Low Histamine Ginger Cardamom Breakfast Rolls

Low Histamine Ginger Cardamom Breakfast Rolls Recipe for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance (Also, Low Lectin, Moderate Oxalate, and Moderate FODMAP)

Wheat and sugar aren’t the best choices if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. They can both be big mast cell triggers.  

But wheat and sugar are in all kinds of breakfast foods! 

If you are like me, you probably still have a taste for something sweet every now and again, though. But you probably don’t want to feel sick after eating them. 

I don’t really even miss wheat or sugar much anymore. But, there are just a few things I still get nostalgic for. 

Here’s one of them… 

I remember being a kid and getting special breakfast treats on the weekends. Orange and cinnamon breakfast rolls were one of my favorites.  

I remember smelling the rolls baking, and that warm and inviting scent filling the whole house. 

And I remember how hard it was waiting for them to cool down once they came out of the oven. I’d wait close by until they were cool enough to not burn my mouth.  

I knew how good they would taste. And they never cooled fast enough! 

It had been over 15 years since was able to eat something like that. But I’d still get nostalgic for those decadent brunch treats I had as a kid. 

I started with a few online grain-free cinnamon roll recipe ideas. 

I then made quite a few adjustments to create a low histamine, mast cell friendly version. 

My goals for this recipe were to make it: 

  • low histamine 
  • low lectin 
  • moderate oxalate 
  • dairy free 
  • taste sweet without using sugar or artificial sweeteners 
  • still be delicious, AND  
  • moderate FODMAP. 

This recipe takes a little bit of time and preparation. But I consider it worth the effort for a nice weekend brunch option. After all, this is a treat, not an everyday staple.  

For day-to day breakfasts, I’ll usually recommend something with more protein. Egg dishes are an easy fix if you tolerate eggs.   

And sometimes I’ll even have bacon and greens. (That’s right! Bacon!) You can check out the Low Histamine Bacon with Southern Greens Recipe.  

And breakfasts don’t have to be what you might consider traditional. You can have chicken and vegetables. Or even roll it up as a breakfast burrito made with our Otto’s Cassava Flour Tortilla Recipe 

With Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance, you might start feeling really limited with what you can eat.  

I know I did for a long time. But then I realized we just have to get creative!  

And sometimes… a delicious treat is in order that is also mast cell supporting! 

Important Notes on these Low Histamine Ginger Cardamom Breakfast Rolls – What to know for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Ginger Cardamum Roll Ingredients

Before we go any further, here are three very brief (but important) notes. Please read this so you know what to expect.  

1. These rolls will be denser than yeast rolls made with wheat flour.  But the golden flaxseed meal in this recipe does help give it some fluffiness. 

2. And this next tip is really important to know before you start.  

There is one step you need to take the night beforeLuckily, it takes only a few seconds. 

If you are using coconut milk instead of coconut cream, you need to refrigerate that overnight.  

The recipe calls for coconut cream, but if that isn’t available to you, you can use coconut milk. Stick it in the fridge overnight. 

Then in the morning, use a spoon to remove the solids at the top. Let the solids come to room temperature. You can’t skip this step or the frosting will separate.  

3. And my last note: I like my pastries just a little bit sweet. You can increase the amount of monk fruit powder or stevia if you like your pastries sweeter.  

I’ve learned from my recipe trials and errors that it’s important to read the whole recipe and all the instructions before I even go to the store. 

It can be so easy to overlook instructions like “let it rest overnight” or “refrigerate for two hours.” That’s why I wanted to be sure you knew about the coconut milk before you got started. 

But before we get to the how-to part, let’s take a look at a few of the benefits of some of the ingredients in this recipe. I like to highlight these for you in each recipe.   

Knowing the benefits of these ingredients can help you make good choices and substitutions. And I hope that will empower you with the confidence to start experimenting with recipes on your own, too! 

Some of these ingredients in this recipe were also used in the German Pancakes recipe. In that post, I went into the benefits of pasture raised eggs, coconut milk, and monk fruit powder.  

If you’d like to check that out, you can find that here: German Pancakes Brunch Recipe. 

In this post, we’ll touch on the mast cell supporting benefits of these:

  • ginger and cardamom 
  • flaxseed 
  • pecans 
  • arrowroot 

Benefits of Ginger and Cardamom – What to know for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Those breakfast rolls I loved as a kid had a lot of cinnamon. Unfortunately, cinnamon raises histamine levels.  

But I’ve found that ginger and cardamom are a tasty substitute for it. They add a depth of flavor rich with warmth and spice.

Let’s start with Ginger

Peeling Ginger

Not only is ginger tasty, but it has been shown in research to have good antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, too. And this can help mast cells. 

Why is this?  

We know that inflammation is common with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. So, foods with anti-inflammatory properties can be good choices to support better health. 

And there is even more good news about ginger. It’s also know to be great for digestion. Ginger can act as what’s called a prokinetic. Prokinetics help with digestion.  

They do this by helping with motility to move food through the intestines. That’s important because if food sits in the intestines too long, it can start to feed any bad bacteria that might be present.   

That can lead to problems like SIBO. You definitely don’t want that!  

You can check out this article if you want to learn more about SIBO:  Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) –What to Know When You Have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. 

Fresh ginger is going to have the best properties and be lower histamine. You can use a vegetable peeler or a spoon to scrape off the outside skin, if you like. 

Then you can use a zester (sometimes called a microplane) to finely grate the ginger, like the one below. It becomes kind of like a paste when you grate it. You don’t need much. A little bit packs big flavor.  

Grating Ginger

Below is the grater I have.

I like to use organic ginger and leave the peel on. If you use non-organic, then you’ll want to peel it to remove pesticide residue.

Now for Cardamom

Cardamom Pods on plate

Cardamom is the other spice that packs great warming flavor into this recipe. Like ginger, cardamom has been shown to have histamine reducing properties.   

And studies have shown it to be inflammation reducing. Which is good news for your mast cells! 

Plus, cardamom contains manganese. Manganese has been known to have properties to fight off viruses.  
I like to use cardamom pods. They are the freshest way to get cardamom. And fresh means lower histamine and maximum flavor.   

I store the pods in the freezer to help extend the shelf-life.  

Next let’s look at another ingredient we use in this recipe. We use it for several other recipes on the site, too, so you’ll have multiple ways to use your supply. Flaxseed.  

Benefits of Flaxseed Meal – What to know for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

flax meal

Flaxseed meal is nothing more than ground up flax seeds. You can find flaxseed meal already prepared. It tends to go rancid easily, though.  

I find it’s better to buy fresh flax seeds and grind them up yourself. You can use an electric coffee grinder or a small blender. All you need to do is pulse them for a few seconds to get a nice, fresh meal. 

You can get them at most grocery stores. Just make sure it’s in an opaque (not clear) package. This keeps it fresher. And check the date. 

Pro-Tip: Always store flax in the fridge or freezer in an opaque container. 

Flaxseed is rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids. These are often called the “good” fats. They’ve been shown to have heart-healthy effects.  

Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s. 

And in studies, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be anti-inflammatory. Plus, omega-3s are important for mast cell balancing.

Plus, flaxmeal is high in a type of fiber that can help improve bowel movements! 

Check out my flaxseed crackers recipe!

Health Benefits of Pecans - What to know for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance


In this recipe, we’re making it with pecan flour instead of almond flour. This lowers the oxalates some. Just keep in mind it will be moderate oxalate for 1 roll. 

So, if you have oxalate issues –don’t go crazy with these! 🙂 

You start with shelled pecans. I recommend ones that are pesticide-free. Below are the ones I get. They are already soaked overnight and dried. 

This makes them more digestible and might possibly lower the oxalate load. And it removes any bitterness. 

Or you can get raw pecans soak them yourself. These are the ones I use if I’m soaking and drying them myself. They are pesticide free as well. 

Then, you’ll want to make your own pecan flour. It’s very quick and simple with a blender or food processor. 
This prep tip is worth noting: it only takes a few pulses of the blender to make the flour  

It can be really easy to over work the pecans and end up with pecan butter instead. After just a few pulses, check on the consistency.  

The result won’t be fine like a white flour. It will be more coarse with some small chunks. That’s ok. Just don’t over process it. If you try to get it to be soft and fine, you’ll end up with butter.    

Pecans also contain Omega-3 fats which have been shown to be able to help reduce inflammation. The magnesium, calcium, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin E, and zinc in pecans also give these nuts anti-inflammatory properties.

Vitamin A, vitamin E, and zinc are also demonstrated in research to support your immune system. A healthy immune system is better prepared to fight off infections and repair damage.  

Finally, let’s look at an ingredient you might not be as familiar with. Arrowroot. 

Benefits of Arrowroot - What to know for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance


Arrowroot Flour is gluten-free and grain-free. It’s made from a starch from a type of tropical plant. The arrowroot plant is actually a type of tuber, meaning a root vegetable.   

Here is the one I use. 

Arrowroot flour can be used in a lot of ways. It can be mixed with other flours, like coconut, for baking. It can also be used as a thickener. 

Arrowroot is a potential source of prebiotics. Prebiotics feed your good gut bacteria.   

Since 70% of the immune system is in the gut, you can see how a healthy gut equals a healthy immune system!  

Arrowroot does contain some oxalates and FODMAPs. So remember – it’s all about quantity and moderation. Just eat 1 or ½ of a roll if you have trouble with oxalates or FODMAPs. 

Don’t worry, though. If you can only have 1 – these rolls freeze well. 

Now that you know a little bit about these health-supporting ingredients, are you ready to get baking? The recipe is next! 

Low Histamine Ginger Cardamom Breakfast Rolls Recipe for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Ginger Cardamom Rolls on plate


  • Parchment Paper 
  • 8” Round pan  
  • Rolling pin or equivalent 

Dough Ingredients 

  • 1 cup + 2 tablespoons ground pecans 
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour (you may need more, but start with this amount) 
  • 1 tablespoon 100% pure monk fruit powder 
  • 3 tablespoons golden flaxseed meal, freshly ground if possible (you’ll need more if you are using the flax eggs instead of chicken eggs) 
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda 
  • ½ teaspoon arrowroot flour 
  • 1/2 teaspoon Redmond Real Salt 
  • 3 large eggs room temperature (organic, pasture raised are best) or 3 flax eggs* 
  • 3 tablespoons coconut cream 
  • 2 tablespoons ghee, softened 
  • 3 teaspoons lemon juice or 1 ½ teaspoons cream of tartar 
  • 2 teaspoons raw unprocessed vanilla powder 
  • 3 tablespoons warm water   

Filling Ingredients 

Frosting Ingredients 

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease an 8-inch round cake pan with ghee or line with parchment paper.Grind pecans in a food processor or high-speed blender like a VitaMix until you have a course flour consistency. It won’t be fine like wheat flour. Don’t overprocess or you’ll have pecan butter instead of flour.  
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the pecan flour, coconut flour, monk fruit powder, flax meal, baking powder, arrowroot powder, and salt. 
  3. Add in the eggs or flax eggs*, coconut cream, ghee, lemon juice or cream of tartar, vanilla powder, and water into the dry ingredients. Combine using a hand mixer. Rest for 5 minutes. The dough will be very sticky. But if it’s too sticky and more like batter, add coconut flour, one tablespoon at a time, until you are able to handle it.(One of the Mast Cell 360 team members recently made this and needed to add three tablespoons of coconut flour. She made it during humid weather. You may need to adjust depending on your environment, too.)
  4. While the dough rests, mix all Filling Ingredients together in a separate bowl with a hand mixer. Your result will be like a butter spread. Set aside. 
  5. Grease hands with coconut oil or ghee. Shape the dough into a ball. Place the ball between 2 large pieces of parchment paper and roll it into a rectangle. Roll out to 1/8 inch thick. That will be approximately half the height of a pinky finger. You don’t want it so thin that you will have trouble rolling it. Adjust accordingly. Spread the Filling Ingredients onto the dough evenly, leaving a 1-inch margin at the top empty.
  6. Using the parchment as an aid, roll the dough up into a tight log. Start from the bottom and roll up towards the top. Get a small bowl of water. Dip your fingers in the water to wet them. Then seal the edge with wet fingertips. (If your dough is still wet and sticky, you may not need this step.) 
  7. Cut the log crosswise into 9 equal pieces with a sharp knife and transfer rolls to your greased pan. To help keep your cuts neat, wipe the blade of your knife on a wet cloth between each cut. 
  8. Bake for 5 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F and continue baking for another 20-25 minutes. When you poke a toothpick into the rolls and it comes out clean, the rolls are done. If it looks like the tops are starting to get overdone, but the centers are still doughy, cover loosely with foil to prevent burning.
  9. Meanwhile, make the frosting by combining 4 tablespoons coconut cream, ghee, and monk fruit powder. Use a hand mixer to whip it until light and fluffy.  Mix in vanilla powder and stevia. You can add additional coconut cream 1 tablespoon at a time until a thick, spreadable icing comes together. Some people like the frosting to melt right into the roll. But if you prefer a firmer frosting to sit on top, refrigerate the frosting until ready to use. 
  10. Cool rolls for 5-10 minutes before spreading frosting on them. We piped the frosting on for fun, but you can spread it on however you like.  If the rolls are still warm, the frosting will melt over the rolls. Either way, it’s delicious!
  11. Freeze your leftovers! These rolls freeze really well!  When ready to reheat, you can pop a frozen roll in the microwave for 30-60 seconds (depending on the strength of your microwave) or let it thaw in the fridge for a few hours.  

*How to make flax eggs:

If you are opting for flax eggs instead of chicken eggs, here’s how to make flax eggs.

  • 1 Tablespoon flaxmeal mixed with 1 Tablespoon warm water = 1 egg.
  • For this recipe, you’ll need 3 eggs. So, use 3 tablespoons flax meal mixed with 3 tablespoons of water.
  • Let rest for 5 minutes.
  • The consistency will be paste-like. Add in where eggs are called for in the recipe. 

These breakfast rolls go great with a cup of Low Histamine, Organic, Low Acid, Mold-Free Decaf Coffee

If you’re a coffee lover, then what goes better with a breakfast roll than a great cup of coffee?    My favorite is from Purity. It’s great tasting and low histamine. It’s also organic, mold-free, and low acid.  You can get 20% off your order with coupon code mastcell360. Here’s the link for you: Purity Coffee.

It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner. 

More Low Histamine Snack Recipes

*Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support!

References on Low Histamine Ginger Cardamom Breakfast Rolls Recipe Ingredients – What to know for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance :

Ghayur, M. N., & Gilani, A. H. (2005). Pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of ginger in gastrointestinal disorders. Digestive diseases and sciences50(10), 1889–1897. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10620-005-2957-2 

Grzanna R, Lindmark L, Frondoza CG. Ginger–an herbal medicinal product with broad anti-inflammatory actions. J Med Food. 2005 Summer;8(2):125-32. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2005.8.125. PMID: 16117603. 

Haddad, et al. A Pecan Enriched Diet Increases YTocopherol/Cholesterol and Decreases Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances in Plasma of Adults. Nutrition Research. August 2006. 26:397-402. 

Haddad et al. Effect of a Pecan Rich Diet on Plasma Tocopherol Status. (Abstract published in the March 2001 FASEB Journal. Research presented at the April Experimental Biology 2001 meeting) 

Kazemi, S., Yaghooblou, F., Siassi, F., Rahimi Foroushani, A., Ghavipour, M., Koohdani, F., & Sotoudeh, G. (2017). Cardamom supplementation improves inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers in hyperlipidemic, overweight, and obese pre-diabetic women: a randomized double-blind clinical trial. Journal of the science of food and agriculture97(15), 5296–5301. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.8414 

Park, B. K., Park, S., Park, J. B., Park, M. C., Min, T. S., & Jin, M. (2013). Omega-3 fatty acids suppress Th2-associated cytokine gene expressions and GATA transcription factors in mast cells. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 24(5), 868–876. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnutbio.2012.05.007  

Touré, A., & Xueming, X. (2010). Flaxseed Lignans: Source, Biosynthesis, Metabolism, Antioxidant Activity, Bio-Active Components, and Health Benefits. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety, 9(3), 261–269. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-4337.2009.00105.x 

Winarsi, H., et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 217 012019 


  1. Karla

    Thank you for the recipe and listing important details. I can’t wait to try these! Can I leave out the stevia altogether (I’m allergic to it)?

  2. Megan

    The MONASH app lists coconut flour as a high FODMAP ingredient, are there any substitutions that might be acceptable for those highly sensitive to Fructans?

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Megan,
      We’ve only tested the recipe as it is written, so I can’t say for sure what subs might work. It is possible that Otto’s cassava flour would work, but I can’t say for sure.

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