How can I heal?
Healing with MCAS
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a complex process, and everyone’s triggers, sensitivities, and underlying root causes are different. However, there is much we can do to improve our health and decrease mast cell activation!
The Biggest Steps
I wish I could tell you that healing from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance is simple and easy. Unfortunately, it rarely is.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is a complex process, and everyone’s triggers, sensitivities, and underlying root causes are different. There is a lot we still do not know about, and I am always learning more each day.
As a community, though, we can support one another in learning about our Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and we can keep growing and healing together.
There are two major keys that I have seen work for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome on their healing journey:
1. They take complete responsibility for their health and work on researching and learning about their conditions and ways to heal.
2. They enroll the help of others knowledgeable in MCAS to discover their specific triggers and inflammatory issues to give their bodies the best chance at healing and recovery.
Many people have seen improvements in their MCAS symptoms through:
- Diet changes
- Avoiding triggers
- Supporting their body’s natural healing processes with nutritious foods, rest, and supplements
- Healing gut and systemic infections
- Removing heavy metals (gently)
- Targeting supplementation based on their needs and genetics
- Managing underlying genetic causes of inflammation
- Supporting emotional wellness
Specific Steps in the Mast Cell 360 Process
Here is an overview of the Mast Cell 360 analysis and insight process that can help support your body and your healing. Of course, not everything here will work for everyone, and please consult with your medical practitioner before trying these options.
- Eliminate mast cell triggers, such as chemicals, toxins, foods, medications, and supplements that can increase mast cell activation. You can find our Low Histamine food list here.
- Reduce inflammatory foods, including high histamine foods and any processed foods. For some people, reducing glutamates, oxalates, salicylates, FODMAPS and/or lectins may also be helpful.
- Emphasize high-nutrient, organic foods to support the immune system, support mast cell stabilizing, and support reduction of inflammatory chemicals in your body, like histamine. We have a great list of recipes you can work from here.
- Gentle exercise is important for many healing processes in the body. Vigorous exercise can increase mast cell activation, though, so it is usually better to exercise in ways that keep you from getting overheated. Many people with MCAS do well with walking, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, gentle yoga, and light weight training.
- Pathogens can cause mast cell activation. Treat any underlying gut and systemic infections with the support of your medical practitioner.
- If you have had toxic mold exposure, get rid of the mold and do mold protocols to allow your body to heal. Mold Illness Made Simple by Dr. Sandeep Gupta is an excellent program.
- Heavy metals can cause mast cells to degranulate. Check for heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, copper, nickel, and cadmium. Chelate (gently) as needed with a practitioner.
- If you have systemic yeast overgrowth (candida), you may need to follow an anti-candida diet and use supplements to reduce the yeast in your body. You can read more on candida in this article.
- Check for food triggers and allergies through food and symptoms journals and/or food sensitivity testing.
- Do an Organic Acid Test to check nutrient levels and other pathways. The Organic Acid Test measures over 70 markers including what is happening with neurotransmitters, folate metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, B12, B6, B5, B2, Vitamin C, CoQ10, biotin, and glutathione levels, amino acid levels, and whether you have high ammonia.
- Check your genetic pathways for methylation, detoxification, energy production, neurotransmitter balance, ammonia breakdown, and iron and copper oxidation. Address these issues through appropriate food and supplement choices.
- Optimize gut healing and digestion based on your genetic needs, symptoms, and lab results with low histamine and mast cell stabilizing supplements. You can learn more about supplements, in my Supplement Master Class.
- Optimize detox pathways based on your genetic needs, symptoms, and lab results with low histamine and mast cell stabilizing supplements.
- Optimize energy production based on your genetic needs, symptoms, and lab results.
- If you have electrical sensitivity, be sure to avoid electrical fields also called EMFs, which may trigger mast cell degranulation. Here is an article where you can read more on EMF’s.
- Optimize vitamin and mineral support, based on your genetic needs, symptoms, and lab results.
- Optimize the balance of MTOR and Autophagy, based on your genetic needs, symptoms, and lab results. MTOR is the cell growth and division phase and Autophagy is the cell clean-up phase. MTOR can increase mast cell growth, while Autophagy can clean up mast cells.
- The methylation cycle is one of the most important processes in your body because it manages inflammation responses, detoxification, neurotransmitter functions, immune responses, gene expression, DNA repair, and anti-oxidant functioning. The methylation cycle involves making methyl groups to be used in biochemical processes. Determine if you are undermethylated or overmethylated, and support your methylation cycle based on your genetic needs, symptoms, and labs.
- If you have symptoms of hormonal imbalance, check hormones and balance them through healing your body, food and bioidentical hormones, if necessary.
- Lack of sleep increases mast cell activation and degranulation. Be sure to get plenty of quality sleep. If you have a sleep disorder caused by an airway obstruction, you may need to get that corrected through a sleep medicine professional in your area.
- Stress is a big mast cell trigger. Work on reducing stress in your life, letting go of toxic relationships, and including plenty of relaxation, enjoyment, and rest. Meditation and breathing techniques, such as resonant breathing, can be helpful for many people.
- There is a link between early childhood stressful events and immune disorders. If you have experienced early childhood traumas, these may need to be healed for you to recover.
I am not anti-medication. While I personally prefer to take as little medication as possible, some people may need to manage their symptoms with medications either temporarily or for life.
If you experience anaphylaxis or any other life threatening symptoms, please be sure to work with a medical practitioner for your safety while implementing any of the above steps.
I know these are a lot of steps and a lot to think about. But there is hope.
I was able to turn my health around. It didn’t happen overnight. And I still have to make good choices to support my health.
But I now have a life I can enjoy again. And I hope that you will be able to have the same.
If you are ready to get serious about your Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance, you’ll need a number of tools.
This is why I put together a special class just for you called the MC360TM Mast Cell Nervous System Reboot.
Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support!
hi – i had an appointment and i paid . it Was cancelled , has it been rescheduled yet ?
Hi Christina, Please reach out to us via email and we will look into this further for you. Thank you for your interest in Mast Cell 360.
The article refers to “iron and copper oxidation”. I have some difficulties with both iron (high iron saturation) and copper (high “free copper”), which have been very difficult to lower. I’ve wondered if these are producing oxidative stress that’s worsening my MCAS. Is that what this phrase is referring to?
Beth said yes, that’s it. Thanks for your interest in Mast Cell 360!
Is there a way to decrease the effects of vigorous exercise? When I strength training the DOMS is HORRIFIC for 7+ days
Hi Angel,
We aren’t familiar with the term DOMS but what we can tell you is that you may need to modify your exercise routine to accommodate where you are with your health. Try doing less weight or less time until you reach a point where you don’t have side effects. You can always build back up again later.
If you are healing from chronic issues like Mold Toxicity or tickborne infections, your body needs that energy for healing and having post-exertional symptoms is a sign of overdoing and robbing the body of energy needed to heal. While healing, it’s much better to stay at the level of exercise that doesn’t cause an increase in symptoms.
We hope this helps!
What b-complex do you recommend?
I remember reading an article on here saying to avoid vitamins made by bacterial or fungal cultures, but you don’t provide any examples of WHICH b vitamins aren’t made by bacterial/fungal cultures.
I tried googling and wasn’t able to find any of these supplements or information on their production.
Please advise.
Btw- I have MCAS :/
Hi Taylor,
In the Mast Cell 360 practice where most of our clientele is very sensitive, B vitamins can be tricky to onboard depending on the case. For our clients, we often find that addressing something like B12 latter in their healing process tends to work better. However we can’t say what would be right for you since we don’t know where you are with your health, so it is a good ideal to keep the conversation with your provider open to discuss.
With that said, and in reference to your comment about bacterial and fungal cultures, we often recommend avoiding the ingredients ascorbic acid and ascorbyl palmitate as they are often produced through fermentation. You may have to call the company to inquire if the ascorbic acid or ascorbyl palmitate is made through the fermentation process. Here is a B Complex we have recommend before: https://us.fullscript.com/u/catalog/product/U3ByZWU6OlByb2R1Y3QtODQ3Mzc=
You can also get 15% off anything at Fullscript anytime when you register with the above link. If you don’t have an account already, it’s free and you just enter your email address to sign up. It never costs you any more, but your Fullscript purchase helps support Mast Cell 360 free online resources, like this blog!
Hope this helps!
Hi Taylor,
In the Mast Cell 360 practice where most of our clientele is very sensitive, B vitamins can be tricky to onboard depending on the case. For our clients, we often find that addressing something like B12 latter in their healing process tends to work better. However we can’t say what would be right for you since we don’t know where you are with your health, so it is a good ideal to keep the conversation with your provider open to discuss.
With that said, and in reference to your comment about bacterial and fungal cultures, we often recommend avoiding the ingredients ascorbic acid and ascorbyl palmitate as they are often produced through fermentation. You may have to call the company to inquire if the ascorbic acid or ascorbyl palmitate is made through the fermentation process. Here is a B Complex we have recommend before: https://us.fullscript.com/u/catalog/product/U3ByZWU6OlByb2R1Y3QtODQ3Mzc=
You can also get 15% off anything at Fullscript anytime when you register with the above link. If you don’t have an account already, it’s free and you just enter your email address to sign up. It never costs you any more, but your Fullscript purchase helps support Mast Cell 360 free online resources, like this blog!
Hope this helps!
Hello, can you please recommend a coq10 supplement? thank you very much.
Here is one we use in the clinic: https://us.fullscript.com/product_cards/66725/redirect?store_slug=mastcell360. Of course without knowing your individual case we don’t know if this supplements is right for you so always check with your licensed medical provider.