Low Histamine White Chocolate Cookie dough

Low Histamine White Chocolate Cookie Dough Recipe for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance (also Medium Oxalate, Low Lectin)

If you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance, you are probably working hard on your diet. But sometimes we all just need some comfort food.

Cookie dough reminds me of making cookies as a kid. The sugary-vanilla dough was always irresistible. I couldn’t help but eat a few bites. I hope this recipe brings up similar memories for you!

The problem with the cookie dough we ate as kids, though, is it contains so many ingredients that can cause histamine and mast cell issues.

For example, uncooked egg whites are a major histamine liberator. 

Chocolate chips are high in oxalates and sugar.

And wheat and sugar aren’t good, either, if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance.

So, basically, regular cookie dough is out for us.

I used to cheat and still eat things I knew weren’t good for me. But after, I felt so awful, I realized it was not worth it. Have you done this?

I don’t want to eat things that make me worse anymore. My focus now is on healing my body. I hope your focus is here, too.

But I still wanted cookie dough!

So this recipe does away with all those things that made me feel awful. But it still satisfies the craving for something sweet and comforting.

I made “flour” out of ground pecans and macadamia nuts.

And instead of chocolate chips, I used cacao butter chips. Cacao butter chips give this recipe the feeling of white chocolate.

Instead of sugar, this recipe uses monk fruit to add sweetness. It is a natural, no-calorie sweetener. And it has a bit of a caramel flavor reminiscent of brown sugar.

I hope you’ll enjoy this comfort food when you crave a treat. You can eat it just as you would cookie dough – get a spoon and dive in!

Or you might want to use it as a spread for a low histamine food like apples.

Looking for other treats and eats? You can find all the recipes we have for you here:

Mast Cell 360 Recipes – Low Histamine, Low Lectin, Lower Oxalate

Let’s get to the cookie dough recipe!

Low Histamine, White Chocolate Cookie Dough Recipe — for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance (Also Low Lectin, Lower Oxalate, Low Carb)

Cookie Dough with apple slices

Please note: This is a cookie dough recipe. It’s meant to be eaten as the dough. It won’t bake well.



  1. Pecans can be high in mold toxins. To reduce the mold toxins, soak the pecans in salt water for 12 hours in the fridge. Then dry them until crispy in a food dehydrator or oven on lowest temperature. Store in fridge or freezer.
  2. Soften ghee or coconut oil but don’t melt it.
  3. Process macadamia nuts in a food processor to chop into pieces. Keep some texture to them. Remove from food processor and set aside.
  4. Grind pecans in a food processor until it is flour consistency and just starts to clump together.
  5. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except cacao butter and mix well. Taste and add more monk fruit as needed.
  6. Chop cacao butter into chips and mix into dough.
  7. Enjoy and freeze any leftovers!

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Find out the underlying issues that commonly cause Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and get a better understanding which ones are affecting you.

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It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner. 

Before you change your diet on your own, please make sure you’re working with a healthcare practitioner who can help you with this.  

More Low Histamine Desserts

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  1. Teresa

    I’m making this today. I made the pizza the other day, but I had to use coconut flour. Because I’m not eating that many carbohydrates LOL the cassava flour is insanely high in carbs. But, I had no reaction and the pesto sauce was to die for! I can’t eat garlic but are used a leak instead and it was freaking perfect

  2. Lisa

    What are your thoughts on nettle leaf tea? Many thanks! Your website is amazing!! Feeling thankful to have stumbled upon it.

    1. Beth O'Hara

      Thank you! I’m happy to hear the website information is helpful to you! In response to your question, nettles are tolerated by some, but not by others. I haven’t seen as good results in mast cell activation. It works by stimulating more histamine.

      1. Tonia Bainbridge

        Does Nettle Lea Tea also stimulate histamine? I’ve been prescribed it for the antihistamine properties……..

        1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

          Hi Tonia,
          Yes, nettle is a histamine liberator. Some people do ok with it, but it’s too dicey for me to recommend generally in the sensitive population. –Beth

  3. Karin

    Hi how many hours you put the pecans in the oven to dry and what temperature thanks

    1. Beth O'Hara

      Hi Karin, there isn’t a set time to put them in the oven. You just want to watch them and when they are crispy, they are finished. Usually when drying foods, low (temperature) and slow is best.

  4. Caroline E Gettys

    Hi! I can’t have nuts so is there anything else I could use in place? I have cassava flour and tigernut flour, plus hemp/flax/chia seeds.

  5. Bazia Zebrowski

    Would appreciate a substitute for monk fruit. I can’t tolerate due to mold issues.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      If you are able to tolerate stevia, that might be an option for you.

  6. Allison Park

    Is coconut butter a good choice as well? I’ve read the coconut meat is dehydrated I’m the process of making it, could that pose problems?

  7. Melanie

    I just made this, well my version of it and so yum! Even my hubs and daughters approved, and they can have almost everything. 2 years without sweets and trying to nail down my food intolerances after high levels of mold exposure so a sweet was delightful! And I’m not even a huge sweet fan person! I’m afraid to try pecans as my daughters and hubs have almost 0 food intolerances except for pecans after a very long mold exposure. I have a ton of food intolerances so I’m not brave enough to try pecans and I often get too adventurous with foods lol. Histamine and fodmap don’t mesh well with my adventurous personality. Haha So I used a full cup of macadamia nuts instead of pecans. I also know I can do organic carob nibs so I threw a few in there for a chocolate taste. I used melted butter instead of ghee or coconut oil. It’s one of my safe foods. Ghee I do fine with but kind of save it since its more expensive. I know may around the kitchen so I just blended how I saw fit. Thank goodness I knew how to cook just about anything before all these intolerances! I blended the macademia nuts in the blender using a high powered blender on grain grinder setting. Scraped sides. Repeat. Got it to almost a crunchy nut butter consistency. Add the carob nibs. Blended on my grinder setting. I had a lot of powdered cocoa butter so I didn’t really chop much but a few smaller pieces. Tossed into blender on grain grinder setting. scrape. repeat. Scrape. Add vanilla powder, butter, monk fruit. Pulse. Scrap and pulse until I was happy with it. Sooooo yummy. I didn’t add any salt bc the macademia nuts were already salted.

    FYI, the only one I could tolerate were the macfarms. I recently ordered some from thrive by royal farms. I can tolerate them and smaller bags so easier to test if your unsure. I’ve built up quite the stash of foods that I haven’t been able to do so gets irritating trying expensive big bags when your not even sure you can have. Oh and I’m good luck with thrive foods for low fodmap and low histamine diet. I’m going to try their meat soon. We shall see.

    Anyways, my adapted version is like a nutty chocolate (carob) cookie dough. I’m going to play with some low fodmap and low histamine flours and see if I can make a macademia nut carob cookie using this as a base. We shall see!

  8. Tiger nuts

    I guess you could also try tiger nuts or tiger nut flour for this recipe too. There’s a recipe for tiger nut butter in Dr Becky Campbell’s Low Histamine cook book.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360 Team

      We haven’t tried this with tiger nut butter, but if you do, let us know how it turns out!

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Anna, We have not tried this recipe with any other nuts, but you may try subbing with any nut that fits your needs from our low histamine list here: https://mastcell360.com/low-histamine-foods-list/

      Since this recipe calls for turning the pecans into flour, I personally would possibly try subbing with tiger nuts which aren’t actually a nut, or subbing pecans for more macadamia nuts.

      If you give it a try please let us know how it turns out.

      1. NickM

        What is the allowable serving amount here to keep it medium oxalate?
        I don’t see Beth’s recipes mention serving sizes on a lot of these oxalate conscious recipes. I gotta watch out and count the milligrams. Thanks!

        1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

          Hi Nick! This is an older recipe so thanks for alerting us that there isn’t a serving size listed. This recipe about 1.5-2 servings, so if you ate 1/2 you’d be in the low – medium oxalate range. Typically on our site, if a recipe states medium oxalate, that means that one serving is medium oxalate.

          Unfortunately, oxalate levels aren’t black or white. It is about quantity and whether you are affected by soluble or total oxalates. For example, Mast Cell 360 sponsored Otto’s cassava flour testing through Dr. Liebman at the University of Wyoming (this is the same lab Susan Owen’s Trying Low Oxalates group uses) and Otto’s cassava was tested as 17mg soluble oxalates per 1/4 cup. This equates to 8.5 mg soluble oxalates per 1/8 cup. Some people count total oxalates and others count soluble oxalates. We consider 8.5mg soluble oxalates per 1/8 cup to be moderate. However, if someone is on a kidney stone diet or otherwise counting total oxalates, then Otto’s cassava flour would be too high oxalate 53.8mg TOTAL oxalates per 1/4 cup. It depends on how you are counting and what your limit is.

          1. NickM

            Hi Jamie,

            Sorry about submitting that same question again. That was an accident. I’m having some issues using your website on my phone and it keeps giving me an error for the captcha. It keeps happening repeatedly. Just fyi.

            I did have a couple of follow up questions to your response. I was trying to make sense of it still. Per Beth, she states that 1/4 cup total of pecans or Mac nuts would be considered medium oxalate so if you’re saying that this White Chocolate cookie dough recipe would make about 1.5-2 servings total, then wouldn’t eating 1 serving be equivalent to eating 1/2 cup of nuts? The total amount of nuts used in this recipe is 1 cup. That seems that would be quite high oxalate. Yikes!

            Is that what you meant stating that I could eat 1 serving worth (which would be 1/2 the recipe) and that would stay within the medium oxalate range?

            Secondly, I haven’t seen Beth mention how many mg of oxalates are in Tiger Nuts or Cacao Butter. Would you happen to have that info?
            And wouldn’t those ingredients (Tiger Nuts and Cacao Butter) need to be also be accounted for when adding up the total milligrams of oxalates?
            *I had no idea about soluble vs. total oxalates. I don’t think I’ve read that yet. I am currently trying to get through Sally K. Norton’s book on oxalates called “Toxic Superfoods”.

  9. NickM

    What is the allowable serving amount here to keep it medium oxalate?
    I don’t see Beth’s recipes mention serving sizes on a lot of these oxalate conscious recipes. I gotta watch out and count the milligrams. Thanks!

  10. Alex

    Hi Guys,

    Can you please advise which brand organic cacao butter to use?


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