you. It’s very common for people with mast cell activation to not tolerate sauna because heat is a common mast cell trigger. I had over 20 years of toxic mold exposure myself, and it look me much longer than 3 years to recover, and I’m still getting the last out of my system. If you can be patient, the vast majority of people can heal. You likely need more nervous system supports than just DNRS. People do much better when they address the nervous system from numerous angles and work on it daily. I’d recommend looking into the things below as well before you go forward on more detox.
      Brain Tap:
      and Accessing the Power of the Vagal Nerve:,aps,156&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=bethohara09-20&linkId=8dca4471673b3a274d256b65f3b691d0&language=en_US

  3. Evelyn

    Could you please advise which binders to use for mycophenolic acids and citrinin molds? Also how long does one have to wait after taking activated charcoal before taking other supplements.? Many thanks. Evelyn

    1. Beth O'Hara

      The binders for Citrinin and Mycophenolic aren’t known for sure yet. It is quite probable that the other binders listed are effective, though. Binders need to be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals/medications/supplements.

    2. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Evelyn, more recent research shows that for mycophenolic acids you can use activated charcoal, zeolite, and cholestyramine. For citrinin any binders do tend to clear it.

  4. Rachel Christenson

    What pathway does gliotoxin go through? I do not see that listed in the glucuronidation pathway or glutathione pathway. I had an equivocal result on my most recent mycotoxin test.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Rachel,
      It isn’t known at this time.

  5. Michelle

    Is it possible that healing mold toxicity will heal my pet allergies or are pet allergies more genetics than toxin related? I have a dog that I’m highly allergic to. My mom said I was born with allergies and I would always get rashes to grass. When I first got him five years ago I managed my symptoms with Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra which I rotated or else they would stop working. I really wanted a dog and I wasn’t going to pet allergies get in my way but that was before I knew about the repercussions of using medication to manage symptoms: Eventually the medications stopped working and I was put on Flonase because I was wheezing when around him. I ended up starting to have sleep issues probably because of histamine intolerance since I keep exposing to him everyday. I’ve tried bathing him every week with microbe mold solution, I have an air doctor I run all day, I vacuum and still react with sneezing, congestion. I guess I’m just needing to know can I support genetic pathways and live with my dog? I have to consider this before rehoming him.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Michelle,
      Beth says:
      “I’m a dog lover myself, and I understand. Often with addressing mold toxicity, allergies improve. But it can be different case by case. You may need to work on mast cell supporting supplements.”

      Did you see the Supplements Master Class yet? If not, you can check that out here:

      Best regards,
      Suz, MC360 Team

    2. Michelle

      Hi Michelle, I see this post is from two years ago but wanted to mention that I was highly allergic to cats and dogs. Once I started feeding them a species appropriate raw diet my allergies to them disappeared. I believe it was in their dander.

  6. Debbie

    Hi Beth,

    Your website and blog postings have been invaluable to me. I have followed Dr. Nathan for about 4 years as well. Do you have a recommendation for a good brand of spirulina? I also have mold biotoxin illness which was diagnosed in early 2016. It’s definitely a journey. I just started the Gupta Brain Retraining Program and have incorporated the vagus nerve exercises in Stanley Rosenberg’s book. I am finding both of these very beneficial. I tried Brain Tap and it didn’t work as well as pure meditation does for me. Any help finding a good source to purchase spirulina would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you do!

  7. Meg

    Hi Beth, thank you so much for all of this info. Do you have any info/advice on procedures one needs to take when moving out of a moldy home into a clean home? Do porous items always need to be gotten rid of? Does every single item from the home truly need to be meticulously cleaned in order to get better? Or will simply leaving the moldy environment be enough for healing (if possessions are kept and brought with)? Thank you so much for any input you can provide!

  8. Kristin

    Thank you for all of this information. I’ve been trying to find a dr who can guide on possible mold toxicity. I’m reacting to all foods right now and have had a known mold exposure. Every dr that I have found that treats MCAS won’t touch the topic of mold. Can you recommend any drs who will guide on mold? I’ve even asked my dr to order the tests and they won’t do it as they are not familiar with it. Would appreciate any guidance in this area.

  9. Mac

    Hi Beth,

    You mention under Vagus Nerve support, “This is the single most important beginning phase. So, if this phase is skipped, the mold detox protocol will not go as well or be as effective. ”

    Do you mean the vagus nerve support is the most important of the 3 nervous system supports, or that all 3 are the most important of the whole program? Just wanted to make sure I understood what the emphasis is on here.

    Thank you for your extensive articles. I look forward to continuing to read through all the information you have here.


    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Mac,
      All three aspects of nervous system support are important in the mold detox protocol.
      Hope this helps to clarify.

  10. Lucy

    Hi Beth, thanks for this great article. I’ve got a few questions and would be extremely grateful for any advice:

    * How long after starting binders do you typically recommend before supporting the necessary detox pathways or can 5 & 6 be done at the same time?
    * Is there a reason you prefer magnesium oxide for constipation over magnesium citrate and can this be used indefinitely?
    * Have you seen interstitial cystitis and pulsatile tinnitus linked to mast cell activation syndrome and mould?
    * Finally, could too long in an epsom salt bath trigger symptoms?
    * If SIBO is suspected would Biocidin also help this and if not would you treat following antifungals?

    Thanks in advance for any of these questions that you can answer.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Lucy,
      I’m able to address a few of your questions here, but not all, due to the complexity and specificity.
      It is very important to work with someone who can over see your detox. This article is meant to be informative and educational. We can’t say what your exact right path will be without knowing your case.
      We generally suggest to our clients to stop taking binders about three days before collection.
      When Beth recommends a supplement, she has usually found that supplement to be the most well-tolerated for the clients in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Often she will have used these herself as well. She will also look at all the other ingredients, too. If you are able to tolerate magnesium citrate and are doing well with it, that’s great. Everyone is different. I suspect that the citrate can often be derived from citric acid and many with MCAS or HIT don’t do well with citric acid.
      There are a lot of symptoms that can be associated with MCAS. Take a look at the symptoms survey here:
      Epsom salt baths can sometimes cause trigger a reaction. However, it may not be to the salt itself. Sometimes epsom salts act as detoxing agents and you might be having a reaction from detox. That’s why it’s so important to work with someone when addressing mold toxins or when doing any type of detox.

      Best regards,
      Suz, Mast Cell 360

  11. Jen

    Does mold insomnia resolve? Am I stuck sleeping 1-2 hours a night forever??

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Jen,
      There was a time when Beth only got 1-2 hours of sleep per night, too. She had to address several different areas of her life and health, including mold toxicity, but she is sleeping a regular amount most nights now. There is hope!

      Suz, Mast Cell 360

  12. T.

    I’m glad I found your site. I suspect I have histamine intolerance because of the symptoms I have. And when I take DAO, I’m usually able to eat more broadly. I went to the doctor when I lived in L.A. and they didn’t have a clue. Told me to take antihistamines. I’ve been traveling the world for 3 years as a digital nomad and I am not in countries where I can get all the fancy, organic, pastured, etc things recommended on the elimination diet.

    I saw a specialist here who helped a friend get better from gut issues, but he told me to drink bone broth for weeks on end. When I tried to say I couldn’t do that, he insisted it would help. I ended up on my sofa shaking uncontrollably and really, really cold and hungry all the time. I stopped everything he told me to do except the supplements.

    I’m living in a resort community with stunning new buildings in Montenegro. Our apartment is covered in mold. We battle it daily. We’re told by expats that that is very common for this part of the world, even in new buildings. I’ve been incredibly sick since being here. I have 2.5 more weeks of being here before moving on to Serbia.

    How do I address all of the symptoms I’m having without being in the US or the UK where I can follow your advice to the letter? Do you work with patients via Zoom? I’m so tired of feeling awful, and I’ve lost so much weight friends and family have expressed concern.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      I’m so sorry to hear you are facing these issues. Mast Cell 360 is a telehealth practice and all appointments are conducted via video conferencing. However, we are currently only able to take on new clients living in the US. This is in large part due to shipping and sourcing issues that have arisen with the pandemic. Please feel free to reach out to us here and we may be able to provide you with some other resources.

  13. Emily

    I have heard that it is not good to take nanoparticle silver since it wipes out your good bacteria along with the bad. Thoughts please?

  14. Ken

    I have a question concerning the use of Flavonoids such as Quercitin as MC stabilizers. I’m having good luck with Quercitin at around 2000mg per day (which is a breakthrough for me — first thing that has really helped in many years) but I’ve seen some information lately that this may be too much to take safely?

    Also I was going to try some Baicalin that I ordered through the 360 site as a substitute, but it looks as if it also may be from the same class of supplements. So would this mean that a safe daily dose would be calculated by totaling the sum of Quercetin and Baicalin that are taken together? Or am I misunderstanding this?

    Thank you.

  15. Michelle L

    When first introducing binders and detox pathway supplements (like calcium d-glucarate can you use them on the same day? Or should you slowly increase the binders for a few days and then layer on the detox pathway supplement?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Michelle,
      Everyone is different in what they can tolerate. However, typically, if you have a history of being sensitive to foods or supplements, we suggest starting just one thing at a time. You can use multiple supplements on the same day in the long term, but with sensitivities, we do suggest one thing at a time and even then to start with drops or sprinkles if you aren’t sure. You can gradually build up as tolerated. If you don’t have a history of sensitivities, you may be able to start with more than drops or sprinkles. We can’t say what is right for you specifically and these are general suggestions, so be sure to talk with you provider with any questions or concerns.

      Best wishes, Suz, MC360

  16. Christopher Ordonez

    Is there a binder you would recommend over any other for people who get constipated with binders? I am currently trying sun fiber and i seem to tolerate it gi wise at least. I have sibo and have tested negative for mold but i suspect i still have it because i have histamine and lots of inflammation on my skin. I’ve been through many doctors both conventional and holistic diets supplements all of it and still disabled from skin autoimmune disease hidradinitus supparativa.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Christopher,
      I’m so sorry to hear you are facing these challenges and hope you find the right path forward for you very soon. Beth will sometimes suggest sun fiber to her clients. If you tolerate it, that’s great.
      Generally speaking, Beth says “no bowel movement, no binders”. You want to have regular bowel movements before starting binders.
      In regards to the mold tests, it might be that you still have mold that doesn’t show up in the tests. There are a number of reasons for this, but this is why sometimes provocation is needed. However, you could still have histamine and inflammation for reasons other than mold, too. Without knowing your case, we can’t speculate more on this, but if you have concerns, be sure to talk with your provider.
      Wishing you all the best!

  17. Katie

    Thanks so much for this amazing, amazing article!!! You are so great at making complex things clear and easy to follow. : )

    At what stage would you add in things like Epsom salt baths, coffee enemas, and mast-cell-safe saunas? I’m guessing this would be at stage 6, after binders are on board?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Katie,
      Yes! After you get binders on board is when you can consider adding these things.

  18. Anne

    Hello, thanks for a great article.
    If one has Gilbert’s Syndrome and the glucuronidation pathway is compromised. Is it safe to take these supplements? Will it take longer to detox?
    Thank you.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Anne,
      Glucuronidation supports and binders are often helpful in Gilbert’s to support the pathway, but of course we always recommend working with your healthcare practitioner with any questions or concerns.

  19. Dale

    This is a fantastic article, very clear and very helpful. Thank you so much!!!

  20. Christi

    I live in Montana. How do you go about finding a Dr?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Christi,
      You can contact us through our contact us thru our contact page at
      Choose the second + from the bottom and you can email our support team who will be happy to provide you with some resources.

      Best wishes!

  21. Mike

    Hey there, thanks for this post. It’s so helpful. I’ve just found out that I’ve lived in a mouldy flat for 3+ years and my mcas type symptoms definitely became more apparent. I’ve been exposed to Penicillium/Aspergillus types. What binders would with best with that? I’ve already done the earlier steps 🙂

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Mike, Glad you found the article helpful. The best way to find what binders will work for you is to look up the specific mycotoxins that are associated with the molds you have been exposed to. Then you can explore this article again to find the correct ones for you. For example Aspergillus species gives off some mycotoxins including aflatoxins and ochratoxin. Another great resource to explore since you’ve done some testing would be the MC360 Mold Precision Masterclass.

  22. Krystina Morrison

    You mentioned using Argentyn23, and I was hoping you could give feedback on my situation and question. I was using Argentyn23 nasal spray for weeks with no ill effects, but in the last week and a half, after I use it, I experience weird smells—like a pungent spice. I smell it near my coffee press (I’ve been using Purity brand at home), and when I went into Starbucks that smell was magnified ten fold. Have you ever had any patients say this regarding Argentyn23? Do you have any guesses as to why that’s happening? I have heard of people experiencing different smells and tastes after getting Covid and I think we’ve been exposed to that recently, but again, I’m not sure how that relates to Argentyn23 causing me to smell weird smells whenever I use it, and ONLY when I use it. Duration is at least 2 hours. If you find that you have time to answer this, I’d appreciate it.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Krystina, our Mast Cell 360 health coach, Kimberley Quirk let me know that this isn’t something we’ve heard before with use of Argentyn23. Her best guess based on information given is perhaps the argentyn23 nasal spray is clearing some mucous which is temporarily heightening the sense of smell or it is due to COVID exposure neurologically changing your sense of smell. Argentyn23 can smell a bit metallic as it is a silver based spray.

    2. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Also, when colonized mold is killed off, it releases more mycotoxins as it dies. Many people report unusual smells after mycotoxin exposure and this may be why this is happening

  23. Kevin Fitzgerald

    Hi I have multiple mold mycotoxins. Is a liver gi detox good for detox. Does mold after yrs of having mold mycotoxins cause heart bp and hr issues because I have postural orthostatic tachycardia. I’ve been on treatments for about 1 yr and still sick.

  24. Eflodur

    Hello MC360 Team,

    I want to thank you that you deliver all the good information!

    As I child I was exposed to mold over years behind my bed. I have had many lung infections and took antibiotics a few times every year till I grew up.
    I am sensitive to high histamine food and liberators + chronic headaches since decades too but since nearly 5 years several stressful events accured and now my health has gone. My resilience is extremely low. Having 2 littel kids and work is too much for me most of the time day to day is too much for me. Heavy insomnia irritability heavy chronic headaches anxiety heart palpitation ear ringing upper back hurts often. Especially my nervous system is out of balance. My life quality is very low. I was diagnosed with depression although the psychiatrist said that a few things do not fit into the diagnose, most of the psycho medicine I can’t take cause of sideeffect. Since half a year a mcas specialiced presumptive diagnosed mcas prescribed Ketotifen and other antihistmines didn’t helped much.
    Although I am from Europe Austria / Vienna , is there a possibility to be your patient or do you know anybody in my area who have similar competences in term of mcas and detox procederes?
    I am quite desperate for healing but I am overwhelmed of all the possibel treatments especially when it comes to detox.

    Kind Regards

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Eflodur,

      We are so sorry to hear what you have been through and the challenges you are facing. At this time we are unable to accept clients outside of the US, but if you send an email to we may be able to help you with some resources to find a practitioner in your area. Another option you may want to consider is the Precision Mold Master Class where Beth walks you through step by step the detox process and how to find binders specifically for your case. You can learn more about the mold course here:


  25. Melanie

    Do you have a suggestion for binding Chaetoglobosin A? I have scoured the internet and hoped your article would give something, but no luck. My daughter’s Great Plains Lab came back with high ochratoxin, gliotixin, chaetoglobosin A, and Citrinin. We have done a fairly extensive detox, but feel there is still something we have not addressed. We have spent time using many of the binders you listed (Sac Boulardii, Benonite clay, charcoal, zeolite, chlorella) and we did a couple months of cholestyramine. We just found out my daughter has hEDS, MCAS, and POTS. We have known for some time she has Lyme, chronic mycoplasma, is NK cell deficient and has very low immunoglobulin levels. She is the one still having the most symptoms and I am wondering if she detoxed all the way. The Chaetoglobosin A is the one mycotoxin we did not directly address. I am also thinking we need to run the test again (as it has been a while). Would you recommend doing the Real-Time Panel as well? That was not recommended to us before. It seams important to do the Great Plains again as that is what our baseline is. We assume she had colonization, as the doctor recommended antifungals as well. We do not have endless funds and all of this has been overwhelming. We are not new to this it has been years.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      I’m sorry to hear that your daughter has gone through an extensive detox and is still symptomatic. Beth’s most up to date research on Binders can be found in her Mold Course, which you can learn more about here: We typically recommend repeating mycotoxin urine testing every 6 months to monitor how a protocol may be working, so doing the Great Plain (now Mosaic) test again is a great idea. Often Beth recommends doing both GPL and RealTime if you can afford both, but if only doing one start with RealTime since it is more sensitive. While there is some overlap in mycotoxins they also test for different ones as well, but I think sticking with GPL to save money would be the way to go since that is your baseline.

  26. James

    In your article on testing for mycotoxins you advise glutathione supplementation to provoke release. In this article here you advise supplements that increase glucuronidation for the full mold detoxification process. Can you say more about why you’ve recommended these differing strategies, and whether you advise glutathione supplementation at all for mold detox?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi James, glutathione supplementation is used to provoke release for the Real Time Labs test only which is recommended in their instructions, hence why we instruct those who choose to do this test to use the method stated by the lab. With that said, many people with MCAS cannot tolerate glutathione and the suggestion to supplement with it during a mold detox is at the discretion of the practitioner on a case to case basis.

  27. Melanie Joslin

    I would have to disagree with this information due to personal experience. I tried to support glucuronidation pathway in the very beginning and could not. I started my journey back in 2020. I read the book Toxic which clued me into Mcas. Which this lead me to mc360. I had all the major mycotoxins; aflatoxin, ochratoxin, tricothecene, gliotoxin, and zearalenone. As well minor ones like citrinin and mycophenolic acid. All of the at super high levels. After feeling like I tried everything, and I mean everything, I was ready to pull my hair out bc I was reacting to foods and supplements, was in clean environment, threw just about everything away and I was so sensitive to everything. I finally found an environmental doctor who worked under Dr. Rhea and been practicing for 35+ years with mold patients, MCS patients, and all of us super sensitive last year. I walked in there with all the right labs, all the info to get started, and he asked what I had tried. Everything single binder, antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, and on and on the list went. He said most don’t tolerate binders anyway. I want sure if I wanted to trust him at this point as this was not the info I had learned but I was tired of doing this alone. He ran real time labs right there in office to see where I was at right then. I was relieved not to have to induce as I had with previous tests. He approached everything differently and it worked! Right out of gate, got me on Coq10 and ALA (alpha lipoic acid)+biotin. I reacted to every single binder and I tried them all. ALA I did not and yes, I even had mercury. Now, I still can not tolerate glutathione. To this day have not used a binder, I also have not supported gluccordidation. Every single mycotoxins has come down on ALA alone and adrenal support. I’ve had to go super slow but have slowly and surely came down. He has hyperbaric on site and went through it back in March. I expected a ton to come out that was stored away since I was on what seemed like it wouldn’t make a huge diff. Usually you see levels jump up from stored levels after hyperbaric. Mine didn’t. I was almost done after hyperbaric. I’ve still got a lot of healing to do. Foods sensitives, immune dysregulated, developed all kinds of allergies, heavy metals (or did in mold and right or if mold however, I saw levels drop just getting out of mold with no detox support on board at time) etc. If glucorodiation was the the main detox pathway for mycotoxins,ALA wouldn’t have detoxed every mycotoxin I had on its own. Alpha Lipoic Acid supports glutathione. I have by far not been straightforward case. And very challenging to say the least. I followed the book Toxic. I followed the info from the top mast cell supporting supps and even paid the advanced mold course. Nothing was working. ALA did. I will also say my order of operations was not like this either. I was on holy Basil to support my adrenals before I developed MCAS. But even so can’t tolerate silver or other SIFO or SIBO support. What I shouldn’t be able to tolerate, I do. What I should be able to tolerate, I don’t. I will also say, limbic retraining was not helpful for me. I already did the things it said to do in my own flavor if you will. I worked on mindset, CBT, guided meditations, all the study your see in limbic retraining, the entire time in mold so maybe why I didn’t find it helped at all. ANS was the best one if I picked one and helped hubs who is not MCAS. He was more chemical sensitive but wasn’t intolerant to much. He also didn’t tolerate binders but went straight to antifungals. Nervous system support wise, I needed spiritual side and Vagal nerve like braintap or biannual beats with isotonic sounds with subliminal messages. Abide app helps my nervous system. I was reading my Bible but the app helped spiritual “Rewire” or biblically speaking, renew my mind.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Melanie, We are so glad you found something that worked for you! In our experience, the MC360 Method has worked for the majority of our clients who have been very sensitive and haven’t had success with other protocols. However, we do understand that everyone is different and each person is unique. That’s why we also recommend working with an experienced provider even alongside our courses. A knowledgeable provider who knows your full health history can help you determine exactly what’s best for you. I’m so glad you found someone who has been able to help you. Wishing you continued recovery with your health.

  28. Marie

    Bonjour, je viens de recevoir les résultats de mon test, je suis très inquiète.
    Je suis au maximum d’aflotoxines, d’acide mycophenolic et aussi pas mal de gliotoxine…
    J’ai tout étudié… à ce stade ça peut encore être réversible avec le protocole de l’article ci dessus… ou dois-je m’orienter vers le diagnostic d’une forme invasive avec des examens complètementaire!?
    Sachant qu’en plus je ne peux rien avaler…
    J’ai l’impression d’être condamnée…
    Merci pour tout ce que vous faites.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Marie, I’m so sorry to hear that your test results came back positive for mycotoxins. Since we are unfamiliar with your individual case, we cannot say what the right protocol for you would be and recommend working with a mold literate practitioner who is familiar with MCAS. If you don’t have a knowledgable practitioner you might be interested in getting started with our precision mold master class, which you can learn more about here:

  29. Jacob

    I have had a difficult time finding information on which binder to use for Roridin H, as well as for Patulin. Could you shed some light on this for me? There seems to be a little more information available on Roridin E–is this a different micotoxin that Roridin H?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Jacob. I checked with our functional health coach and this is what she said: Both Roridin strains are from tricothecenes from stachybotrus (black mold). So any of the binders for tricothecenes would work. Patulin is a strain from Aspergillus and Penicillium so we suspect that any binders that work on the mycotoxins from that family would help bind Patulin as well.

  30. Marie

    good evening, I didn’t quite understand a comment above… we have to stop the holey binders or four days before supporting detoxification or is it the other way around?!

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Marie! The MC360 method supports very gentle detox and making sure that a client is having consistent bowel movements before onboarding binders. Once binders are onboarded if you are retesting, binders are paused for 3 days prior to testing. Depending on your individual case you may choose various methods of provocation before testing to get an accurate picture of what is going on. You can read more about testing in this post: and for even more detail on the topic you might find the Precision Mold Masterclass helpful: and I highly suggest watching this video on the MC360 method:

  31. Marie

    hello, I must have missed it, I can’t find the path to gliotoxin?! THANKS

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Marie. One of our lead practitioners let me know that gliotoxin goes through the glucuronidation and deepoxidation pathways.

      1. Marie

        THANKS, profondeoxydation!?
        Does cholestyramine bind other mycotoxins than mycophenolic acid?!
        Thancks you 🙏

        1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

          Hi Marie, Cholestyramine also binds to zearalenone. For more in depth on binders used for particular mycotoxins you might be interested in the Precision Mold Masterclass, which you can learn more about here:

          1. Marie

            hello, see you write profondeoxydation…I suppose it’s a typing error, what did you mean?!

          2. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

            Hi Marie, I believe you mean deepoxidation, which is what I typed above. This is what our lead practitioner shared with me. He also had not heard of this detox pathway when he looked it up, so I’d focus on the glucuronidation pathway to support the detox of gliotoxin as you original inquired about. One product you may be interested in is Glucuronidation Assist: Please note that since we are unfamiliar with your individual case we cannot say if the product above is right for you. We recommend discussing all supplements with your licensed medical provider who is familiar with your health history.

  32. Beatrice

    My mold exposure was many years ago. I had to live outside for four years, and devise my own recovery means. The only thing left that I know of is two toenail beds have fungus in them. I have not been able to find a way to get rid of that. My mitochondria never fully recovered, but I was floxed along the way, and I think that created worse symptoms than the mold did. So what can I do about the toenail beds, because that is an ongoing infection?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Beatrice. We cannot say if this is right for you since we are not familiar with your individual case, but silver is an antifungal so for fungal infections you may want to discuss a gel like Ameo Life’s extra strength with your licensed medical provider to see if it is right for you:

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