low histamine vitamin c, camu camu

Low Histamine Vitamin C

Have you reacted to vitamin C supplements? Did you think your reaction was an allergy to vitamin C?  

Years ago, I was trying to figure out my own Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Histamine Intolerance issues. I’d get so frustrated reading about supplements. 

The supplements that were the “best” and “right” for everyone else were making me sick.  

Once, I threw a bottle of vitamin C across the room because of yet another reaction! 

Have you experienced any of these symptoms and thought they were allergy related? 

  • Hives
  • Sinus pressure 
  • Gastrointestinal (gut) issues (like upset stomach) 
  • Sneezing 
  • Watery eyes 
  • Runny nose 

I had symptoms that appeared like allergy symptoms.

You may be surprised to learn that these reactions to vitamin C may not be an allergy. They may be mast cell or histamine reactions! 

That’s why I want to share with you the top information on low histamine vitamin C for those of us with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. 

You’ll learn: 

  • What is a true allergy to vitamin C?
  • Could high histamine vitamin C be causing your reactions? 
  • High histamine vitamin C to avoid 
  • How vitamin C helps with Histamine Intolerance and MCAS 
  • My top recommendations for lower histamine vitamin C 
  • How to boost the effects of vitamin C
  • PLUS: What to know about vitamin C and oxalates 

Let’s start by briefly looking at what a true allergy is. And why your reactions may not be an allergy to vitamin C.  

It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone.  If you have any medical condition, it is critical you work under the care and guidance of a licensed medical provider.

Allergy to Vitamin C or High Histamine Vitamin C Reaction? 

A true allergy is an IgE immune response. Anything that stirs up an immune response is called an antigen. 

Antigens can be anything from bacteria to normally harmless substances like food, supplements, and even pet dander. 

Your body produces antibodies to fight these antigens. 

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) are 2 of these types of antibodies that your immune system produces. 

IgE reactions usually show up within a few minutes to a few hours after exposure. 

IgE reactions are considered true allergic reactions. 

These reactions can range widely. They can be irritated, watery eyes to life threatening anaphylaxis. 

Some people have true allergies. Like a food allergy. Or a medication allergy. 

But my reactions were not an allergy to vitamin C at all. And it might not be for you either. 

The Little Known Histamine and Vitamin C Link 

Do you have Histamine Intolerance? 

This is a buildup of histamine in your body. It happens when your body can’t process the levels of your histamine efficiently. 

Your histamine levels may be high due to: 

  • Consuming high histamine foods
  • The histamine your body naturally produces 
  • Low levels of histamine degrading enzymes such as DAO (diamine oxidase)  

You can decrease the amount of histamine in your body by: 

  • Eating a low histamine diet
  • Taking diamine oxidase (DAO) a histamine degrading enzyme supplement
  • Removing environmental triggers like mold or chemical toxins that cause your body to produce excess histamine 

You can also help lower histamine with vitamin C! 

Don’t run out and grab just any vitamin C, though! Especially if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. Why? 

Many sources of vitamin C can raise your histamine levels. 

And histamine is a mast cell trigger. 

In other words, more histamine = more mast cell activation. 

This is why you may be getting reactions from your vitamin C dietary supplements.  

Many allergy symptoms look a lot like histamine related symptoms or mast cell related symptoms. In fact, histamine does play a role in allergic responses.  

However, not all histamine reactions are true allergies. 

So, if you have Histamine Intolerance or MCAS, you want to avoid high histamine vitamin C supplements. 

After all, you want to decrease the amount of histamine in your body. You don’t want to increase it! 

Next, learn about the high histamine sources of vitamin C you should avoid. Then you’ll learn more about the benefits of vitamin C and my top recommendations for lower histamine vitamin C supplements. 

High Histamine Vitamin C Sources to Avoid

It can be frustrating sifting through all the vitamin C dietary supplements on the market.

For starters, you’ll likely need to avoid multivitamins with vitamin C. 

If you have a lot of sensitivities, you’ll increase your chances of successfully onboarding supplements if you introduce just one thing at a time. 

I also want to caution you about starting with high doses.  

In the Mast Cell 360® practice, we say start low and slow. 

In other words, start with just drops and sprinkles of anything new. This will help minimize risk of side effects and reactions. 

If you like to learn via video, be sure to check out this video with updated research on vitamin C.  

Note: no Facebook account needed to watch! 

The following are some of the most common high histamine sources of vitamin C to avoid. 

Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C 

Ascorbic acid usually comes from corn in most forms. 

Corn can be a problem for a few reasons:  

  • It’s a common allergen 
  • It’s likely GMO (genetically modified) 
  • It tends to be a moldy crop 

And almost all ascorbic acid is actually from FERMENTED corn.

Learn more about corn and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome here.

Fermented ingredients are high histamine and can raise histamine levels in your body. 

Ascorbyl Palmitate Vitamin C 

Ascorbyl palmitate is also made from a fermentation process.

There used to be a non fermented, tapioca based ascorbyl palmitate supplement. But it was discontinued a few years ago.  

Since then, I’ve seen a lot of people with mast cell and histamine issues struggle with this form of vitamin C.

And I haven’t found a ascorbyl palmitate form of vitamin C since that was low histamine. 

Vitamin C with Citrus Bioflavonoids 

Citrus is a histamine liberator. This means it can cause your body to release histamine. 

Citrus fruits and citrus bioflavonoids can raise your histamine levels. Bioflavonoids are naturally occurring chemicals found in some plants. 

Bioflavonoids have been used to help with inflammation and as an antioxidant. 

So, citrus bioflavonoids may be good for some people. But they can be bad news if you’re histamine sensitive! 

So, what can you consider for low histamine sources of vitamin C? 

And why should you consider vitamin C at all?  

Keep reading to learn why and get my top recommendations. 

How Vitamin C Helps Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome 

Vitamin C can be helpful if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. 

Why? Here are a few of the top reasons. 

Vitamin C Naturally Lowers Histamine 

Vitamin C naturally lowers histamine.  

It does this by activating the DAO (diamine oxidase) your body produces. Remember, DAO is a histamine degrading enzyme. 

Vitamin C activates the DAO which means the DAO will be more effective at breaking down histamine. 

So, you might not be making enough active DAO to break down all the histamine in your body if you have a vitamin C deficiency. 

Getting your active diamine oxidase (DAO) levels up can help when you are dealing with Histamine Intolerance. 

And vitamin C can help you get those active DAO levels up.  

Vitamin C Is an Antioxidant Vitamin 

Antioxidants fight free radicals.

 Free radicals are unstable molecules. They create something called oxidative stress when they build up in the body. 

Oxidative stress can contribute to the development of chronic and degenerative illness. 

That’s why you hear so much about the benefits of antioxidants. Studies are showing just how helpful they can be! 

Vitamin C Has Anti-inflammatory Properties 

It’s likely you have a lot of inflammation if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. 

Vitamin C has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

That’s another way it can benefit your health. 

See, inflammation is a normal part of the healing process. But chronic inflammation in healthy tissues can be very damaging. 

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, inflammation has been associated with: 

  • Autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis 
  • Heart related diseases  
  • Gut issues (gastrointestinal) like Inflammatory Bowel Disease 
  • Asthma and other lung diseases
  • Depression 
  • Type 2 Diabetes 
  • Parkinson’s 

Vitamin C and Allergies 

You read earlier that your reactions to vitamin C may not have been an allergy to vitamin C.  

In fact, studies have shown that vitamin C may help with allergic reactions. Just make sure you are getting a low histamine form of vitamin C! 

Studies have shown that vitamin C has: 

  • Aided in suppressing severe anaphylaxis 
  • Improved symptoms of allergic rhinitis 
  • Reduced allergy symptoms including: 
    • Nasal congestion
    • Sneezing 
    • Nasal itching 
    • Runny nose 

Vitamin C has also been shown to decrease T cell migration. T cell migration is an allergic response. 

But here’s what’s interesting. T cell mediated inflammatory processes can cause mast cell activation. 

So, reducing these T cell responses may help with mast cell activation, too. 

You can see why it’s important to make sure your vitamin C levels are optimized if you are dealing with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance! 

Next, read about my top recommendations for getting the right vitamin C to support your Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. 

Low Histamine Sources of Vitamin C 

You can get vitamin C from low histamine food sources like (all are calculated per 3.5 ounce serving): 

  • Kale – 186 mg (high oxalate, though)
  • Parsley – 172 mg 
  • Collards – 152 mg 
  • Broccoli – 113 mg 
  • Brussels sprouts – 102 mg 
  • Cauliflower – 78 mg
  • Red cabbage – 61 mg 
  • Asparagus – 33 mg 
  • Radishes – 26 mg 

However, these calculations are averages.  

Today we aren’t getting as much nutritional support from our food as we once did.

This may be in part due to the soil our food is grown in. It has become depleted of a lot of vitamins and minerals. 

So, your food’s nutritional content can vary widely depending on how and where it is grown. 

Additionally, FDA recommend daily values aren’t usually enough for those of us with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. Supplementation in addition to good nutrition is often extremely helpful.  

But a vitamin C dietary supplement that works for people with MCAS and Histamine Intolerance is one of the trickiest to find. 

This is what I’ve seen to be the most generally well tolerated by the sensitive community. 

However, be sure to talk with your health care provider with any questions or concerns you have for your unique needs. 

And if you are hypersensitive, remember this. Start low and slow. 

Here are my top 2 low histamine sources of vitamin C.  

Magnesium Ascorbate

Magnesium Ascorbate is the vitamin C option I am now recommending.  

When I reached out to the Allergy Research Group, they assured me that this product does not have any fermentation in the manufacturing process. 

That’s something I look for since most products made with fermentation are higher histamine. 

They also said, “The ascorbic acid used to make our Magnesium Ascorbate product is … likely sourced from corn.”  

However, they clarified that there is no corn DNA in the final product. 

But how can something made from corn not have corn residue? Things can be processed to the point that there are no residues.  

For example, when vodka is distilled from wheat, the distillation process removes all wheat particles to the point that it is gluten free. It is generally considered safe even for people with celiac.  

This is why I feel comfortable with this vitamin C supplement. 

This is the option I recommend in my practice to many with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance who are dealing with Salicylate Intolerance. Many of my clients have done well with it (except those who aren’t tolerating any supplements.) 

>>> Get 15% off Magnesium Ascorbate here!

You can get 15% off any of your Fullscript orders, anytime, when you create an account with the supplement link above. 

Some people prefer food based vitamin C supplementation, though. 

Here’s my top pick if you prefer a food based option. 

Camu Camu  

Camu Camu is a berry from a tree in South America. It’s both low histamine and low oxalate. And it’s an excellent source of vitamin C. 

TIP: If you have Salicylate Intolerance, camu camu won’t be right for you. You’ll want to consider a different option, like the magnesium ascorbate above. 

Here are my top picks.

Camu Camu Powder by Navitas is the most reliable brand in terms of testing for purity. 

Camu Capsules by Mother Nature are organic. You can start by opening these capsules for a sprinkle.  

If you decide that vitamin C is right for you, here’s a tip on boosting the effects of vitamin C. 

Boost Your Vitamin C Effects  

A 2022 in vitro study showed B6 increases the mast cell stabilizing effects of vitamin C.  

I recommend the P-5-P form of B6 for most people with MCAS.  

For my clients who aren’t taking B6 yet, I recommend starting with onboarding Magnesium, B1, and B2 first. 

That’s because these nutrients are needed to convert B6 to a form usable by the body.   

And adding B1 and B2 before B6 can help with tolerance of B6. 

Next, let’s get back to something we’ve touched on throughout the post. Oxalates. 

What to Know About Oxalates and Vitamin C 

Some people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance are very sensitive to oxalates.

I especially see this issue in those with Mold Toxicity. 

If you have oxalate issues, it’s important to know whether a source of vitamin C is high in oxalates. 

After all, we know that oxalates can raise histamine levels in the body. 

What are oxalates? 

Oxalates are microscopic crystals found in some plants. 

Your body can make them, too. 

Further, mold might be affecting your oxalate load, too. Here’s how. 

Mold makes oxalates. So, mold may be contributing to your oxalate load if: 

Oxalates have been associated with: 

  • Fibromyalgia pains 
  • Vulvodynia 
  • Interstitial cystitis 
  • Osteoporosis or osteopenia
  • Arthritis or joint pain 
  • Inflammation in the body  
  • Kidney stones 
  • Cataracts 
  • Thyroid issues
  • Ear crystals 
  • Vertigo 
  • And potentially PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) 

It’s also possible to have a buildup of oxalates in your body before symptoms show up. 

Now you may be wondering, if you don’t have symptoms, how can you find out if you have oxalate issues? 

Whether or not you have symptoms, the best test to find out if you have oxalate issues is the Mosaic DX (Great Plains) Organic Acid Test (OT). 

The test looks at 3 types of oxalate markers. Plus, it has gut markers for: 

  • Fungal and bacterial overgrowth
  • Detoxification markers 
  • Nutrient markers 
  • And more 

So, this one test can tell you a lot about what’s happening in your body. 

Great Plains OAT Test

And you can order it yourself here: 

>>> Mosaic DX (Great Plains) Organic Acid Test with Oxalate Markers 

Or if you live in Canada, use this link: 

>>>CANADA Mosaic DX (Great Plains) Organic Acid Test 

If you have oxalate issues, you’ll want to avoid high oxalate forms of vitamin C. Let’s look at some of those next.

High Oxalate Vitamin C 

Unfortunately, many of the whole food sources of vitamin C fall into the moderate to high oxalate category. 

Some of high oxalates vitamin c sources are:

  • Amla – It’s also known as Indian gooseberry. Amla is a powerful antihistamine. I’ve found it bothers most people I work with. 
  • Acerola cherry – This is a vitamin C rich superfood. In addition to being likely high oxalate, it reacts with latex and has led to anaphylactic reactions for those with latex allergies. 
  • Kakadu plum – This plum is native to Australia. It’s also known as gubinge. Vitamin C levels per gram are 900 times that of blueberries!
  • Rosehips – Rosehips are the fruit of the rosebush. They are high in vitamin C, but like many other wild plants are higher in oxalates. The tea may be ok for some people, though. 

Those forms of vitamin C may be ok for you if you don’t have Oxalate Intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.   

But if you’ve ever suspected an allergy to vitamin C, or if you are generally super sensitive, consider choosing a different form of vitamin C like the ones you read about earlier– magnesium ascorbate or camu camu. 

What to Know About Oxalates and High Doses of Vitamin C 

Vitamin C offers a lot of potential benefits. 

But taking large doses of vitamin C can cause the body to make oxalates.  

This isn’t a problem for everyone. 

However, consider keeping your vitamin C intake to 250mg per day or less if you have significant oxalate issues. And always talk with your practitioner before starting anything new so you can customize what is right for you.  

For example, I’ve had oxalate problems that caused excruciating joint pain. But I can do 250mg of vitamin C, 2 times per day. 

Everyone is truly unique. 

Navigating sensitivities and health complexities can be challenging. If you’re like me, you’ve been misdiagnosed multiple times. 

You’ve been given protocols and recommendations that are great for the general public, but not great if you have MCAS and other sensitivities. 

And you may have even misinterpreted your own symptoms and reactions as an allergy to vitamin C. 

Symptoms of so many conditions can overlap. That’s why a number of my clients thought they were allergic to a supplement when it was not actually an allergy. 

In the case of vitamin C, it was often the wrong form that was contributing to their histamine or oxalate load.  

But finding the right vitamin C meant they could get the benefits of this histamine lowering supplement! 

Whether you are looking for vitamin C or another supplement, always take your sensitive needs into consideration with MCAS and Histamine Intolerance!  

Check out my lower histamine vitamin C sources:

>>> Get 15% off Magnesium Ascorbate by Allergy Research Group

>>> Camu Camu Powder by Navitas

>>> Camu Camu Capsules by Mother Nature

Have you ever thought you had an allergy to vitamin C? Did you find a form of low histamine vitamin C that works for you?

More Low Histamine Supplements 

Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support! 


Anogeianaki, A., et al. (2010). Vitamins and mast cells. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology, 23(4), 991–996. https://doi.org/10.1177/039463201002300403 

Ellulu, M. S., et al. (2015). Effect of vitamin C on inflammation and metabolic markers in hypertensive and/or diabetic obese adults: a randomized controlled trial. Drug design, development and therapy, 9, 3405–3412. https://doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S83144 

Ghalibaf, M. H. E., et al. (2023). The effects of vitamin C on respiratory, allergic and immunological diseases: an experimental and clinical-based review. Inflammopharmacology, 31(2), 653–672. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10787-023-01169-1   

Jarisch, R., et al. (2014). Impact of oral vitamin C on histamine levels and seasickness. Journal of vestibular research: equilibrium & orientation, 24(4), 281–288. https://doi.org/10.3233/VES-140509   

Kaygusuz, I., et al. (2013). Is polycystic ovarian syndrome a risk factor for urolithiasis?. Urolithiasis, 41(4), 361–362. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00240-013-0564-9 

Kazama, I., Sato, Y., & Tamada, T. (2022). Pyridoxine Synergistically Potentiates Mast Cell-Stabilizing Property of Ascorbic Acid. Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, 56(3), 282–292. https://doi.org/10.33594/000000534 

Langley, P. C., et al. (2015). Antioxidant and associated capacities of Camu camu (Myrciaria dubia): a systematic review. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 21(1), 8–14. https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2014.0130 

Lukaczer, D., MD. (2004). Clinical nutrition: A functional approach (2nd ed.). The Institute of Functional Medicine. 

Mekori, Y. A., & Metcalfe, D. D. (1999). Mast cell–T cell interactions. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 104(3), 517–523. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0091-6749(99)70316-7   

Miles, E. A., & Calder, P. C. (2021). Effects of Citrus Fruit Juices and Their Bioactive Components on Inflammation and Immunity: A Narrative Review. Frontiers in immunology, 12, 712608. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2021.712608 

Mohanty, S., & Cock, I. E. (2012). The chemotherapeutic potential of Terminalia ferdinandiana: Phytochemistry and bioactivity. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 6(11), 29–36. http://doi.org/10.4103/0973-7847.95855 

Montgomery, D. R., & Biklé, A. (2021). Soil Health and Nutrient Density: Beyond Organic vs. Conventional Farming. Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.699147 

NIH. (n.d.). Inflammation. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Retrieved July 31, 2023, from https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/conditions/inflammation/index.cfm#footnote1

Noland, D., Drisko, J. A., & Wagner, L. (Eds.). (2020). Integrative and functional medical nutrition therapy: Principles and Practices. Springer Nature.

Pham-Huy, L. A., He, H., & Pham-Huy, C. (2008). Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health. International journal of biomedical science : IJBS, 4(2), 89–96.

Spoelstra-de Man, A. M. E., et al. (2018). Vitamin C: should we supplement?. Current opinion in critical care, 24(4), 248–255. https://doi.org/10.1097/MCC.0000000000000510 


  1. Marcia

    I am sensitive to many supplements, corn & am dealing with lyme, babiesia, MCAS,MCS, oxylates, salicylates, phytates probs. For many years, I have used Perque Vitamin C powder (from Dr. Russell Jaffe). It has been great & never had any probs with it. Just sharing what has worked for me.

    1. Diane

      Can you tell me exactly which one you bought and how much you use of the vit c powder. Is it the Guard?

    2. Linda Russo

      I have been taking PureGenomics by Pure Encapsulations. It contains ascorbic acid. I was unaware until I found your site that ascorbic acid could be a problem for those with Mast cell issues. Do you know if this product is okay? If not, is there a recommendation for a different one? Thank you.

      1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

        Hi Linda! PureGenomics is a product that our practitioners may recommend. With that said because it contains ascorbic acid, it is often recommended for those who are of a more robust constitution and have successfully onboarded many other supplements. Since we are not familiar with your case, and everyone has a different level of individual sensitivity, we cannot say whether or not this supplement is right for you and always recommend discussing your concerns with your licensed medical practitioner.

  2. Katrina Bubolz

    Is it okay to get an IV of vitamin c, does this affect histamine?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Katrina,
      This is a decision that needs to be made individually. We aren’t familiar with your case, so we can’t be sure one way or another if this would be right for you.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Bill,
      Thanks for reaching out. Things can be processed to the point that there are no residues. For example, when vodka is distilled from wheat, the distillation process removes all wheat particles to the point that it is gluten free and safe for people even with celiac. Beth wishes me to convey that she has a severe corn allergy myself and has had no issues with the Metabolic Maintenance Vitamin C.

      We also spoke with the manufacturer who issued this statement:
      The ascorbate portion of the Buffered Vitamin C (as Potassium Magnesium Ascorbate) is made from corn sorbitol through a chemical process not a fermentation process, therefore there are no fungal residues. The ascorbic acid is highly purified into a single compound which meets USP specifications. There is no corn residue in the ascorbic acid.
      We do not use solvents here.

      I hope this helps to clarify.

      Suz, MC360

    2. Sarah

      For the section on oxalates, there is no link or product listed after it says, “Here is my top Vitamin C option that often works well…” What is the vitamin C recommendation for those with oxalate issues?

      1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

        Hi Sarah,
        Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are working on getting this corrected and should have it up for you very soon!

        Thank you,

  3. Annette Kastner

    How about Quali-C, or magnesium ascorbate?


    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Cindy,
      We’ve just added some information to the blog to help address this question for you and others. This is why this product is different:
      (updated copy from the blog)
      Metabolic Maintenance has strongly assured me this ascorbic acid is not from fermentation. And they’ve told me it doesn’t have any corn residues. But how can something made from corn not have corn residue?

      Things can be processed to the point that there are no residues. For example, when vodka is distilled from wheat, the distillation process removes all wheat particles to the point that it is gluten free and is even generally considered safe for people even with celiac. I have a significant corn sensitivity myself and have had no issues with the Metabolic Maintenance Vitamin C.

      I wanted to make absolutely sure. So I’ve reached out to them 3 separate times about this. They also told me that the ascorbate portion of the Buffered Vitamin C (as Potassium Magnesium Ascorbate) is made from a chemical process not a fermentation process.

      This means it’s not high histamine like when made with fermentation. It also means there are no fungal residues, either like in fermentation. It is derived from corn sorbitol.

      But then it is highly purified to meet USP specifications. This is the highest level of quality standards for purity in prescription medications. So this means that are making sure it is pharmaceutical grade purity.

      Thank you!
      Suz, MC360

  4. Liz Ahmann

    Is citric acid in a multivitamin a concern for someone with histamine issues?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Liz,
      Citric acid is from mold fermentation and many in our audience have trouble with it both due to mold and histamine.

      1. Steve

        I contacted Pure Encapsulations and asked them about their Magnesium Citrate. They said the Citrate portion is derived from corn, not mold. Not sure if it’s fermented.
        I believe the Citric Acid in food products are more likely to be derived from mold, perhaps supplements usually use corn

        1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

          Hi Steve,
          Thanks for letting us know what they shared with you about magnesium citrate. Typically, magnesium citrate isn’t one we suggest. The form of Vitamin C mentioned in the blog post here is magnesium ascorbate. We’ve been told that this is not derived from fermentation. It does start with corn, but is processed to a point where no corn DNA is in the final product. I hope this helps clarify.

  5. Susan Yeates

    I contacted metabolic maintenance regarding their sodium ascorbate and they said it had lemon juice in it. That is histamine and salicylate.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Susan,
      Thanks for reaching out and letting us know your experience. Lemon tested very low salicylate and in small quantities is low histamine, but we’re concerned about the informational discrepancies and are investigating this product further. Thank you.

      Suz, MC360

      1. Kate


        Have you verified whether or not there is lemon juice in this product? I like others cannot tolerate citrus due to histamine liberator effect. But I’m struggling to find a safe source of Vitamin C.
        I asked the same question here a few days ago. I kept checking back for a reply, and saw today my comment was removed. Not sure what that is about?

        1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

          Hi Kate,
          I’m so sorry, but I was checking on your original message and I seem to have lost it in the shuffle. We have to approve everything before it goes up but it definitely was not deleted. I was probably just waiting til I heard something, but then I lost track.
          I’ve got some questions in to my teammates and will post here very soon with what information we have. You can also reach out to the company directly to see what info they can share with you. I’ll be back in touch here just as soon as I hear something. Again, my apologies!

          1. Kate


            I heard back from Metabolic Maintenance today. No citrus in that product, but it IS made from fermentation apparently the same as any ascorbic acid. So it’s not any more MCAS friendly than any other ascorbic acid sourced vitamin C. This is specifically what they said:

            “This is what our R&D team had to say regarding your inquiry: We have Citrus bioflavonoids in the Buffered Vitamin C but not in the Reduced Acidity Powder. Ascorbic acid is made via a multi-step process some of which involve fermentation. Our product is not different in this regard.”

            You may want to update your article to reflect that. I don’t know why they were so assuring to you before that it was made differently, when it’s really not. That’s pretty lousy of them!

          2. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

            Hi Kate,
            Thanks for letting us know what they said. We do try to be as thorough as possible and make updates when we know something has changed. As I was checking with the team, it does look like we are in the process of making some updates. This is one Vitamin C that we are suggesting as an alternative. Beth said last she checked, it was not made from citrus or fermentation process. https://us.fullscript.com/product_cards/57633/redirect?store_slug=mastcell360

            Best wishes, Suz

  6. Assem

    Hello. Are there any new options for vitamin C? Metabolic M. did not suit me, and I don’t try camu camu because of salicylates. is there any good news? I really need it, thanks

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Assem,
      We are looking into a different formula and hope to have some more information and updates very soon!

  7. sara

    How does PCOS indicate an oxalate issue? I’m trying to find research/literature on this…


  8. Heather

    I would like to register for your classes, but the links are not working. Are the classes available?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Beth hasn’t found a low histamine option, but if someone isn’t histamine sensitive, quicksilver liposomal C is a great formula. https://us.fullscript.com/product_cards/84345/redirect?store_slug=mastcell360 If you would like to try it, you can use this link to register an account and save 15% off all Fullscript orders. But be sure to talk with your provider with any questions or concerns since we don’t know if this will be right for you specifically.

  9. Cindy


    I contacted Allergy Research Group myself about 2 of their products recently.
    They confirmed the following –
    1. AllergyResearch Magnesium Ascorbate has no fermentation in the production process as already mentioned in Beth’s blog above.
    Ingredients – Vitamin C (as Magnesium Ascorbate), Magnesium (as Magnesium Ascorbate)

    2. AllergyResearch Buffered Vitamin C with Calcium and Magnesium has fermentation of tapioca and cassava in the production process
    Ingredients – Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid), Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate), Magnesium (as Magnesium Carbonate).

    My son has an allergy to aspergillus mold. This was detected by Dunwoody Labs (Dietary Antigen Testing). Ascorbic Acid is usually derived from corn dextrose fermentation using aspergillus and my son always reacts to it. He also reacts to plant-based digestive enzymes as they also use aspergillus in the production process. Luckily, he is able to tolerate animal-based pancreatic digestive enzymes in brands Nutricology, Allergy Research and Ancestral supplements. There are many other fermented supplements out there that also use aspergillus so we are very vigilant.
    I am wondering if any of your clients had reactions to supplements that use cassava/tapioca in the fermentation process? We have not yet tried the 2nd product above.

    Kind regards Cindy.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Cindy,
      Beth said that this really is case specific. Some people are ok with the cassava/tapioca fermentation and others aren’t – it really depends on the level of Histamine Intolerance you have. If you aren’t sure, talk with your provider and if you decide together to give it a try, we usually recommend starting low and slow. In the practice, we say start with “drops or sprinkles.” You can build up as tolerated over time.

      Best wishes- Suz

  10. Jake

    Hi. Just how high does camu camu score on the salicylate spectrum? I just had some in water and tinnitus is through the rough. Is there any data showing how much sals is in Camu Camu? Thank you

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Jake,
      I don’t have specifics on this for you, but we don’t typically recommend camu camu for those with salicylate intolerance.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Meri, you’ll have to check with the manufacturer to see if the sodium ascorbate is made from fermentation.

  11. Brian

    This is an interesting article. I myself encounter allergic reactions with swelling and hives every time I consume too much gluten or shellfish. I have to be careful what I eat. Also my gums bruise easily leading to bleeding. That’s another sign of vitamin C deficiency, gingivitis. Well, I am going to consume 1000 mg of Vitamin C everyday and see if there is any improvement and see what the outcome is.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Brian, Best of luck on your healing journey! Thank you for your interest in Mast Cell 360.

  12. sycamore

    Hi, great article. I was disappointed to find that the allergy research group’s magnesium absorbate has discontinued. Are there another you can recommend? Maybe the buffered c powder from Thorne? Thank you.

  13. Francie

    Do you have any experiences with patch or transdermal vitamin c?

  14. Flippy

    Hi. I have just found another Vitamin C alternative called “Ester C”. Its a non acidic form of vitamin c so does not contain ascorbic acid. It also stays in the bloodstream longer apparently from what ive read. People should check them out. By the way thanks for the info on this page.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hello. Thanks so much for sharing what you have found that works for you. Mast Cell 360 does not have experience with this specific form of vitamin c, but from looking at the ingredients since it does contain citrus, which is higher histamine, it may not be suitable for everyone in this population.

  15. Jay

    Hi, I wanted to share a product that’s been a lifesaver for me. I found it from a recommended on the MCAS subreddit. Doctors Best Vit C called Q-C. From what I understand it is made from a corn from Scotland that is specifically non-allergic. Maybe it’s just not fermented? I couldn’t tell you but it’s been great for me. The only issue is the vegetable cellulose pill does cause me to react and I need to take their powder form. So I’ve been just dropping in some in the back of my throat with a drink of water. I want to try making my own pills with that powder and empty gelatin capsules. Just wanted to share with everyone. 🙂

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Jay. Thank you for sharing what has worked for you. Please note that Mast Cell 360 is not familiar with this product so while we appreciate sharing what works for you, those reading, please keep in mind that MC360 is not endorsing this product and cannot say if it is or isn’t suitable for those with MCAS.

  16. Rachel

    Is there a 2-way thing with Vitamin C and Vitamin E… one helps to recycle the other? So, let’s say (I’m not sure I’m correct about this) that Vitamin C helps to recycle Vitamin E, OR to lessen our need for Vitamin E. That way, Vitamin C would be sparing Vitamin E. Therefore, if we make sure our Vitamin E is replete, then we can lower our need for intake of Vitamin C. Are there any other relationships like this?
    I’m concerned about Vitamin C for a couple of reasons: I have had oxalate overload for years due to my high Vitamin C supplementation for histamine intolerance. I had eliminated oxalate (and experienced “dumping” flares) before I knew about the OATS test; when my OATS test came back later, it still showed signs of higher oxalate, so I have some justification for believing that my symptoms were from oxalate (they are much improved at this point). Second, I’ve had a couple of instances where I took the wrong type of Vitamin C (unbuffered) and it scorched my gut… I am guessing now that it is inflammation, but due to the acidic nature of Vitamin C. Who knows what the actual mechanism was… degrading my gut mucus lining, or damaging villi, or who knows. My experiences cause me to shy away from Vitamin C, even and especially liposomal (can liposomal Vit C also contain unbuffered ascorbic acid? Because I once got a scorched gut flare from a liposomal ascorbic acid). I want to also note here that the most helpful thing I ever did for histamine intolerance was to take Megasporebiotic, and this has caused me to focus on gut microbiome health, investigate SIBO/SIFO/IMO, work on types of fiber in my diet, etc. I do not take any probiotics without just cause. I also took B6 without a B Complex and that caused me to test high on blood labs for B6 and was told by practitioner to stop B6 as a standalone. I’m also sensitive to folate/B12, so I judiciously use Seeking Health’s B Minus and then add on folate and B12 as necessary (by self-monitoring my mental function due to dopamine methylation issues). I am speaking as 14 years in on my HI journey.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Our Functional Health Coach got back to me about your question and she stated that everything she has read/heard says Vitamin C and E are symbiotic together – double the antioxidant protection so if able it would be beneficial to supplement both. Since we aren’t familiar with your individual case we cannot say what supplements are or are not right for you. This should be discussed with your licensed medical practitioner. The vitamin C typically recommended in the clinic is listed in the article above. Here is an article you may be interested in: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3304060/#:~:text=Vitamin%20C%20scavenges%20oxygen%20radicals,E%20scavenges%20the%20oxygen%20radicals.

  17. Emily

    I have found that some pure Vit C powders make my joints hurt and ache so much. Is this a reaction to vitamin c or an oxylate reaction?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Emily, Without knowing your individual case, we cannot say for certain what is causing your joints to hurt and ache. To learn more about oxalates to see if that may be an issue for you, you may be interested in this blog post: https://mastcell360.com/what-are-oxalates/

  18. Karly

    My son reacted to the Magnesium Ascorbate by Allergy Research Group you recommended. Just an FYI for those considering this supplement

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Karly, We are sorry to hear that your son had a reaction to the Magnesium Ascorbate. Products recommended on the website are products that Beth has tested herself and are generally well tolerated by clients, but are shared for informational and educational purposes only since we cannot guarantee a product or supplement will or will not work for every individual. But, in some cases supplements do change their formulations and we do our best to keep up with those updates. We are unaware of any formula changes to the Magnesium Ascorbate at this time.

  19. Warren Young

    Can people with salicylate sensitivity react to the vitamin c you recommend?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Warren, as stated in the article, the Magnesium Ascorbate listed above is the product recommended in the clinic and generally well tolerated by most clients including those with salicylate intolerance. Please note that since we are unfamiliar with your individual case, we cannot say if this product is right for you and recommend discussing any concerns with your licensed medical provider.

  20. Rudolf

    “Amla – It’s also known as Indian gooseberry. Amla is a powerful antihistamine. I’ve found it bothers most people I work with.”

    This means that most of your patients can’t handel amla although it is a powerful antihistamine with a lot of vitamin c.

    Isn’t this a contradiction

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Rudolf, while Amla is a powerful antihistamine, many of the Mast Cell 360 clients Beth has worked with are unable to tolerate it due to the oxalates. If oxalates are not an issue for you, it may be a great vitamin c option. Please keep in mind that we are not familiar with your individual case so we cannot say if this supplement will or will not work for you.

  21. Suzanne

    I take Camu Camu. When Beth says « consider keeping your vitamin C intake to 250mg per day or less if you have significant oxalate issues, » does she mean 250 mg of Camu Camu or 250 mg of vitamin C? (My bottle says 500 mg of Camu Camu provides 40 mg of vitamin C). Is the Camu C by « Natural Traditions » also a safe source?

    Also, you mention « High-dose vitamin C can cause the body to make more oxalates. » Can you define « high dose »?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      The article is referring to 250 mg of Vitamin C, not camu camu. To get enough vitamin C from camu camu you would need to take a lot of the powder, so our practitioners do not typically recommend it as the only source of vitamin C. Here are the capsules that we recommend because they are certified organic: https://amzn.to/3XD1PW8. We are not familiar with the Natural Traditions so we cannot say if it is a safe source at this time.

      For more on vitamin C and high dosing you might find the following video of interest for informational and educational purposes: https://www.facebook.com/MastCell360/videos/555756413430005

  22. Warren Young

    Hello, anybody know why I’m reacting to all forms of vitamin C?

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