Short Chain Fatty Acids and Gut Health in SIBO

Enzymes, Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA’s), and Gut Health in SIBO, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Histamine Intolerance

The majority of people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Histamine Intolerance have gut issues.

I had gut issues as a child, too. I now know that those issues stemmed from Mold Toxicity. Of course, I didn’t know that then.

And as a young adult, my gut issues got even worse after I got dysentery when traveling abroad. This is a common gut infection for travelers. It’s caused by bacteria or an amoeba.

So, my gut was out of whack for years… literally years.

I was burping a lot after meals. Food sat heavy in my stomach. I felt tired and brain fogged after eating. I had heartburn all the time.

But I finally got my gut in great shape. Taking digestive enzymes was one of the major things that made a huge difference.

Then something awful happened.

If you’ve been following me, you’ve probably heard this part.

I was using a hydrogen water machine as a part of a case study.

My machine broke and sat for a few months with moisture inside it. I sent it off to the company for repairs.

I was told the machine had been fully sanitized and treated for bacteria and mold.

It hadn’t.

And I drank the water for two days before I found out. I quickly developed a lot of new gut problemsdiarrhea, bloating, gas, etc.

I lost my ability to tolerate FODMAPs. And when I tested my gut, I had significant bacteria and candida infections.

So, I was dealing with both SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and SIFO (small intestinal fungal overgrowth).

I had to repair my gut… again.

But the things I tried in the past weren’t working this time. I was really frustrated!

Keep reading to learn what I found.

How I Fixed My Gut Again

Nothing I had tried before was working!

That’s when I reached out to my good friend and gut genius, Steve Wright.

Steve knows more about complicated gut issues than almost any other practitioner I’ve met. In fact, he’s the founder of Healthy Gut, one of the largest online gut websites.

And he’s always on the cutting-edge of the gut world.

Steve reminded me to go back to basics – start with increasing digestive supports.

I was so grateful for what Steve shared with me. I know a lot about gut health, but my case was complicated.

Sometimes I have to reach out to groundbreaking experts like Steve to get new ideas. I LOVE learning this kind of new stuff. And I love being able to share it with you!

In this post, I’ll go over:

It’s important you know that this blog post is for informational and educational purposes. It’s not meant to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone.  If you have any medical condition, it is critical you work under the care and guidance of a licensed medical provider.

Gut Issues Are Common with MCAS

In my practice, I work with Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance. And about 90% of the people I see have gut problems.

Why is this?

  • Diamine oxidase (DAO) One of the major histamine degrading enzymes is made in the gut. DAO production goes way down if there is gut inflammation.
  • Inflammation – There are a huge number of mast cells in the gut. Gut inflammation means more mast cell activation. And mast cell activation means more histamine release (as well as hundreds of other inflammatory mast cell mediators.)
  • Mold – 95% of people in the Mast Cell 360 clinic have Mold Toxicity. Mold toxins wreak havoc on the gut. This is because they get dumped into the gut to get eliminated.

All 3 of these greatly affect Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance.

So, working on gut issues is one of the first steps in recovering your health.

It’s usually the first thing for the clients at the clinic after a good foundation for supporting the nervous system and calming the mast cells.

Working on my gut has made a HUGE difference in my own health.

I know if you’re reading this you or a loved one probably has a complicated health case, too. And like I said earlier, about 90% of the clients I see have gut issues.

Most commonly these issues present as constipation and diarrhea. So, let’s start there.

Constipation and Diarrhea

Constipation and diarrhea are frequent symptoms in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance.

Most people tend to have one or the other. However, you could switch back and forth between them.

This can be due to any number of things. It could be from:

No matter what the cause, constipation and diarrhea tell you that your gut is crying out for help.

If a change in diet hasn’t helped enough, it may be helpful to use extra gut supports, too. That’s where gut-supporting supplements can come in.

Especially things like:

  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Betaine HCL
  • Butyrate

We’ll start out by talking about digestive enzymes. What are they? And why are they important for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance?

Digestive Enzymes

To begin with, what are enzymes in general?

Enzymes are proteins in the body that speed up processes. Not just a little. A LOT. Anywhere from 100 million to 10 billion times.

Why can speeding up processes be beneficial?

In the digestive process, if you have slow motility, food can be sitting around in the gut longer than it should. And that can create an environment for bacteria to thrive.

Speeding up that process can allow your body to properly digest your food and eliminate waste regularly.

Together, this keeps food matter moving. When things are moving, they aren’t creating that perfect environment for bacteria.

Digestive enzymes can be helpful for Mast Cell Activation or Histamine Intolerance, too. This happens in a couple ways:

  • There are tons of mast cells through the entire gut, from end to end
  • A lot of the nervous system is found in the gut

And if you’ve been reading much here at Mast Cell 360, you know that the nervous system and mast cells are really arm in arm.

An upset gut = an upset nervous system and upset mast cells

And that can aggravate Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance.

So, digestive enzymes can help Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance by starting digestion off right, by improving the stomach’s ability to break down food.

Better digestion = happier gut.

Happier gut = happier nervous system & happier mast cells.

And digestive enzymes can help in another way. They can help you get more nutrition out of what you eat.

And nutrition is so important for healing.

If your gut is inflamed or damaged, you’re not going to absorb nutrients as well.

And if you happen to have SIBO, you’ve got bacteria just waiting to eat what you don’t absorb. That can keep your body from using nutrients beneficially.

With SIBO, bacteria are living in the small intestine, where they aren’t supposed to be. The small intestine is where you absorb nutrients from the gut into your bloodstream. And if there are hungry bacteria there, you might not get to benefit from those nutrients.

That’s where digestive enzymes come in. They improve your ability to break down food and absorb nutrients. And that means bacteria can’t multiply by feeding on undigested food.

So, we’ve talked about how digestive enzymes can be helpful when dealing with gut issues.

Next, we’ll look at another of my top recommended digestive supports the one that supports stomach acid.

Stomach Acid Supports – Betaine HCL and Pepsin

What is Betaine HCL? HCL stands for hydrochloric acid. It’s what is produced in your stomach as stomach acid.

Betaine HCL is basically a supplemental form of stomach acid.

And pepsin is a protease (breaks down protein) produced by the stomach.

They are usually found together in supplements because Betaine HCL is needed to activate pepsin. And pepsin digests protein.

A Betaine HCL with pepsin supplement can help boost your stomach acid levels.

But why would you need to do that?

It turns out, a lot of people have low stomach acid.

  • Steven Sandberg-Lewis (ND) has found that 75% of his patients who have acid reflux (GERD) also show low stomach acid.
  • Jonathan Wright (MD) has found that 90% of the patients in his clinic have low stomach acid.

Having indigestion or acid reflux isn’t necessarily from having too much stomach acid. It’s more likely to be caused by too little stomach acid.

In one study, 31.5% of men and women over 60 (nearly 1 out of 3) suffered from low stomach acid.

If your stomach acid levels are low, you’re not going to break down proteins in foods very well.

And larger food molecules will get into the small intestine.

That’s not good.

Partially digested food particles in the small intestine can contribute to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). And inflammation in the gut.

And we know an inflamed gut can set off mast cells.

Betaine HCL has been shown in studies to restore stomach acid. That can greatly improve your ability to break down food.

I’ll mention this again later, but here’s something very important about betaine HCL.

Betaine HCL is an acid. You don’t want it to come into direct contact with your skin, neither your hands nor your mouth.

DO NOT SPRINKLE IN FOOD OR WATER – If you need to start slow, wear gloves and empty part of the contents into an empty regular veggie capsule like this one:

And do not use Betaine HCL if you have an ulcer, h. pylori infection, or heartburn.

So, it’s important to restore stomach acid and get rid of SIBO. And betaine HCL can be one way to help with that.

Next, let’s look at another of my top recommended digestive supports short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).

Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)

Findings have shown that short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are important in maintaining gut and immune health.

Some different names of SCFAs are:

  • Butyrate
  • Acetate
  • Propionate
  • Pentanoic acid
  • Hexanoic acid

Butyrate is the most important and most beneficial of the SCFAs. The majority of it is produced in the colon. It helps provide energy to 60-70% of the cells there.

SCFAs are important for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance because they help lower inflammation. And they help keep the gut healthy.

Butyrate in particular is known to help improve these aspects of the gut:

  • Support tight junctions (to heal and avoid leaky gut)
  • Support mucus layers (to help avoid leaky gut)
  • Increase good bacteria
  • Get rid of pathogens
  • Keep oxygen levels low in the colon (better for good bacteria and helps reduce bad bacteria)

All of these things are important for healing your gut and getting your immune system back in balance.

If you don’t have enough butyrate, you may have trouble with those things listed above.

And those things could cause digestive problems and unpleasant symptoms like constipation or diarrhea.

So now you know why those top three digestive supports can help. But how do you choose the right support supplements? We’ll cover that next.

How to Choose Gut Support Supplements

So, how do you choose gut support supplements?

We’ll go over what to look for in each supplement category below:

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

For digestive enzyme supplements, this is what you should look for:

  • Full pH coverage (Systemic Effective range of pH 1.7 to 11.0)
  • Both pancreatic and brush border enzymes
  • Activated with mineral cofactors (Enzymes are “activated” by cofactors. Basically, cofactors, usually vitamins and minerals, are helpers. They help get the enzymes energized to work.)
  • Strong, concentrated enzymes
  • Pharmaceutical grade status
  • NSF certification (highest 3rd party standard in supplements)
  • Systemic absorption (functioning as both digestive AND systemic enzymes)
  • High quality raw ingredients
  • Lack of additives like magnesium stearate, silica, artificial colors or flavors
  • Avoidance of allergens like milk, casein, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat, gluten, tree nuts, peanuts, yeast, or rice

Betaine HCL Supplements

For Betaine HCL supplements, look for:

  • At least 1 gram per serving
  • Includes at least 15 mg pepsin per capsule
  • High-quality raw ingredients
  • Lack of additives like silica, artificial colors, or flavors
  • Free of GMOs

Again, Betaine HCL is an acid, so you don’t want it to come into direct contact with your skin – either your hands or your mouth.

DO NOT SPRINKLE IN FOOD OR WATER – If you need to start slow, wear gloves and empty part of the contents into an empty regular veggie capsule like this one:

And do not use Betaine HCL if you have an ulcer, h. pylori infection, or heartburn.

SCFA Supplements

For a short-chain fatty acid (SFCA) supplement, you’re mostly looking for butyrate. Check for:

  • Type of butyrate (you want tributyrin rather than butyrate salts)
  • Delivery system which makes it through the stomach acid and into the gut (enteric capsule)
  • Between 300 to 4,500 mg of butyrate a day
  • Lack of additives like magnesium stearate, silica, artificial colors or flavors
  • Easy to use and lack of smell
  • Free of GMOs

There are other supplements which can be helpful, too. We’ll take a look at those next. After that, I’ll share the Mast Cell 360 Functional Gut Lineup. That includes the brands of supplements that have worked for me and many of my clients.

And I can tell you I’ve tried a lot of supplements. Most of them didn’t work at all. These sit in what I call my supplement graveyard. Maybe you have one of your own!

I’ve learned a lot with all this trial and error. I want to help you learn from my mistakes and wins.

But first let’s get an overview of those other supplements I mentioned DGL, ginger, and intrinsic factor.

DGL, Ginger, and Intrinsic Factor

These three ingredients can make a big difference in the way supplements work in the gut.


DGL is a form of the herb licorice. Licorice can raise blood pressure when taken over time. But DGL has the part that raises blood pressure removed.

And fortunately, the safer DGL form of licorice has a lot of gut and mast cell supporting properties.

For example, compounds in licorice (and the safer DGL extract) have been shown in research to support the lining of the GI tract. This happens by lowering inflammation-producing cytokines that trigger mast cells.

Those cytokines can trigger a lot of mast cell inflammation. So, these studies are telling us that DGL can support mast cell calming by reducing inflammatory cytokines.

When looking for DGL supplements, look for:

  • High quality raw ingredients
  • Lack of additives like magnesium stearate, silica, artificial colors or flavors
  • Free of GMOs


Ginger has also been shown in studies to be a great mast cell stabilizer. And it can lower histamine levels. It’s been shown in research to have H2 antihistamine properties.

For ginger supplements, look for:

  • Organic, high quality raw ingredients
  • Lack of additives
  • Free of GMOs

Intrinsic Factor

Intrinsic factor is a protein that’s made in the cells of the stomach. It’s important for the absorption of vitamin B12.

Gut inflammation can cause an intrinsic factor deficiency. Then you can’t absorb vitamin B12.

That’s why low B12 is so common with gut issues.

Supplementing with intrinsic factor can help get those B12 levels back up while the gut heals.

For intrinsic factor supplements, look for:

  • At least 7.5 mg per capsule
  • High quality raw ingredients
  • Lack of additives like silica, and artificial colors or flavors
  • Free of GMOs

Next, let’s look at how you might be able to avoid adding to the supplement graveyard. After all, there are a lot of brands out there.

How do you know what to get? How do you know whether you’ll be able to tolerate them?

That’s exactly what we’ll cover next.

The Mast Cell 360 Functional Gut Lineup

Over my time in practice, I’ve put together what I call the Mast Cell 360 Functional Gut Lineup.

These are supplements I’ve found to work for clients with Mast Cell Activation or Histamine Intolerance. And good news!

For a limited time you can use coupon code HEALTHY10 to get 10% off these Healthy Gut supplements in the Mast Cell 360 store!

The Mast Cell 360 Functional Gut Lineup:

And here’s why I’ve found those products to be excellent digestive supports.

HCL Guard+

HCL Guard by HealthyGut

HCL Guard+ is the best HCL supplement I’ve found. It’s a holistic, professional grade stomach support. This formula goes beyond the traditional HCL supplement you’ll find. There’s actually nothing else like this on the market currently. Here’s why:

  • Includes intrinsic factor (important for absorbing and protecting vitamin B12)
  • Strong dose of pepsin, 3000 to 1 strength
  • Powerful motility (gut flow) support
  • Contains DGL, a Chinese licorice that soothes the gut lining
  • Great stomach acid support, with 550mg betaine HCL per capsule
  • Free of fillers, flow agents, and other additives
  • Non-GMO
  • Free of gluten and major allergens
  • Manufactured in USA

This supplement has been so helpful for me and many of my clients. But I want to tell you one more time:

This is an acid. You don’t want it to come into direct contact with your skin, neither your hands nor your mouth.

DO NOT SPRINKLE IN FOOD OR WATER – If you need to start slow, wear gloves and empty part of the contents into an empty regular veggie capsule like this one:

And do not use any Betaine HCL products if you have an ulcer, gastritis, stomach cancer, or against your health practitioners recommendations.

If you have salicylate sensitivity or a lot of supplement sensitivities, though, check out the recommendations below.

>>> Save 10% on HCL Guard+ with code HEALTHY10 – Top Stomach Acid Support


HoloZyme by healthy gut

HoloZyme™ is my top digestive enzyme support. This is because it contains the needed mineral cofactors to make those enzymes work properly (activation).

There are no fillers in this. But it does have a little kelp as part of the mineral cofactors. It also has a little bit of magnesium citrate.

I normally say to avoid citrates. But in this, the citrates are used up by the activation process. So, I haven’t found it to be a problem very often.

There also isn’t anything else on the market like this product, because:

  • Blend of both pancreatic and brush border enzymes
  • The right amount of ideal mineral cofactors (470 mg per 2 servings)
  • Activation blend that’s precision tuned to Activ-Blend dual 4x concentrated enzymes
  • Pharmaceutical grade status with NSF certification (highest 3rd party standard in supplements)
  • High quality raw ingredients
  • Lack of additives like magnesium stearate, silica, and artificial colors or flavors
  • Avoidance of allergens like milk, casein, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat, gluten, tree nuts, peanuts, yeast, or rice
  • Manufactured in USA

Rarely, I have a small number of clients who have trouble with this one. Usually it is because of significant nervous system dysregulation and sensitivities to every supplement. Or it is metal toxicity (minerals can displace metals).

Keep reading for some alternatives if you’re in either category.

>>> Save 10% on HoloZyme™with code Healthy10 – Top Digestive Enzyme Support


Tributyrin-X by healthy gut

The Tributyrin-X™ butyrate (SCFA) supplement is the latest technology out there. It’s easy to absorb and easy to take. Keep in mind that you don’t want to open this capsule, though!

Butyrate naturally tastes and smells very strong. So, it’s not one you can start with just a drop. You have to start with a whole capsule.

This supplement is:

  • 99.9% pure liquid tributyrin
  • Tributyrin, the most effective type of butyrate
  • An enteric coated gel cap, so it goes safely through the stomach
  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten-free and lactose-free
  • No fillers, stearates, silicon dioxide, or charcoal
  • No smells or burps
  • Easy to swallow gel caps
  • A 30-day serving, providing up to 1,500mg per day
  • Manufactured in USA

Learn more about Tributyrin-X™ by reading this article: The Best POST-biotic Butyrate for Mast Cell and Histamine Supports

These are some of the best digestive supplements I’ve seen. And they’ve been the only ones that really helped my gut.

But there isn’t any single supplement that works for everyone with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. Specifically, if you have Salicylate Intolerance you may not be able to take the HCL Guard+.

And if you are super sensitive to supplements, you may not be able to take combo formulas.

In that case, I have a different lineup of supplements that I use. I’ll share what that is next.

>>> Save 10% on Tributyrin-X™ with code HEALTHY10 – Top SCFA Support

Digestive Supports If You are Salicylate Intolerant or Super Sensitive

Most clients do really well with the Healthy Gut products. But if you are Salicylate Intolerant or super sensitive, you may want to check these out instead.

Gut Supports with Salicylate Intolerance

If you have salicylate intolerance, you might not do as well with the HCL Guard+.

That’s because the ginger and DGL are higher salicylate.

In that case, you may want to try Betaine HCL+Pepsin as a “stand alone” product first. Without the ginger and DGL.

So, with salicylate intolerance, here’s a good combination of supplements to consider instead.

Functional Gut Lineup for Salicylate Intolerance:

Gut Supports for the Super Sensitive

Now, if you’re super sensitive and can’t do combo supplements, you can try a slightly different combination.

Functional Gut Lineup for the Super Sensitive:

This combo keeps the Betaine HCL with Pepsin to support good stomach acid and protein digestion.

But instead of HoloZyme™ it uses a simpler formula for pancreatic enzymes.

And instead of the Tributyrin-X™, it uses a Liquid Butyrate supplement that allows you to start with a drop and titrate slowly.

Just keep in mind that the Liquid Butyrate isn’t as effective as Tributyrin-X™. And it also has lemon oil in it. Sometimes citrus isn’t well tolerated by those with Histamine Intolerance.

I highly recommend checking out this interview with Healthy Gut Founder, Steve Wright about the Leaky Gut Map here.

That’s a lot of information we covered! Remember, you can always come back to it a little at a time.

Regaining your health takes time and patience. You may need to go back over an article a few times, and that’s ok. As always, remember to take a deep breath and be gentle with yourself.

If you’re interested in learning about other supplements that could help, check out my Master Class: The Top 8 Mast Cell Supporting Supplements.

If you’re dealing with gut symptoms, you may also need a nervous system tune-up. After all, the gut and brain are connected.

You can sign up for my Master Class: Nervous System Reboot by clicking the link below.

More Mast Cell Gut Health Resources

Some links in this website are affiliate links, which means Mast Cell 360 may make a very small commission if you purchase through the link. It never costs you any more to purchase through the links, and we try to find the best deals we can. We only recommend products that we love and use personally or use in the Mast Cell 360 practice. Any commissions help support the newsletter, website, and ongoing research so Mast Cell 360 can continue to offer you free tips, recipes, and info. Thank you for your support!


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  1. Joanna

    Thank you for the great article! I always wonder, when to take butyrate, is it best on empty stomach or with food? Should I take it together with my probiotics? Thanks

    1. Suz, Mast Cell 360 Team

      Hi Joanna,
      In her interview with Steve Wright from Healthy Gut, Beth said she takes these supports before a meal, about ten minutes or so before. Steve said that it is ok to experiment to see what works for you. He suggested making a few notes as you experiment to help you find what might be the best course of action for you personally. You can see that interview here if you are interested:


  2. Emily

    Thank you for your hard work and sharing this informative and helpful research.

    Do you know if stearic acid causes a reaction in people with mcas?

    Thank you.

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Emily! Unfortunately, depending on your individual level of sensitivity, anything can be a trigger for MCAS.

  3. Karen R

    Does HoloZyme contain any components that have been derived or grown through the use of fungal organisms?

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Karen, I reached out to Healthy Gut’s customer service team with your question and this is the response they shared:

      “It’s a total myth that enzymes could be a source of fungi – that’s not how it works. The molds burp out the enzymes. They create them in response to stimuli.

      Basically all vegetarian enzymes that aren’t derived directly from food (such as pineapple & papaya) are produced by strains of mold. Just so you know it’s not unique to ours but it would be the same for all brands. We strain and filter ours and test them after production for mold so there is no contamination potential.

      Enzymes are not made of mold or grown on mold. And there’s zero residual, at least for our manufacture – it’s highly tested and screened for.

      We serve really sensitive people with MCAS/histamine intolerance, and many other sensitive humans in the world that are dealing with mold toxicity and a myriad of other hard root causes. And they work for 97% of those people.

      What I can tell you is HoloZyme is dual strain (meaning two different types of molds are fed and stimulated such that they burp out the enzymes we want). Then we have a 4X straining and filtering system. It’s done in the US by a pharma-based enzyme maker. The cleanest and strongest in the world that we found.”

      We can’t say if this product would be right for you since we are not familiar with your individual case, but if you’d like to try this product, Beth has a coupon code MC36015HOL to save you $15 off your first order! and they offer a 60-day money-back guarantee if it’s not right for you.

  4. Lisa

    Thank you for all this information, I’m hopeful it will be a game changer for me. It mentions here for the super sentive to take pure encapsulations liquid butyrate, then she comments on lemon oil. I l went to look at this and this is what it listed: Natural blueberry and vanilla flavors, mixed tocopherols, rosemary leaf extract. Would this still work for the super sensitive? Did they change there original formula? I’d so appreciate any feedback you could give me. Blessings

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Lisa, it is possible that they changed their formula, we try to keep up the best we can with changes. With things like rosemary extract if you are salicylate intolerant this product may not be suitable for you. But the main recommendation for using the liquid version for super sensitive is because you can start with a drop and work your way up vs. the tributryn-x capsule is not recommended to be opened because of the strong scent. Since we are unfamiliar with your individual case, we do not know if this supplement will be right for you. We always recommend discussing with your licensed medical provider before adding any new supplements.

  5. Pam

    Hi, I am considering starting digestive enzymes because I clearly have issues digesting food, but I am not sure if the body will get used to outside help and completely stop producing enzymens on its own. Do you know if this is the case?

    1. kam

      Hello Pam,

      That’s a good question. Providing the enzymes a struggling body lacks can be very helpful. It reduces the gap between what we need and what we are able to make and puts less stress on the body. Did you know that digestion itself raises histamine levels? And the harder our body has to work to digest, the more histamine. So, by providing proper enzymes we are helping lower histamine as well as getting more nutrients. Typically, the body continues to make enzymes and as we recover it is even better able to so. Most problems with enzymes come from people taking too high a dose, or ones with things they react to. We suggest that people interested in enzymes make sure to get a good quality product. This one below is one we often recommend, but we can’t say what will or won’t be right for you. Please make sure to talk to your practitioner, who knows your case, to make changes that are right for you.

      Digest Gold Digestive Enzyme:

      You’ll need a Fullscript account to order them. They never charge more for the products through that link, as a matter of fact, it will save you 15%! And it helps support our free information on the website, like this article!

      We also have seen great success with Holozyme in the clinic, again we cannot say if this is right for you but you can learn more about it here: Use coupon code MC36015HOL to save $15 off your first order!

      And with clients in the clinic we also suggest starting new things low and slow, which may be helpful to determine if something is working for you individually.


  6. Kris

    Hi Dr O’Hara, I’ve been dealing with Sibo for almost two years. But given I cannot swallow pills, I need to open everything, ie digestive enzymes into food, so I cannot take betaine hcl pepsin due to that, ie HCL guard or Tributyne X. What do you recommend I take in place of those that I can put in water? I will try the Holozyme enzymes. My primary symptom is painful almost non-stop belching that feels tight and stuck, so it can take many hours of explosive burping to get it out, often at night so I cannot stay in bed. And it makes me dizzy and sick feeling too (very strange symptom from all I’ve read). I have improved greatly a couple times for a few months from taking Candibactin BR or Biocydin along with DGL glutamine. But then it returns as I start adding more low fodmap foods. I wanted to take Candibactin AR but it says not to open the pill. Thank you for your help!

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Kris, we are so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with SIBO for the past two years. Sunbutyrate is a liquid option that may be used in place of Tributyrin-X. You can also get 15% off anything at Fullscript anytime when you register with this link. If you don’t have an account already, it’s free and you just enter your email address to sign up. It never costs you any more, but your Fullscript purchase helps support Mast Cell 360 free online resources: Please keep in mind since we are unfamiliar with your individual case we cannot say if this product will or will not work for you and recommend discussing it with your licensed medical provider.

  7. Pamela Osborne


    I have Environmental Illness (was chemically poisoned with pesticides and petroleum) which destroyed my immune system, mold in my body. candida, epstein-barr, lyme’s disease, hashimoto’s thyroiditis, severe chronic constipation since birth 3 car wrecks so in constant pain and down to 79 lbs and only able to eat a few foods, water What course do you suggest that I start with ?
    Thanks so much for any guidance as going in a downward spiral. Duke and Mayo Clinic sent me home to die in 1995 but at that time was able to develop a protocol with alternative therapies to keep things “at bay”….not anymore !
    Thanks so much for what course to start with or if any would help me

    1. Jamie, Mast Cell 360

      Hi Pamela. We are so sorry to hear what you are currently going through. We know how hard this journey can be. When someone is experiencing food sensitivities, we often recommend starting with the Nervous System Reboot which can help calm the mast cells: Once the body can reduce its fight or flight response, and tolerate supplements, we recommend the Top 8 Supplement course to onboard additional mast cell stabilizers and then moving onto the Mold Course. I highly recommend giving the MC360 method video a watch to learn more about the order of operations that our practitioners use in the clinic:

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