penicillum that can cause mycotoxins symptoms

Mycotoxins Symptoms: Is This Your Root Cause?

Mold Toxicity can lead to mycotoxins symptoms. Mycotoxins are the toxins that come from mold spores.  

The #1 root cause of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome we see in the Mast Cell 360 practice is Mold Toxicity. 

And mycotoxins can do major damage to your body. 

I had ongoing mold exposure starting at age 7.  

I grew up in an old farmhouse. My parents eventually found toxic mold under the house and in the walls. 

When I was a young adult, I lived in a 150-year-old duplex with mold in the basement.  

Air from basements gets into the rest of the house. And it affects the air quality.  

In the first house my husband and I shared, there was a mold problem under the sink from water damage.  

And for 10 years, I was unknowingly exposed to mold in the office I rented in a post-civil war era building. 

In those 10 years, my already poor health declined even more. 

  • Severe joint and muscle pain meant I had to use a cane even to just get down the hallway to the bathroom. 
  • I had severe insomnia. 
  • I had gastrointestinal (gut) issues like diarrhea, painful gas, bloating and abdominal pain. 
  • I had panic attacks almost daily. 

And it was during that time that I could only tolerate 10 foods.  

When I left that building, I was removing some things hanging on the walls. And the plaster cracked. It revealed moisture and mold.  

Looking back, most people in that building had major health issues. Now, I can see how many of those issues could have been related to mold. 

Mold toxin exposure can lead to a range of negative health effects and mycotoxins symptoms.  

Keep reading to learn about: 

  • What mycotoxins are 
  • What Mold Toxicity is 
  • What Mold Colonization is 
  • Mycotoxins symptoms 
  • What you can do to get your health back 

Let’s start by looking at what mycotoxins are. 

What Are Mycotoxins? 

What are these mycotoxins causing so many human health problems? 

Some types of molds produce mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites of mold.  

These are toxic gases. The most common exposure to these toxic gases happens when you breathe them in.  

These mycotoxins can spread throughout your body. And they disrupt every system in your body, including your nervous system, immune system, and detox systems.  

Continual exposure to these toxins can lead to a buildup of them in your body. This buildup of mycotoxins is Mold Toxicity. 

This buildup can cause many negative health effects. 

You’ll read about some Mold Toxicity symptoms aka mycotoxins symptoms next.  

But first, you’ll want to know about Mold Colonization. 

See, ongoing exposure to mycotoxins from your environment can be a problem. But it’s not the only way you can get Mold Toxicity. 

You might still be suffering from Mold Toxicity even if you aren’t in mold right now…but you were in the past. 

That’s because you could also have Mold Colonization.  

What Is Mold Colonization?  

Mold Colonization happens when mold starts growing inside you.  

Breathing in toxic mycotoxins from your environment is bad enough. 

But you can also breathe in mold spores. 

Mold reproduces through mold spores. 

If you breathe in these spores, they can start growing inside you. And when mold grows inside you, it also releases mycotoxins. 

You don’t have to be in mold because MOLD IS IN YOU! 

You can also get mold spores by ingestion. 

If you are in a very moldy environment, spores can land in your water or foods. You won’t even know they are there.  

TIP: If you are in a moldy environment, until you can get mold remediation, use a water bottle with a lid or cover your drinking glass to help prevent mold spores from landing in your water. 

We’ve observed about 70% of adults exposed to mold have Mold Colonization. 

You might be thinking that mold has been around forever. So, why are the health risks from mold exposure on the rise? 

Read more on that next. 

Why Is Mold Toxicity on the Rise? 

There are a couple reasons people may be experiencing Mold Toxicity or mycotoxins symptoms now more than in the past. 

One reason is the increased prevalence of mold in our indoor environments. 

And the other is the increased toxic loads we deal with nowadays. 

Changes in Indoor Environments 

Homes, office buildings, churches, and schools are now built to be more energy efficient.  

That means they are more airtight. And airtight environments can trap moisture and humidity. 

That makes a perfect breeding ground for indoor mold. All mold needs to thrive is a food source and moisture. 

And new buildings often use fungicidal paints. These fungicides kill weaker molds that would normally compete with the toxic molds.  

When these weaker molds are killed off, the more toxic molds can thrive. 

But it’s not just new buildings that are the problem.  

Studies from the EPA and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that 47% of all homes in the US have water damage that is leading to toxic mold levels! 

And the EPA showed that 85% of commercial spaces are water damaged buildings.  

That’s what I experienced in the historic building I rented an office in. 

Related Article: Top Tips on Environmental Mold for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance 

Increased Toxic Load and Mold Exposure 

Today, we are constantly being exposed to more and more toxic compounds.  

The air quality is poorer due to:

  • wildfires
  • industrial waste
  • VOCs
  • other contaminants in everyday products
  • smog
  • and more

Related Article: Indoor Air Quality

There are more chemicals in our foods from pesticides. 

Drinking water is polluted with pharmaceuticals, plastics, and other substances that can trigger an immune response.  

Related Article: Lowest Price Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration

All these toxins add to what is called “toxic load.”  

This is the amount of toxins your body can handle and detox. 

When the load becomes too much, you might think of it as an overflowing basket. You can hold so much. But at a certain point, your basket can’t hold anymore.  

If you keep adding things to that basket, you just don’t have any way to deal with each new thing that comes along. 

Mycotoxins are just one more type of toxin you are exposed to. And not only do mycotoxins add to your overall toxic load, making it harder to handle everything going on… 

They actually mess up your immune response badly. You can even start to have trouble fighting off other pathogens like bacteria and viruses. 

So, what can you do to help get your health back if you do have Mold Toxicity or Mold Colonization? Good news. 

There is something you can do. Even if you are super-sensitive and other detox protocols haven’t worked for you. 

But before we get to that, here are some symptoms related to mycotoxins to be aware of.  

Mold Toxicity & Mycotoxins Symptoms 

Mold Toxicity can show up with very different symptom presentations for different people. 

Do you experience any of the following symptoms and conditions?  

You may have just a few. Or you may have almost all of them. It really does vary from person to person. 

Mycotoxins Symptoms (Mold Toxicity Symptoms) 

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome 
  • Histamine Intolerance
  • Salicylate Intolerance 
  • Allergy symptoms like:
    • Hives and other skin rashes 
    • Asthma  
    • Coughs  
    • Sinus issues  
    • Throat closing  
    • Anaphylaxis  
    • Headaches and migraines 
  • Autoimmune diseases such as:
    • Hashimoto’s 
    • Lupus 
    • Multiple Sclerosis 
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis 
  • Balance and coordination issues  
  • Brain fog 
  • Dizziness 
  • Dysautonomia (a disfunction of the nerves) 
  • Ear ringing 
  • Fatigue  
  • Gut Problems like:
  • Heart palpitations 
  • Hormonal problems like:
  • Increased sensitivities to:
    • lights 
    • sounds 
    • touch 
    • foods 
    • supplements 
    • medications  
  • Joint or muscle pain 
  • Low blood pressure 
  • Mold allergies or fungi intolerance  
  • Pain disorders such as:
    • Fibromyalgia 
    • Interstitial Cystitis 
    • Genital pain  
  • POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) 
  • Sleep Issues  
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight 
  • Anything “atypical” 

Those are some just some of the symptoms and conditions that can be related to Mold Toxicity. 

But there are a few very specific telltale symptoms related to mycotoxins. 

You may not have these telltale symptoms and still have Mold Toxicity. 

But if you do have the mycotoxins symptoms, definitely look further into Mold Toxicity! 

5 Telltale Mycotoxins Symptoms Related to Mold Toxicity 

Note: These symptoms can also be from Bartonella. That’s why working with your healthcare provider is so important. 

As you just read, you may not have any of the following and still have Mold Toxicity. So don’t rule out Mold Toxicity if you don’t have the following telltale signs. 

But if you do have these telltale signs, you’ll want to test for mycotoxins

Internal Vibrations/Tremors 

One telltale sign of Mold Toxicity is having internal vibrations or tremors.   

I’d often feel like I was trembling. 

But if I put my hand out in front of me, it didn’t tremble at all. 

Many times, I was sure I had just experienced a low-grade earthquake because the vibrations I felt were so strong. 

I quickly turned to my husband. I was sure he would be jumping into action to ensure our safety. That’s just his nature. 

But he was completely un-phased. There was no earthquake. 

That’s how intense these internal vibrations and tremors can feel.  

And it’s all inside…with nothing visible outside. 

Lightning-bolt or Icepick Pains 

Have you ever felt a sudden, stabbing pain completely out of nowhere? 

“Lightning-bolt” or “icepick” type pains are symptoms unique to Mold Toxicity.    

These sudden lightning-bolt or icepick type of pains can stop you in your tracks. 

It lasts maybe a minute or two, though. 

These types of pains aren’t limited to one area, either.

I’ve had them in my side, my leg, my neck, my hands, and even my skull! 

Unexplained Skin Sensations  

Do you ever feel like you have a tiny hair on your arm tickling you just enough to be annoying? 

But when you go to brush it off nothing is there? 

Or do you feel your skin crawling like a bug is on you? 

I was constantly worried we’d picked up bed bugs. We didn’t. But every night, I thought I felt something crawling on me. 

This just added to the insomnia I already experienced every night. And the anxiety I felt daily. 

These kinds of unexplained sensations you feel on your skin are a result of nervous system dysregulation.  

Increased Sensitivities 

I often say that those of us with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome are canaries in the coal mines. 

We are those sensitive creatures that sense danger before those around us. And we react to things that those around us may never even react to at all. 

Mold Toxicity is often responsible for those overactive mast cells that are hyper-responsive to your environment and everything in it. 

Do you have sensitivities to: 

  • Foods 
  • Chemicals 
  • Supplements 
  • Medications 
  • Sounds 
  • Scents 
  • Light 
  • Touch 
  • EMFs  

If so, mycotoxins might be the root problem. 

Static Shocks  

Do you often get shocks when you touch a door handle? Or hug someone in a wool sweater? Or even pet your furry cat or dog?   

Static shocks can happen to anyone. Especially in those situations. 

But if you have issues from Mold Toxicity, things can shock you more. This is due to electrolyte imbalance. 

There was a time when even petting my sweet dog would shock me (and shock her…my poor girl!) 

I had to brace myself every time I needed to drive somewhere. I’d get shocked getting in the car going to work. I’d get a shock opening the trunk to load groceries. I’d get a shock pumping gas. 

Some static shocks are so mild, you barely register them. But sometimes these shocks can be painful! Mine often were. 

Does this happen to you? 

If you have any of these 5 telltale mycotoxins symptoms, I’d strongly encourage you to work with your provider to test for Mold Toxicity. 

Related Article: Testing Mycotoxins and Mold: One of the Biggest Root Triggers for Mast Cell Activation |Histamine Intolerance 

These aren’t the only symptoms and conditions associated with mold. But it gives you a good idea. 

You may also want to consider Mold Toxicity and mycotoxins symptoms if you are chronically dealing with any of the following.  

Why Can’t I Heal? Is it Mycotoxins Symptoms?  

You already know that Mold Toxicity is a root cause of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
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But do you suffer from any of the following as well? 

Consider mycotoxin exposure if you haven’t been able to figure out why you can’t heal from any of the following conditions.  

Chronic, Stubborn SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)  

Do you have chronic SIBO? Have you tried addressing it and seem to get nowhere? 

Mycotoxins mess up the immune system. And a big part of your immune system is in your gut. 

The immune system in the gut keeps bad bacteria in check. 

You may be more prone to get an imbalance of good bacteria vs bad bacteria if your gut immune system is out of whack. 

And the bad bacteria can then outcompete the good. 

It can be difficult to get SIBO under control as long as these mycotoxins remain unaddressed. 

Many people with Mold Toxicity end up with SIBO.   

Chronic, Persistent Lyme or EBV (Epstein-Barre)  

You may not be able to fight bacteria and viruses effectively when your immune system is dysregulated from mycotoxins. 

This can make getting Lyme and EBV under control extremely challenging.   

And mycotoxins can increase inflammation that can make Lyme and EBV symptoms worse. 

Mold Toxins can also make people very sensitive to supplements, medications, and more. That can make it hard to handle more aggressive antimicrobial protocols.   

Related Article: Non Toxic Tick Prevention for those with Sensitivities 

Anxiousness and/or Low Moods 

Mycotoxins affect the nervous system in many ways. Most of the telltale signs of Mold Toxicity and mycotoxins symptoms you read about earlier stem from nervous system dysregulation

A disrupted nervous system can also affect your mood. 

Neurotransmitter and nerve signaling problems can make you feel anxious or panicky. 

It can also result in depression as well as unexpectedly feeling down. 

Hypermobility and Joint Pain 

Joints are held together by connective tissues.

But mycotoxins (and Bartonella) can eat away at connective tissue.  

Your joints aren’t held in place like they should be if your connective tissue is compromised. 

That can lead to hypermobility. And hypermobility can cause joint pain. 

Do you have extra-flexible joints?  

It could be genetic. But it’s quite rare to have genetic hypermobility. It’s about 1 in 20k-30k people.  

So, if you’ve ruled that out, look more into Mold Toxicity. 

Chronic Sinus Issues   

Mycotoxins can irritate the sinuses. These mold toxins can also trigger mast cells in the sinus areas.    

This can create swelling in the sinuses and extra mucous.  

This can be painful and just plain irritating. 

Heavy Metals   

If you’ve had trouble detoxing heavy metals, effects of mycotoxins may be to blame.  

Normally your body will try to eliminate toxic heavy metals. But mycotoxins can interfere with your detox pathways. 

Your body won’t eliminate those heavy metals if your detox pathways aren’t working like they should. It will store them in your tissues instead. 

If you have high levels of heavy metals, it’s likely you aren’t detoxing normally.  

If you are dealing with any of the above issues, it might be time to test for mycotoxins. 

So, if you do suspect you have Mold Toxicity or mycotoxins symptoms, what can you do about. 

Keep reading to learn more. 

What Can I Do About Mold Toxicity and Mycotoxin Symptoms? 

A lot of people have at least heard of the toxic effects of black mold growth.  

Black mold is a common name for Stachybotrys chartarum. But there are many types of toxic mold that lead to mycotoxin contamination of your environment.  

There are many mold species.  

Some of the major categories of mold toxins are: 

  • Trichothecene mycotoxins 
  • Ochratoxins 
  • Gliotoxins 
  • Aflatoxins 
  • Mycophenolic acid 
  • Citrinin 

Some specific molds include: 

  • Aspergillus 
  • Fusarium 
  • Ochratoxin A 
  • Penicillium 
  • Riordin E 
  • Stachybotrys 
  • Verrucarin A 
  • Zearalenone 

Different binders work better for different mycotoxins. They aren’t all addressed the same.  

That’s why it’s important to get testing for mycotoxins done to see what you are dealing with. 

Get Mycotoxins Testing

Different mycotoxins are detoxed by different pathways. These pathways need different kinds of supports.  

For example, you may have heard of supplementing with glutathione to help with detox. 

The glutathione pathway does work for a few mold toxins like Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin. However, it’s not the main Phase II detox method for most mold toxins. 

Mycotoxins testing can help show you the mold toxins you are dealing with. Then, you’ll be able to tailor your mold and mycotoxin detox protocol to address your specific concerns. 

Navigating mold detoxification can be challenging, especially if you have increased sensitivities from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. 

That’s why I developed the MC360™ Precision Mold Master Class for even the most sensitive population in mind. 

What makes all the difference with this course is that you’ll be guided through each step of a gentle protocol that focuses on the right steps to take at the right time. 

Many mycotoxin detoxification protocols are too aggressive for those with MCAS. You need to take steps in the right order to gently detox your body. 

And it’s all been laid out for you in simple to understand and follow steps in the course. 

I struggled for so long not knowing what to do. Or what was at the root of all my problems. 

Once I put all the pieces together for myself, I knew others could be helped, too. 

And now, many clients have worked with the MC360™ Method to get their health back. 

You can, too. 

Here’s what Kimberley had to say about her experience:

“Before I started with the Mast Cell 360 process, I was dealing with uncontrollable hives, fatigue, and mood changes…  

I’ve gone from 10/10 hives and angioedema to having only rare, occasional hives. My energy levels are much better, and I went from needing 10-12 hours of sleep to functioning well on 7-8 hours of sleep. 

My mood instability changed a lot too, I feel happier and less depressed and anxious. Understanding and learning about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and its link to Mold Toxicity plus getting rid of the mold, has helped the most. 

It’s been a huge change. I’m not miserably covered in hives anymore and the improvement in my energy and mood makes for better quality of life… 

Finding the hidden mold was key to stop reacting so I can finally heal.” 

I hope you, like Kimberley, will come out on the other side of Mold Toxicity with your life back. 

The course will offer you even more steps to take to get your life back. 

Wishing you all the best! 

More MycoToxins Resources  

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Adams, R. I., Sylvain, I., Spilak, M. P., Taylor, J. W., Waring, M. S., & Mendell, M. J. (2020). Fungal Signature of Moisture Damage in Buildings: Identification by Targeted and Untargeted Approaches with Mycobiome Data. Applied and environmental microbiology, 86(17), e01047-20. 

Anyanwu, E. C., Campbell, A. W., & Vojdani, A. (2003). Neurophysiological Effects of Chronic Indoor Environmental Toxic Mold Exposure on Children. The Scientific World JOURNAL, 3, 281–290. 

Basic Facts about Mold and Dampness | CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2022, from 

Bennett, J. W., & Klich, M. (2003). Mycotoxins. Clinical microbiology reviews, 16(3), 497–516. 

Bookout, J. (2022) Mast Cell 360 [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved September 13, 2022 from 

Carnahan, J. C., MD. (2021, November 25). Is Toxic Mold Exposure the Cause of Your Symptoms? Black Mold Symptoms. Jill Carnahan, MD. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from 

Chen, J., et al. (2021). Research Progress on Fumonisin B1 Contamination and Toxicity: A Review. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26(17), 5238. 

Conti, P., et al. (2018). Impact of Fungi on Immune Responses. Clinical Therapeutics, 40(6), 885–888. 

Empting L. D. (2009). Neurologic and neuropsychiatric syndrome features of mold and mycotoxin exposure. Toxicology and industrial health, 25(9-10), 577–581. 

Fisk, W. J., Lei-Gomez, Q., & Mendell, M. J. (2007). Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes. Indoor air, 17(4), 284–296. 

Gajęcki, M. T., Gajęcka, M., & Zielonka, U. (2020, October 20). The Presence of Mycotoxins in Feed and Their Influence on Animal Health. Toxins, 12(10), 663. 

Guerre P. (2020). Mycotoxin and Gut Microbiota Interactions. Toxins, 12(12), 769. 

Kritas, S. K., et al. (2018). Impact of mold on mast cell-cytokine immune response. Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 32(4), 763–768 

Lewis, P. R., Donoghue, M. B., Hocking, A. D., Cook, L., & Granger, L. V. (2005). Tremor syndrome associated with a fungal toxin: sequelae of food contamination. The Medical Journal of Australia, 182(11), 582-584.

Liew, W.-P.-P., & Mohd-Redzwan, S. (2018). Mycotoxin: Its Impact on Gut Health and Microbiota. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 8,60.

Mendell, M., & Cozen, M. (2003). Building-related symptoms among U.S. Office workers and risk factors for moisture and contamination. Epidemiology, 14(Supplement), S72–S73. 

Mendell, M. J., Naco, G. M., Wilcox, T. G., & Sieber, W. K. (2003). Environmental risk factors and work-related lower respiratory symptoms in 80 office buildings: an exploratory analysis of NIOSH data. American journal of industrial medicine, 43(6), 630–641. 

Mudarri, D., & Fisk, W. J. (2007). Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold. Indoor air, 17(3), 226–235. 

Nathan, N.  (2018). Category: Mast Cell Activation. Retrieved from: 

Nathan, N. (2020). Mold & mycotoxins: Effective testing & treatment  

Nathan, N. (2018) Evaluation & treatment of mold toxicity with the use of mycotoxin assays 

Nathan, N. (2018). Toxic: Heal your body from mold toxicity, lyme disease, multiple chemical sensitivities, and chronic environmental illness. Victory Belt Publishing 

Prevalence of Building Dampness | Indoor Air Quality. (n.d.-b). Retrieved September 13, 2022, from 

Ratnaseelan, A. M., Tsilioni, I., & Theoharides, T. C. (2018). Effects of Mycotoxins on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Immune Processes. Clinical therapeutics, 40(6), 903–917. 

Somppi T. L. (2017). Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome in Patients Exposed to Indoor Air Dampness Microbiota Treated Successfully with Triiodothyronine. Frontiers in immunology, 8, 919. 

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Tuuminen, T., & Rinne, K. S. (2017). Severe Sequelae to Mold-Related Illness as Demonstrated in Two Finnish Cohorts. Frontiers in Immunology,  8,382.

Wang, J., Janson, C., Lindberg, E., Holm, M., Gislason, T., Benediktsdóttir, B., Norbäck, D. (2020). Dampness and mold at home and at work and onset of insomnia symptoms, snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. Environment International, 139, 105691. 


  1. Peter

    Great article – thanks.
    I cannot test for mycotoxins for next few months. How can I know, are my symptoms are mold related or maybe dustmites or something else:

    – internal tremors: mine are clearly, 100% visible, esp on some blood vessels, sometimes whole body pulsations

    – jolt pains: for one or two seconds,

    – muscle twitches: few times they were VERY nasty, but short lived

    – sudden muscle weakness, which goes away as strangely as it appears

    – extreme gas in the stomach and gut. gets worse after high calorie meal.

    My apartment is in humid location, there were some problems with ventilation in colder months.
    Symptoms go vertically high once i was starting a fan heater on: I guess mold us dying at that moment and producing mycotoxins much more?
    All my medical tests are excellent, only B12 too low, but within the norm.
    Thank you for any suggestion!

    I suspect also spike proteins from jabbed guests in my home or Herxheimer reaction from parasites. Very difficult to tell what the hell triggers all this………

    Please, help.

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Peter,
      I’m so sorry to hear you are facing these challenges. You are right that it can be hard to know what your symptoms are coming from. That’s why it’s best to work with a provider who can look at your whole case with you to see what may be going on. You also want to be sure to rule out any conditions which may need medical attention right away.

      While we can’t say that this is the case for you, I can let you know that for 99% of the clients we see at the Mast Cell 360 practice, Mold Toxicity is the #1 root cause of MCAS and often behind many sensitivities and symptoms.

      You can learn more about testing for Mold Toxicity in this article:

      And if you get this message before Nov 7, 2022, please join Beth for a Facebook live on testing your body for mold. You can find us on Facebook (no account needed to watch the FB lives) at

      Wishing you all the best!

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